A simple getting started with making your own book of shadows for the beginners.
Archiving the Airts: The Benefits of Magickal Record Keeping
I have trouble remembering to keep a log, or record of magick I've performed. When I have, I've found it valuable. If you have a current, working Book of Shadows, Grimoire or Magickal Journal, you have my admiration!
For the less organized, here is a sample outline to help you keep track of rituals and spells you perform. This helps to mentally focus yourself if you do what you can of the recording before you begin the ritual. If you want to make it extra easy, click on the headers to see a form you can simply print or save through your browser and fill out. Use the back button on your browser to return from the forms. It helps with focus, I've found. This can be one of the more valuable learning tools you can have, once you get yourself to do it. I find that I resist too much organization and structure in my spiritual life, but for magick, it really is a wise quality, --Zaratyst
Ritual Record
Name of Ritual (if any)
Type Of Ritual
Date and Time Performed
Moon Phase & Astrological Correspondences
Health & Mood
Deities Invoked
Tools & Items Used
Approximate Length of Ritual
Ritual Composition (or attach)
Notes & Comments
This is for specific spells, candle magick, poppets, amulets & talismans, formulas, potions, etc. Remember to come back to it after a while and fill in the results section.
Spell Journal
Type or Name of Spell
Lunar Phase & Astrological Correspondences
Date & Time
Ingredients and/or Supplies
Deities Invoked (during preparation or use)
Health & Mood
Target Time or Duration
Step by step directions for preparation and/or use
Results (Did it seem to work, Manifestation time, etc.)
Copyright © Zaratyst 1997. This document may be freely used and distributed. Please leave copyright notice attached.
Even though I do not read the cards there are some that are close to me that do this is for all that reads the cards. Sharing what was shared with me and this is not my knowledge there of.
What To Do Before You Read the Tarot
It is a good idea to create a little space for yourself before you
Read. This creates a magical atmosphere, the best kind for understanding the universe. There are as many ways to do this as there are readers, so
Experiment with some of the ideas below to find the way that feels
Best to you. Feel free to make up your own ritual. The idea here is just to get grounded and calm your mind.
A good grounding will make you feel like you are standing on solid
Ground, that you have the whole Earth backing you up and that you are safe.
Grounding means that you connect your energy to the Earth. This
Serves the same purpose as a grounding rod. Energy you take in to read the cards gets moved through you and into the Earth. Any energy you need gets pulled up through the cleansing Earth for you to use.
For the most common form of grounding, imagine a beam of your own
Energy extending from the base of your spine and going down deep into the Earth. Breathe in and draw up energy from the Earth. Breathe out and imagine energy going back into the Earth along this beam.
You may allow any negative energy to drain into the Earth. None of
Your energy, or any energy you might need to pass through yourself is
Inherently bad. It may be negative for you because of its particular
Manifestation and its relationship to you, but to the Earth, it's all just building blocks of energy that can be broken down and reused for all sorts of wonderful purposes. So let it drain into the Earth where it can be composted and reused for good.
A good centering will make you feel open and powerful, aware of
Yourself and your relationship to others.
It's also important to center yourself. Centering means that we
Position ourselves in the Universe. It's important to do this before any
Magical or ritual work because when we do this work, we work on other planes of reality besides the mundane one we are most familiar with. When we center ourselves, we mark where we are so that we can always come back.
There are many ways people use to center themselves and it may take a
Little experimentation to find a method that really works for you. One way is to draw up green energy from the Earth into your Heart Chakra. Your Heart Chakra is located in the center of your chest next to your heart. It is the energy center of your being and the place in your body through which you experience unconditional love and compassion.
Tarot Reading Ritual
Once you have grounded and centered yourself, you can move into your
Tarot reading ritual. This is a ritual that you yourself will develop over
Time as you gain more experience in reading. Your ritual might begin and end with grounding and centering yourself. Or it might involve prayers,
Lighted candles, purification baths and incense. Regardless of what you find works for you, your tarot ritual will work to alert all parts of your being that you are now doing a tarot reading. Your psychic centers will open up, your mind will focus on the task at hand, your subconscious and your conscious mind will work together.
Ideas For A Tarot Ritual
Rub your hands together and then hold them over the cards. Imagine a
Field of energy building up between your hands and the cards.
