January 22, 2016 9:15 PM
I had no idea until just looking that it was nearly six months since my last entry. I realize it’s a cliché, but time really does fly.
I’m still at the hotel I began working at in May. I’ve kept updated on the progress of the new hotel-turned-retirement home I spoke of in my last entry and actually just put in a second résumé there the other night. They have been open since October and I’m hoping to hear from them. In addition to wanting out of the hotel industry, my department head informed me earlier this week that a layoff is almost certainly coming. I still have 30 hours next week, so it won’t be then, but I can’t say that I’m ecstatic about not knowing what is going on week by week.
I launched the website I alluded to in my last entry. It’s going pretty well, I suppose, but could be better. It’s only been a few months, so I suppose it’s difficult to tell how the site will unfold moving forward. I’m no longer contributing for the writing and podcasting network I mentioned previously; it was fun for a little while, but doing both would have been too much.
My dart league started back up in September. I was playing pretty damn well for a while, but have faltered the last handful of times we’ve been out. I’m not sure why, but hopefully I can get my game back up again soon. I was looking at the schedule and noticed the pre-playoff season concludes in late-February as opposed to April last year, which seems kind of strange.
Well, I guess that’s all for now. Nothing Earth-shatteringly exciting going on, but hopefully some positive things upcoming in the future.