Today was no better than yesterday & not the least bit easier. I find things unbearable but without choice. He says it matters & he's sorry but I don't think it does. Every night I struggle with this while I listen to him peacefully snoring the night away. Seems if he cared he would be bothered like I am. I believe he thinks it will get better. Maybe the situation will get easier, but I don't think it will ever be better, forgotten or not regretted.
I wish I was dead so I could watch over you always. You would probably be better off without me around anyway.
11:08 Oct 13 2009
o.0 What kind of talk is this??? You really have some great things happening in your life. You have a lot to live for, not the least of which is that you are so young. EVERYTHING is temporary but death. It is the final answer to life, but forever in its application. Growing is pain, living is pain, you are growing character and the ability to resist problems in the future. You will look back when you are older and realize that this time was a lesson for the future you and helped you get through some tougher times ahead because it made you strong.
Keep on keeping on girl, you have it in you.
16:06 Oct 13 2009
Huge hugs... Hang in know I am always around somewhere and as I said the other night I went thru the same. and no one would be better off with out you , you are a wonderful person, caring loving and a great listener.
05:41 Oct 19 2009
Thank you both. I'm just having difficulty adjusting to things. I'm sure I eventually will, but I'm damn sure not enjoying it.
17:11 Jan 11 2010
i like that and i will miss you my friend and i understand it