Pepsi is so friggin addictive. i havent had soft drinks in like months. Man when u have a soft drink after that long its like OMG!!!!!!!!!
Weird but yeah just had to say that.:)
which anime vampire are you? |
![]() ![]() Shy vampire. you like to keep to yourself. =D |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
A complete stranger told me i look like im still in school. I was so happy he told me that. no one else would tell me i didn't look my age. Thank you stranger. You really helped me out.
Nothing wrong in looking young.......
i look 13 but im 20. Its a little hard to get people to take me seriously when they think im a child.
okie this f'ed up guy sat on the bus across from me lastnight and just started freaking out. he was speaking english backwards and doing the cross and a number of other freakish things. and he sat there the whole time twitching and watching me and everything i did. i was so getting scared. then he leaned over to hear what stop i was getting off at.
I don't mind if you give me ones. That lets me know theres things i need to do to make my profile great. Feedback on it is awesome too.
Please just keep those comments coming.:)
07:25 Jun 24 2010 name is atyourwindow and im a popaholic.
02:51 Jun 25 2010
'ello atyourwindow *claps* welcome^^