Thoughts, oh wonderous things they are.
So many one can think up in a day.
I envy the young thier innocent thoughts.
Their rainbows and unicorns, faires and beasties.
But even in this old mind runs thoughts.
So many interesting things i've seen in my long and adventurous life.
And now that im old and grey haired and grey bearded.
I wonder and think and remember my days as a young little lad.
About all my thoughts when i was a young wee sprout.
I wanted to be a bird.
Oh what marvelous things i'd see, if i had wings to take me across the sea.
Or if i was a fish, imagine all the strange and exotic things i would find at the bottom of the ocean.
Or, or, many other animals crossed my ind when i was little.
Now that im old and frail my thoughts still run amock.
They still fill my days and mind with whats and hows and whys and wheres and what if's.
But i feel at ease.