Say a few words asking for guidance from the God/dess, your higher
Self, or whatever form of the divine that appeals to you.
Meditate. Take a moment to listen to your breath. You can also
Visualize yourself surrounded by golden light. Or do something Zen and empty your mind of thought for a few moments.
Prepare your physical space by laying out a favorite cloth to read
On, burn incense, or light a candle of a particular color that connects with what you want from the reading.
By Yvonne Rathbone,
Copyright 1998
The Powers of light and Color
by Sabrina McIntosh
The use of colored lights is becoming more popular as people discover the benefits of this practice. Whether to set a mood, calm you down, or wake you up, light has long been used to affect our frame of mind. Colored light is an easy and affordable method of mood alteration. Household bulbs in a variety of colors are available at many stores for a reasonable cost.
I use colored lights for a variety of purposes. I started years ago when I realized blue light made me feel calm. My favorite room for blue light is the bathroom, where I enjoy spending time in the bath to relax. I also like to use colored lights in other rooms around the house to provide the atmosphere I want the room to achieve. For example, I like a soft pink light in the bedroom because it gives me a feeling gentleness and security.
When choosing a color, first determine what you wish to achieve. Colors can give different feelings to different people. If you feel a different color would better suit your needs, go with your feelings. Experiment by adding colored light to a room in your house and experiencing it for a few days. When you are in that room, let yourself acknowledge the light and enjoy it. My favorite place for colored light is in the bathroom, where I relax in the bath. I like a dark blue light then, because it helps me feel relaxed. Try mixing two colors for different results by putting different colored bulbs in two or more lamps around the room.
The following is a general guide to colors and the moods they promote. I have compiled this list from my experiences and the experiences of others. I always encourage people with whom I share the use of colors to experiment and discover what works for them. The experimentation can be fascinating as you learn about the affects light has on you, something many people have never thought about.
Blue- relaxation. Blue light works well in bathrooms if you enjoy relaxing in a bath or shower. It is also good in bedroom lamps if you want to promote calmness and sleep. A blue night-light is often good for children who suffer from nightmares because it is a calming color.
Green- very similar to the effects of blue light. Green light has also been said to decrease appetite. If you are on a diet a green light in the kitchen or dining room may help. Green is also a color of fertility, and if this is what you're trying to achieve in the bedroom, a green light may help.
Red- awakens the spirit. It is energizing and bold. The color red is said to increase appetite, so you may want to keep it out of the dining room unless you're having a dinner party. In the bedroom, red light helps sexual activity, and could lead to active nights! It's not a good color for relaxation or sleep, so you may want to keep two lamps in the bedroom: one for blue light and one for red.
Orange- very similar to red, although more gentle. Orange light helps the imagination and is good for creativity. It is also a refreshing color and its attributes make it an idea color for work situations. Orange gives a feeling of warmth and security as well.
Yellow- uplifting and warm. Yellow light brightens any room and generally makes people feel happier. It's good for social gatherings because people tend to talk more in yellow light. If your home feels cold or impersonal, yellow light can help.
Pink- soft, gentle. Pink promotes feelings of safety and peaceful happiness. In a child's room, pink works well as a night light because of its softness. In the adults' room, pink promotes intimacy and romance.
Purple- spirituality and mystery. Purple sets the mood for serious spiritual exploration. It is the color associated with psychic abilities and helps awaken that aspect. Purple is rich and powerful. It invokes feelings of pride and ability.
Blue and purple together- a great combination for meditation or more relaxed spiritual moments. It marries the royalty of purple with the calmness of blue for a feeling of reassurance and peacefulness.
Blue and green- a calm atmosphere, but not as sleepy as blue alone. This combination is good for more quite get-togethers or intimate conversation.
Red and orange- calms down the affects of red, but not too much. This combination is spirited and lively. Don't use this is you want peace and quite. Instead, save it for a time when you need to be energized.
Orange and yellow- creates more of a warm feeling than yellow alone. Orange and yellow used together are great for social events.
Pink and orange- creates a very warm, safe feeling if the shade of orange is soft. If the orange is too bold, the combination doesn't work well.
Purple and red- not a combination I recommend. The bright red and deep purple can be harsh on the eyes and lead to a headache.
