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In my thoughts

06:17 Jun 23 2008
Times Read: 724

Seems my dad has struck a horrid spell of bad luck. With time I would have thought it would have started to wear off. Where to start..hmmm

First he lost his job of 29 years because he worked in a cotton mill that took there plants over seas. (Yeah they will probably get no more purchases from me.)

Then he starts going to school, my mom decides she wants them to buy a house. Well we all know that a 50 year old man is thinking about security & the fact that his current home is paid off. He's not wanting to get in debt again. She's pushing hard on him lately, trying to talk him into it. He's stated how he feels, but she doesn't listen.

Then he runs over the cat. Originally my cat, but since I'm allergic & he was an indoor/outdoor cat I left him there when I got married. He's like me, loves animals. Not really a cat person, but still wouldn't hurt one intentionally.

Then my sister's truck needs working on, so he trades trucks with her. She lives about an hour & a half away. She has his truck less than 24hrs and someone steals it out of her yard. Being that he's not working and money is tight, he only has liability. This means, trucks gone, insurance doesn't cover it. Basically his loss. The cops say that 85% turn up in a few days. This happened on Tuesday. Still no truck found yet.

My nephew comes to visit every weekend. My dad meets my brother in law half way each time. My dad and grandmother take my mom's old car to meet my bro in law. They meet him, he takes my nephew. Guess what? They have a flat on the way back. Ran over something and it punctured the tire. They call me and hubby. We go meet them bring a few tools. After a few mintues the spare is on. It looks a little slack, so we stop, put fix a flat in it and off they go with us following. They didn't get more than 2 miles and the spare busted. It was a complete loss. We end up towing the car, me & my dad riding in the car, my grandmother and husband in the rollback.

For now, he's driving my Honda.

I hope that his luck gets better soon. He is one of those people that would do almost anything, go out of their way to help someone else. It's a bit frustrating to see him going through so much.

His truck was stolen from Columbia, South Carolina. I hope the person just parks the truck in a parking lot somewhere. The cops say this is often what happens. Otherwise, I hope they never meet me.



10:54 Jun 23 2008

wow that is a bit of bad luck but hopefully things do change in a better way...

21:59 Jun 24 2008

wow... I hope his truck turns up sf...

14:14 Jul 06 2008



00:52 Jun 20 2008
Times Read: 731

Just drained all the water in my pond. All my fish died. I'm not sure what killed them. I guess it's time to start scrubbing the thing so it doesn't happen again.




00:50 Jun 20 2008
Times Read: 734

There is life on Saturn.

My sister lives there.

Often times she does seem like an alien, so it makes sense.



04:22 Jun 20 2008

Klaatu barada nikto!



14:16 Jun 11 2008
Times Read: 756

Oh great, I Have the Mr. Ed theme song in my head. errrr...why me..lol



15:11 Jun 11 2008

Heh, it could be worse. Would you prefer, Mr. Rogers? "It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood...." ;P

15:15 Jun 11 2008

Oh gee thanks bones. lol

15:29 Jun 11 2008

A horse is a horse of course of course... ARG! thanks alot {shakes fist}

19:27 Jun 11 2008

:: SINGS ::

Why do birds suddenly appear....

Everytime you are near....



20:35 Jun 08 2008
Times Read: 774

*smacks head in hopes that Janis Joplin will fall out*

You have been in there all day, I love your music, but enough is enough already.



21:01 Jun 08 2008

hehehe listening to a bit too much joplin?

21:47 Jun 08 2008

could been worse....

imagine having Polka stuck in your head!



23:38 Jun 08 2008

O Lawd won't you buy a Mercedes Benz


05:53 Jun 06 2008
Times Read: 796

I went back to the cardiologist today. He says that he sees nothing wrong physically with my heart. I'm not sure why my medical record stated differently. This was my moms first question. However, I did not ask him. He says it's fine, I'm good with that answer. He did put me on a beta blocker to try & slow down my heart beats. He says that long term, my heart beating rapidly all the time could cause my heart to become enlarged & cause more problems. I start the beta blocker in the morning. It does say it will also lower my blood pressure, so I am a tad concerned about that. My blood pressure is generally a bit low. I also went to my family doctor today. My ears have been bugging me for about a month now. I have been trying to self medicate, but it wasn't working. She says that I have a bad ear infection, so I have to use drops for a week & call if not better. I've been off the past two days. It's been rather busy. I helped hubby with the towing company a good bit on Wednesday. We took the puppies to the vet today. All are 6lbs & something now & all healthy & doing good.



