Little pumpkin headed girl,
why do you sit there and cry?
"Halloween is over and i don't
have any treats"
Little pumpkin headed girl,
What if i give you some chocolate pie?
"Pie is all good and well but is not the same as halloween sweets"
Little pumpkin headed girl,
Will you eat cookies shaped like ghosts?
"Cookies even shaped like ghosts are not they same that you get from halloween hosts"
Little pumpkin headed girl,
I don't know what to do to make you happy.
"you could dress up like a monster too, and we could play halloween"
Little pumpkin headed girl,
I like your idea and i think i will. I think i'll dress up as wolverine.
"Heres your bag now let us go we got people to scare and eggs to throw"
The end.
I am a silent wind that goes unoticed.
I am the beggar that everyone trys not to get close to.
I am the falling leaves drifting towards the ground, only to be stepped on by you.
I am the flame on the candle, being snuffed out by your breath.
I am the moon being blocked from your gaze by the clouds.
I am the ghost that calls out in the night only to repeat my wanderings forever.
I am the dust that you sweep out the door and into the dirt.
And i am the bird that always flies higher to touch you the sky.
Hey cut a girl some slack,
i aint your doll on a rack,
i can bite and hit just like you,
your nothing but a piece of shit on my shoe,
or do i mean heel because after all,
im not the one about to fall.
Your the one whos a whore,
im not the one that sleeps with chicks i find outside concert doors,
Go to hell you make me sick,
with all your high ideals and super male kicks.
I don't dream of a white picket fence or even a little house with flowers,
Im past the stage of daddys little princess and silly little sugar coated towers,
Im a new kind of monster who loves her enemys covered in BBQ sauce,
Cooked to a crisp if you please, cause im not into medium rare horse.
Silly man with such a little brain,
can't you see im a head of you in our little game,
Stop bitching and moaning im sick of your shit,
Get off your ass and do your bit.
If anyones getting tied up its you,
i wonder if i should use my whip on you too,
So sweet your crys are to my ears,
i think i like to see your tears.
When i cry you think im playing,
But really im thinking of going storm chasing.
Moral: If you sleep with a asshole your gonna get shit on.:)
Thanks for reading
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! Hellz to the Yea! high five!
lol. high fives:)
You can't see me because i live inside your heart.
You can't hear me because your not listening right.
You can't feel me because im holding you.
You can't taste me because i taste like everything and nothing.
You can't smell me cause my smell always changes depending on your mood.
My name is love and i can:
See you because i live within you,
Hear you because im listening,
Feel you because you never left my arms,
Taste you because i know your essence,
Smell you because we are the same.