Gosh this being apart thing is pulling at me. I really really want to be there now. But i cant. I have so many fears and so many of them are stupid but that still doesn't make them go away.
I can't say i wish i was stronger because that would be pointless. To get stronger you must face your fears head on. Since after all they are like your own personal dragon that follows you. You can run from it but when your old and tired they will all catch up with you. So better to face them now when you have the strenght then get swallowed up by them later.
Just my ramblings..........
Right i think i have a serious Creep magnet. Creeps keep following me.O.O
Oh well if i must resort to violence then i promise not to enjoy it...much:D
Hmm but what to do with the body after they have their little..*cough* accedents. ('.-)
Oh well it will come to me. No way am i resorting to eating them.
Talk about bad meat. Ew. Even if i covered it in BBQ sauce still bad. Oh well might just have to invest in a furnace.lol
Ah there we go problem solved.^^
Okie i am the most akward person you will find. My spelling is truely horrible at times.lol
But when im not being anti social im an okish person to talk to. I like to listen more than talk myself.
Heres a list of things that basicly describe me:
I laugh when people fall trip or walk into things(then ask if they are alright)
I think farts are funny
I love colours and shineysO.O
I never wanted to grow up and be a princess(i wanted to be a werewolf.lol)
I hate PINK!!!! the only colour i don't like.
I always wanted to jump out of a plane
I can't cook to save my life
I get extremely embarassed
I hate dogs
I love eatting chicken
I tend to forget my keys so im standing outside at 3 in the morning frezzing my arse of waiting for someone to open the door.
I LOve eatting yellow bananas(There are other coloured bananas besides yellow)
I read manga
I LOVE rain(it helps me sleep)
I Love near enough all music
I LOVE a Indian guy:)
I believe happyness is what you make it
And yah thats all i can think of. Because my stomachs say get food you lazy ass.lol
So off i go for lunch/breakfast and its like 2:47pm:)