1) I just want to get across the thing that annoys me most is that the word "Pagan" is a insult in some ways.
Pagan comes from the latin word "Paganus" which means "of the countryside" now this would normally go perfectly for what "pagans" symbolise. But this name came up through The roman empire when they changed anyone who they could to christianty and some pagans fled to the forests etc for mother goddess protection so this was merely an insult by christians and romans...
2) we are not deluded fools who feel the powers and stuff because in roman times there was a need for a fantasy world of protection to the scene's of death around them as there fellow people where killed for what the beilieve most. we only look back and keep the spirit of "pagan" ways alive and make are future lives more complimented for what they are.
3) Also "paganism" is a symbol of humanity being in peace with the earth for even a short period of time before we ran our horses across it and started to fight for what was once shared so we could have full fledge ownership over so much because the sin green took over.
4) there are many names for different people inside "pagan" they are:- Wiccans, Asatru, Shamanic, Traditional Witches, Hedge Witches, Seax and Druids. so calling yourself a "pagan" would mean you tied all these rituals into one which I have to say would be quite wonderful and please tell me how you do it! lol
5) every "wytch" is different because there peformance and beilef depends on there look upon the earth and relationship as mother and goddess. for each of us carry a part of the symbol of the mother as women. this being mainly a womens job with child berth ect. for men do have a proud role as protecter of the mother and child and this is also looked upon as the men holding a god within them. while both man and women together symbolise growth they could do gardening, inspiring and helping plants to grow and also sex together is a symbol of joy and growth into something beautiful for it comes to the day when a baby is born also sex symbolises a closeness together.