Many of the colors are available in light and deep shades. For a gentle affect, use the light shades. For a more intense affect, use the deeper shades. Try several colors and combinations to determine what works best for you.
Article by Sabrina McIntosh
Hazlmacaed@aol. com
http://www.realmagi ck.com/articles/ 01/2201.html
For those that do channeling work
Channeling Your Future Self By DL Zeta
Your future self provides one of the most valuable forms of feedback you can receive. If your future self is able to connect with you in consciousness, this is proof you are taking steps in your present moment to develop a wise and advanced future "you." This future “you” is able to offer guidance and reassurance that the steps you are taking in your present moment are aligned with your spiritual purpose. In this way, your future self is a wise
source of comfort and assurance.
In addition to providing important feedback, your future self is able to bring you information and guidance for your present moment. Much of this information arrives in the form of "channeled" information. Channeled information is received into your consciousness as "energetic downloads" that your conscious mind over time learns to translate into words, images, concepts and inventions. You may experience these downloads as moments of sudden insight and inspiration, or as the arrival of previously unknown information into your consciousness. This information may arrive through different “channels,” including automatic writing, conscious or unconscious verbal “trance” channeling visionary art and energy healing. These are just a few ways in which you might experience these downloads.
Those who receive channeled information often identify the source of the material as coming from beyond themselves. However, in many cases, channeled information arrives in one's consciousness as the direct result of bringing one's energetic vibration into resonance with an advanced future aspect of one’s being. This communion with your future self might take place on the subconscious level - or if your conscious mind and that of your future self are aware and awake, you will both consciously recognize the exchange that is taking place.
It is important to note that these downloads and exchanges can take place whether you are consciously aware of them are not. If your conscious mind or ego is firmly in control, it will claim credit for the ideas and information you receive from your other "selves." If your ego believes itself to be limited in terms of its capabilities, it may choose to identify this channeled information as coming from an entity or being totally outside the self. If your ego is in a state of surrender to your spiritual purpose, it will humbly recognize the guidance and assistance it receives from other aspects of your being.
Your Future Self and the Akashic Records
One of the gifts you can receive through conscious communion with your future self is greater access to the "future Akashics." The Akashic Records are the etheric library that houses knowledge of all that ever has been or will be. This library contains all events and responses concerning consciousness in all realities that exist within the universe.
Whenever you align with aspects of your self that exist in other locations within the time/space continuum, you become more powerfully focused in consciousness. This powerful focus allows greater access to the knowledge contained within the Universal or Cosmic Mind. It is this access to the records of all time that make clairvoyance and all forms of psychic perception possible.
Your Future Self Holds the Key to Your Life Purpose
Your future self holds the "roadmap" for the path of spiritual development that stretches before you. By tuning into your own future consciousness, you are able to download this map, which provides you with the next step on your spiritual path.
This self can help you see how events unfolding in your present moment are helping you grow and expand. Because your future self has already traveled the stretch of life experience you are presently traveling, it can help you better understand your life purpose as it is unfolding within your present moment even though they may feel challenging and difficult at the moment. As a wise guide and mentor, your future self can help guide you to each new step on your journey of becoming. It can help you attune to the higher vision of each person, event and situation that arrives in your life.
Excerpt from Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta http://www.celestia lvision.org/ messages- from-the- future-ebook/
Also see: Traveling Time to Meet a Future Self in Consciousness
Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks: A Soul Retrieval Journey
http://celestialvis ion.squarespace. com/-celestial- vision-audio- series/
http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/celestialv ision/
http://celestialfri ends.ning. com/
Information about candles for those that use them in their practicing.
Candle burning is one of most simple forms of magic. It can be performed almost anywhere and candles are very easy to purchase. The basic principles are to concentrate, visualize and using the candle as a focus point for your own inner energy.
Candle magic can be used for overcoming bad habits, attracting things, settling disturbing atmospheres, protection, regaining health, and developing psychic powers. Candles can also be used to honor someone near and dear to you.
1. The colour of the candle and it's vibration is activated, released and amplified when it is lit. As the candle burns, the colour is released into the surrounding areas and affects those in this area.
2. The colour of the candle that you use, is determined by the kind of healing needed. Consult the list on which corresponds to different conditions given below.