06:54 Jun 06 2008

That's good news. x

22:54 Jun 06 2008

Your heart is good, the puppies got a clean bill of health....sounds like a good day.

Do some research on the meds and the lowering bp thing and make yourself knowledgable.

I'll think of you and of course wish you well.

18:58 Jun 07 2008

Be well my friend and know that we think of you always


03:49 Jun 04 2008
Times Read: 807

This past week has been interesting. I have been working toward being less anti-social. I don't say that I'm ant-social like it's a kewl thing. I completely feel the opposite. I believe that spending time with my family at the beach & watching my sister is pushing me to try harder. I realize that I have a problem. I'm not the type to deny it. However my sister is the opposite, she accepts it, endulges it & refuses to admit she has a problem. For her it has progress to much worse than where I am. At moments I would feel discourage & consider just accepting it. However I have been struggling with this for a very long time. For her it has only been the last 5 or so years. Now I am realizing that if I ever do just accept it, I will more than likely end up much worse, as she is. Her husband & son will go out to eat alone because she refuses to leave the house. For me, it's difficult, but I push myself to do it. As long as someone close to me is with me, then it's not as hard, it's more difficult to go alone, but still I try. It's almost as if she is losing her social skills from lack of interaction with others. After I got back I decided to make even more of an effort online & off. I have had some really great conversations with people on here that I have never spoken to. People that have been around a very long time. I just found it easier not to talk, but after pushing myself I have talked with some really great people. So for me, I'm glad that I am pushing myself more. I hope that one day she will do the same or at least at admit there is a problem so that she too can be helped. To the strangers that are no longer, I thank you all for being such wonderful people.




17:31 Jun 02 2008
Times Read: 828

The rule around work for lunch is you clock out if you leave the building, if you don't leave, then you don't have to. Well so I always leave for lunch, so I always clock out. However on the way out & coming back, I see others pass the time clock, never touching it. They take really long lunches. Supposed to be only 30mins. Some leave, then come back & go to the cafeteria & then take their food to their office, where someone else then has to help run their job so they can eat. So does this make me stupid or smart for following the rules? If I'm 5mins late, they want to fuss sometimes. Yet if I hadn't clocked out they would never know. My & their boss is in the same office as the other girls, yet I honestly don't think she has realize. Supposedly everything comes back around, but I have been here almost 2 years & some of them have been doing this way the entire time.



18:30 Jun 02 2008

look at it this way.....

when they are caught for cheating the time clock.....

and get fired....

you will be safe!



03:45 Jun 02 2008
Times Read: 834

Today was a busy day. A little surprising but work was a little busy at times. When it wasn't, time just dragged by very slowly. I get home & my friend/ex-girl comes over to show me how big her son has gotten. Wow he's already 10months, they grow up so darn quickly. He's adorable, unfortunate he looks a lot like his dad..haha She tells me to let her know when I have a Sunday or Tuesday off, cause we should hang out, get drunk or something. I don't know, I kinda quit drinking mostly except an occasional wine cooler type drink. It was getting to be a habit. Maybe we'll hang out, I don't know. Knowing me, I want call her, but I do need to start pushing myself to do more chick things. After a while she leaves. Then the towing job kicks in. Time for so good ole junkin. We go over to a friend/partners house & start taking things a part. My job ended up being to pull & cut the wiring on parts. I skipped supper, so as hard as I worked maybe it will help me lose some weight. My day started at 6am, here it is 11pm & it is finally coming to an end. Almost bedtime, got to be up for work in the morning.




20:34 Jun 01 2008
Times Read: 850

Well I fixed the avatar. I think everyone can see this one. Of course I thought that about the last one too. Oh well..

I keep knocking my damn notebook off my desk & into the trash can. I think I have done it 5 times already. I hate being in this tiny office. I want my big office back.

Maybe I have drank to much Vault today. At least I'm not so tired now.

Oh yeah & the "Stuck On Band Aid Brand" song has been stuck in my head all day.



21:19 Jun 01 2008

erm...looks about the same to me hon.

21:41 Jun 01 2008

Try dumping your browser history. I think the old one will show until you do that.

01:20 Jun 02 2008

I can see it,I noticed it today..I like it.

00:31 Jun 03 2008

What a pose. The total effect of the swirling hair and the predatory owl like look. "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here." LOL

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