I'm not even sure when I was last here. Time seems to fly lately with little time for extras. Looks like the site has changed quite a bit since my last visit. From what I have seen so far it looks great. Good job Cancer, taking things to the next level. I'm sure there are probably forum post about all the new updates but I doubt I will be here long enough to read them all tonight. Life is going decent I guess is the best word. Being a stay at home mom is seriously underrated. Having a child with ADD and SPD possibly Aspergers can be quite challenging at times. Sometimes I suspect ODD but that could just be SPD related, it's always hard to tell. She kicks ass in school and scores above average on IQ test so that's pretty awesome. Sometimes it feels like I'm raising a female "Sheldon". Then I run the towing company most days. I have an adorable toddler who is beyond independent. Quite the opposite of his sister but also seems to be uniquely smart who is also starting to show SPD symptoms.
Recently had to go back on heart medication but it has seriously increased my energy. No more Monster drinks. Yes I know they weren't good considering I had been on heart meds in the past. It was safer than falling asleep driving to the next town for OT every week. My heart beats extremely fast and so I guess that was causing me to be tired and have pains. The meds slow it down, so I guess my heart isn't working so hard so I'm not as tired now days. So anyways life has been pretty busy. I hope everyone is well and having a fabulous time! I've really missed talking to some of you and feel bad I can't seem to get on here more often.
07:10 Aug 17 2017
IS this really you??
08:43 Mar 27 2022
Hey queen. I miss you. I hope you are still here and doing well. :)