Headaches more often now days.
Completely bombed the job interview today.
Everytime I think of Georgia, I am reminded of a stripper I once saw. From far off, the girl was amazing, gorgeous from head to toe. We wondered why no one was throwing dollars, so my girl decided to take a few up there. At first things seemed fine, then she dropped the dollar & head back quickly. Her expression was horrible. Of course I quickly inquired as to the problem. Apparently Miss Thang had some sort of rash running from her knees up to about her belly button. *chills* No more tips for the Georgia girl.
Small town srip clubs ~ All I can say is that I have honestly never seen that many things in one person at one time. If they make you check your weapons at the door, around here, it's not the type of strip club you want to be in.
Flu shots, apparently you can have a skin reaction to them. Now this doesn't mean your having an allergic reaction. My cheeks became red for a day. The spot where I was stuck well it kept growing larger & larger. Looked like a huge skeeter bite. I didn't feel sick or anything. From what the nurse at work says, more people are having a skin reaction to them this year.
After having my tooth filled, unfilled and then refilled again. The bitch still hurts. Not severe, just a naggy pain. Reminds me of my mother.
Finally decided to sell the Camry. There really was no point to switching back & fourth between the Camry & the Honda. Keeping the Honda, Camry must go. I just didn't want to let go of a 4cyl, they are priceless now with gas being so ridiculous.
I quit thinking about losing weight for the last month. Stopped getting on the scale. Finally decided to. Jeez, I lost 9 lbs. How did that happen? I've been eating everything I wanted.
Me & D joke about calling "Intervention" on my sister. Not sure what to make of her now days. D & her can't stand each other. In my parents eyes I'll never be as good. I don't care to much for their opinions anymore. It seems to be a good thing for me. Sometimes I think it's funny. The child they thought would be so great. She never leaves the house. Some small part of me feels sorry for her. I know the feeling of wanting to crawl in a hole & disappear, all to well I know. I refuse to let it consume me. She embrasses it. Maybe she is the great one, but I see myself as the stronger one.
I adore my dog. He brings me such great happiness. I've lost several the past few years. Sometimes it rips at my nerves to think of him when he is not with me. I fear I will lose him, then I fear I shelter, or baby him to much.
Oh well, time for TV, my brain is tired now.
Today was one of those boring days. I feel well rested but unaccomplished. Always so many things to do with so little time.
I wondered what their fascination was with them. Finally I decided to try myself. Things make so much more sense their way. I suppose sometimes what is wrong or bad for you, isn't really in the end.
Still I don't think I could do like them. It's a 24-7 process to them. I enjoy it, but also enjoy the escape from it.
02:34 Oct 17 2008
And how many times have you visited strip clubs?????
I haven't been to as many as you have..... lately.
05:15 Oct 17 2008
*looks sweetly* Only a few times.
06:00 Oct 17 2008
ewwww!!! thank you for ruining it for me lol