SuicidalNekoGirl's Journal

SuicidalNekoGirl's Journal


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4 entries this month


01:51 Jun 21 2010
Times Read: 510

Okay so this just popped into my head, its the weirdest thing that I could ever come up with so bare with me. People who are reading this and havent gotten the chance to meet me let me tell you I am like extremely random and kinda weird so... bare with me. If you dont like weird or random I advise you this is not the journal to want to have as a favorite becuz most of the time I think I am just going to be very random OR maybe it might just be stories and poems. Anyways back to my extremely weird thought becuz I wonder if anyone else has ever thought about this... Probably not which makes me feel a little speical. I mean speical in a bad way... Anyways everyone knows Peanut butter and jelly right? Well I thought of something. It's kinda funny becuz I texted this to half of all of my friends and they all called me weird and found this thought extremely funny. So what I might tell you might make you laugh alot. Anyways back on subject.

Peanut loves butter. Butter loves peanut which is why they are called Peanut Butter. Well. Peanut butter both love Jelly but they are not called Peanut butter jelly.... They are called Peanut Butter AND jelly. So how come they dont call it Peanut Butter Jelly? Even when they abrviate it... They say PB&J they dont say PBJ So? Tell me. Why do they have to put "and" there? Doesnt Jelly get a say in how it feels? I mean... They are leaving out a jellys opinion... Poor Jelly.... No one loves you... I'm sorry... Stupid Jelly.

Anyways... When someone can tell me why no one ever thinks of jelly's feelings you tell me. Because I want to know. Jelly is very hurt by this. Anyways... Yeah that was my completely random and pointless thought but its quite important to me. Well I'll try to keep writing more later. Goodbye



06:38 Jul 10 2010

But they do love jelly! Or else they wouldn't say jelly at all, its like Gladys Night and the Pips, Crosby ,Stills and Nash just because the and is there does not make it any less important than the peanut butter or less loved, you wouldn't just have a pb sandwich just as you wouldn't just have a jelly sandwich .Its a marriage made in heaven. Your friend in the darkness - Kaine



01:28 Jun 21 2010
Times Read: 511

Okay so this isnt really person but they dont have anything thing here that says "Random" so I thought uh... Maybe I can just put whatever I want here. I mean its not really personal so I dont know what else to call it except for just being plan random. So.... I was just wanting to write something and I thought the best way to get more points and level up. HA! I just realized this website is kinda like a game.... I mean I'm not saying it is a game but think about it. We have to get a certain amount of stuff so that we can level up to a different level and then we win more stuff. Well technically not win but get access to more stuff I guess is what I am trying to say. I know no one is probably going to read this but I was really bored and I felt like writing so here I am being extremely stupid and writing this in my journal. I guess you can say its not really stupid but just random. Really,... This wasnt even what I was going to write I was going to write about "Repo! The Genetic Opera" If anyone has seen that movie they are the greatest people alive!! Most pople dont know it, but its a really freaking awesome movie!! I cant believe the girl Shiloh (Alexa Vega) was the little girl off of spy kids. I mean Holy Monkey balls that was freaking unbelievable. And Graverobber (Terrance Zdunich) is like the sexxiest man alive. I think the two most sexxiest people on earth are probably Terrance Zdunich and Megan Fox. The second most hottest people are Johnny Depp and Tila Tequila. Their pretty smoking hot too. Okay so I think I am done here because people who are probably reading this are wanting to shoot their heads off because this really has no meaning to it. But eh, for those who find me funny thats awesome. I'm glad I amuse someone. Anyways... Yeah... I'm gonna stop typing now... Later!!!





07:17 Jun 19 2010
Times Read: 522

Okay, Whoever plays the Ouijia board or Wiji board is stupid!! Does no one know that that crap is dangerous??? People literally die from using that crap becuz of the demons that they summon!!! If your going to play that type of crap you need to have a VERY good protection spell or something becuz that crap can hurt you badly. I had a couple of friends do it a few weeks ago and now the sister to my friend Lynda had her friend killed right infront of them from the wiji or Ouijia board. So if you think its still really cool to play with that spooky crap then let me tell you if your willing to put up with Satans demons then I hope you like torture and death becuz thats the only thing that will come out with playing that stuff. I am not trying to scare anyone or try to pull someones leg as a joke this is serious business I hope someone else who reads this knows what I am talking about becuz its not fun to watch the people you love or deadly care about get hurt or get extremely messed up from that "game" Its the devils playground I mean I used to be suicidal but I was not willing to go through the pain and torture the devils friends had in mind. I would rather just slit my wrist before I ever do that crap. But please dont look at this and laugh I am being serious bad things can happen to good people from that devils game



08:08 Jun 19 2010

I have been using a Ouijia board for many years now...but I use them the right way. You must say a protection spell and I always burn white candles when using mine. But some people are foolish with these boards and think nothing can happen. If they are used the wrong way you run the risk of opening a door that can cause harm. These girls didn't know what they were doing, nobody trained them. You should always have at least one person present who has used and uses the baord properly. Other wise people get "hurt" or freaky things can happen. I wouldn't say that the board is a bad thing, but in the wrong hands it can be, I have always said children should not mess with these boards, you don't know what you are doing.


okay wtf????

07:02 Jun 19 2010
Times Read: 526

Okay how is it that if I am walking around the mall every one already assumes I cut myself? Just becuz I wear black and crap doesnt mean I am a cutter. I mean Its assuming the worst of people and its total bull crap. I mean maybe some stupid pink furfur girl cheerleader cuts herself but no one ever thinks of the preppy girls!! But think about it, its possible!! I mean not all freaking girly girls are happy. I mean I used to go to school with a couple girls who used to do every bad thing to their bodies and no one ever thought that the cheerleader will do so um, just for referrences!!! Dont judge a freaking book by its cover becuz even the most popular girl who likes to be peppy isnt the most happilest girl out there! And the darknest girl who seems to be miss all dark and depressed maybe the most happiest girl on earth!! I mean take me for instince! I used to cut myself so I mean that doesnt mean I wasnt a cutter but still.. Okay Im just trying to make a point.... I mean come on keep up with me here.... Its not brain surgry.... for those who think that that is easy well then its not rocket science... dear lord...



07:09 Jun 19 2010

perhaps it's just in your head that they think that

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