3. All candles should be cleansed, like you clean everything that is a tool for healing, and blessed, before you use them. Say a little prayer over the candle before you light it. This cleanses the candle of negativity. It also strengthens the colour so that it works more effectively for the healing.
4. Once you have used a candle for a specific purpose, keep it for this purpose. If you have it for healing or meditation, keep them separate. Allow it to build up the vibration that you are using if for, otherwise it will set up conflicting vibrations.
5. Any candle will be effective. For longer, more sustained effects, church candles can be quite effective. They can burn for a long time. Do not leave a candle unattended. Burn them in the right candle holders.
6. Do not use candles to interfere with the free will of another. The rebound effect can be very dramatic.
7. Putting out the candle should be the last thing after the healing has been done. When extinguishing the candle, visualise that the healing breath is healing the area that is needed to be healed. Do not blow the candle out, get a piece of tin foil or or cone to put out the flame.
To Begin:
You should clean the area where you place your candles. While working with the candles stay relaxed with a positive state of mind. Choose new, unused candles. Do not use the ones you choose for any other purpose.
Quiet surroundings is helpful, some people use soft music. Before any candle ritual, do not eat or engage in negative activities. A "cleansing" bath is also helpful.
Hold the candle in your hands for a few moments to allow your own vibrations to enter the candle. This will enable the wax to absorb a bit of your life force.
Using essential oils on the candle is fine. The energy from your hands will pass into the wax. Always start rubbing the oil from the top to the bottom when anointing a candle. Then go from bottom up to the center of the candle. While you oil the candle, you should concentrate on what you want to accomplish with the candle. Visualize success with the ritual and see your desires accomplished.
Candles and Color
Color is very important in candle magic. Color has subtle influences and each one vibrates at a different frequency. Different colored candles are used for different magical end-results. Different colors have different effects on the human psyche and the surrounding environment. These colors and their vibrations are also closely linked with the psychic energy within each person
Each color in the spectrum is connected with the astrological signs of the Zodiac and their planetary rulers.Use the colors used in candle magic together with their magical significance' s and the influences of each astrological sign.
Aries (March 21 April 20) Ruling planet - Mars.
Shades of red, usually the darker shades of scarlet or crimson. Magically the planet Mars is the purifier and destroyer who sweeps aside the stagnant, the unwanted and the redundant so progress can be made. Red also represents the creative principle and the unconscious urge for the human species to reproduce itself, for life and death are two aspects of the same energy.
Taurus (April 21 - May 21) Ruling planet - Venus.
Green, ranging from the palest apple green to the dark olive of the earth forces. Green represents the spiritual desire to unite the opposites and to balance the dual forces of male and female. This union was known to the medieval alchemists as "the sacred marriage" and is symbolized in magic and Wicca by the ritual metaphor of the sword in the chalice.
Gemini (May 22 June 21) Ruling planet - Mercury.
Yellow is the color of this Zodiac sign representing communication and the power of the mind. In occult tradition Gemini is a symbol of the dualism.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22) Ruling planet - the moon.
Metallic blue and silver are the colors of the lunar sphere. It is the realm of the unconscious, the hidden side of the personality and psychic forces.
Leo (July 23 - August 23) Ruling planet - the sun.
Its colors are gold and orange. The sun represents the life force and is the visible symbol of the Cosmic Creator in the solar system.
Virgo (August 24 - September 23) Ruling planet - Mercury.
Reddish-yellow is the color associated with the analytical abilities of the mind in the quest for scientific knowledge.
Libra (September 24 - October 23) Ruling planet - Venus.
Libra's colors are sky blue and rose pink. It symbolizes the heights attainable by romantic and spiritual love.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) Ruling planet - Pluto.
Dark red or silvery gray. The energy of the Plutonian sphere is connected with Mars and represents death and regeneration. Pluto rules over the underworld, the spirits of the departed and nuclear power.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) Ruling planet - Jupiter.
Purple and royal blue are the colors of this Zodiac sign. It is an expansive planetary energy connected with the world of finance and social matters.
Capricorn (December 22 January 20) Ruling planet - Saturn.
Black is the primary color of the saturnine energy. It rules karma, fate and destiny, the law, old age and property matters.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) Ruling planet - Uranus.
The color of this astrological sign combines all the shades of the spectrum in a flashing rainbow pattern. This planetary energy is a higher octave of Saturn and rules over magic (forces, astrology and modern technology like television, video and computers).
