This is about a vampire prince who still has a heart and he thinks that a vampire has to fall in love and give his heart to his mate, to be a true vampire.
The vampire prince
His mate, a warrior angel
One night when he was taking a run, he happened to come across a cottage in the woods that was never there before. He waits and watches for movement, while the angel is behind him ready to attack him, she was sneaking up to him softly and slowly and after she was so close to able to take him down, he turns around and tackles her, ready to bite.....
This story is about a girl that was shipped wrecked and taken in by a family of tigers.
After 16 years living on this peaceful island, a tiger hunter with his sidekick a demon wolf comes on to the island and starts setting up traps.
One cold night the girl is out looking for food and was walking over one of his traps and gets caught, as the hunter and wolf demon were making their rounds, they hear growls from their last trap, as the hunter see it is just a girl he tries to make conversation. He lets her down and she jumps him.....