At work..People keep calling asking me how the roads are. hmm I'm sitting in the office, been here since 7. I have no clue how the roads are, but I can tell you, it looks like a big ole slushy outside. This morning it was like driving on a slip & slide. I hope they have gotten better since then. So ready to go home & see my babies.
A few days ago I went to the store to get a pack of cigs. Hell yeah, I got carded. I'm going to have to do that more often...
My baby is growing up so fast. 6months old today. She's getting big, 21 lbs wearing 12month clothes. Still on just the tit for now. It's hard doing only breast feeding & working full time, but it's whatever is best for her.
Talked with the doc about making baby food. Trying to get my kitchen spotless & find the time to try it. Hopefully next weekend.
I'm trying to learn not to hate people just because I can. To take the world as it is & not expect amazing things from it.
All in all, I think I'm content & happy with my life.
23:33 Jan 31 2010
How are the roads there?????
21:39 Feb 14 2010
haha You funny.