Pisces (February 20 - March 20) Ruling planet - Neptune.
Serge or indigo are the colors of Pisces, which is connected with the planetary energy of Jupiter. Neptune rules over inspiration, matters connected with the sea, pleasure, and entertainment, especially the movie industry. White
A balance of all colors; Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, truth seeking; Rituals involving lunar energy' May be substituted for any color candle.
Activity, Creativity, unity; brings power of concentration and imagination to a ritual; use in rituals where you wish to gain another's confidence or persuade someone, or in rituals that require solar energy.
Lemon Yellow
Elevates the consciousness to move beyond its' present mental stability.
Fosters understanding and attracts the powers of cosmic influences; beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast luck or money, or in rituals needing solar energy.
Powers of instinct, business goals, ambition, career goals, general success, justice, legal matters, selling, and action.
Passion, money goals, professional growth, fertility in business, career maneuvers.
Peace, truth and balance
Pale Pink
Represents unconditional love, Tantra, self awakening, and inhibits aggressive behavior.
Promotes romance, romantic love, friendship; standard color for rituals to d raw affections; a color of femininity, honor, service, brings friendly, lively conversation to the dinner table.
Represents self love or self-resurrection of self love.
Health, passion, passionate love, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increases magnetism in rituals; draws Aries and Scorpio energy.
Removes negativity and encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess.
Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideals for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increases Neptune energy.
Encourages honesty, trust, compassion. It is also associated with healing our inner child.
Combination of red and violet that oscillates on a high frequency; energizes rituals where immediate action and high levels of power or spiritual healing are required.
Earthly, balanced color; used for grounding; for rituals of material increase; eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy; increases financial success; locates objects that have been lost.
Attracts financial wealth.
Color of inertia; stops situations or people; use in rituals that require a deep meditation state; or in rituals that demand Saturn energy.
Royal Blue
Promotes laughter and joviali ty; color of loyalty; use to attract Jupiter energy, or whenever an influence needs to be increased.
Light Blue
Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations; brings peace and tranquility to the home; radiates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized.
Primary spiritual color; for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance.
This color is used for healing, cleansing, purifying and balancing. Also used to strengthen any hidden artistic abilities.
Emerald Green
Important component in Venusian rituals; attracts love, social delights, and fertility.
Dark Green
Color of ambition, greed, and jealousy; counteracts these influences in a ritual.
Promotes prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony, and rejuvenation.
Olive Green
Associated with space, feminine leadership, hope, new life, transmutation, clarity, harmony, & self-love.
Light Olive Green
Stimulates compassion, sympathy and empathy.
Mint Green
Balances the emotions and brings about a feeling of calmness.
Neutral color useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence.
Opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious; use in rituals to induce a deep meditation state, or to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals; attracts Saturn energy.
Candle Healing Lay-outs
Using candles the following lay-outs are some examples you can use in a healing room, either for yourself or others, together with any other holistic system or you can use it, as is, for self-healing.
colorCandle LAyout Triange
The Triangle is an amplifier, it increases the power of healing force of whatever colour you are using.
colorCandle LAyout Cross
The Cross balances and aligns.
colorCandle Layout Square
The Square stabilizes the entire physiological system of an individual, calming, settling, grounding and focusing the basic life force of the colour being used.
colorCandle LAyout Pentagram
The Pentagram strengthens.
colorCandle LAyout six Rayed Star
The Six-rayed Star links the mind and heart for overall healing.
color Candle LAyout Seven Rayed Star
The Seven-rayed Star is the most healing of the layouts and is especially good for children. It balances and aligns the chakras so that the healing colour can do its work most effectively.
http://www.suite101 .com/article. cfm/bathcrafts_ candles/79373
http://www.healing- journeys- energy.com/ Colour-candles- healing-layouts. html
http://www.itzarion .com/energywork. html
http://circle- of-light. com/Aromatherapy /candle_colors. html
The boys started school yesterday but its very different then what they are used to. There is a place that is set up like a homeschool but it has all of the public school agendas. So they are doing a virtual school basically.
If I am not around as much as I used to be its because of getting my sons school work straight. :)
Since I love things to do with space and the unknown here is some pictures of space via youtube