SlaveOfTheHeart's Journal

SlaveOfTheHeart's Journal


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4 entries this month


Dyno's Awakening (Incomplete)

23:01 Dec 08 2008
Times Read: 562

Chapter 2


So Much for Secrets

Dyno ran down the street in full sprint, cars blurring past him as he sped toward his house. He'd never run full-out here before. It was exhilarating and amusing to him to be invisible to the humans, leaving only a light gust of wind as any evidence he'd past through. He darted to the corner of his house and stopped instantly, leaning against the wall as though he'd been standing there for several minutes. He glanced around slowly, making sure the coast was clear and then leaped into the tree beside his house and crawled through the second story window into his room. He was sure she hadn't noticed he was ever away, until…

"DYNO!!!" a shrill, young woman's voice called out, making him nearly leave his skin. He turned slowly to see his "mother" standing in his doorway, leaning against the frame with her arms crossed and her familiar smirk across her face.

"Okay, you caught me, Maddy. What do you win?"

She frowned at the sound of her name, "You know to call me 'mom,' Dyno. The neighbors do think we're related you know."

"Are they here?" he asked smugly.


"Point proven, Maddy," he said with a teasing grin. She merely groaned.

"Well point proven or not, you live in my house, so you will call me mom, or mother. Understood?" she grinned just as jokingly.

"Yes, mother," he rolled his eyes, "can you leave so I can change clothes and get a nap before making my daily appearance so the neighbors know you haven't killed me off?"

She laughed and turned to close his door, "alright, alright. Be up by lunch though. I'm cooking today." She pulled the door to as Dyno smiled. He loved her cooking and he knew she was just using it to get something from him, but he didn't care.

He turned to his dresser and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his pale, toned chest and pipe-like arms. He sighed and pulled his belt off and slid down his pants, stepping out of them and tossing his clothes in a hamper, causing the lid to close with a soft thud. He reached for the waist to his boxers when he heard a soft giggle behind him. His body tightened and his tail quickly wrapped around his waist as he turned around slowly, only to discover Firen lying across his bed staring at him, her usual smirk growing across her face.

"H-how long have you been watching me?" he asked, his face burning as his cheeks turned red.

"Oh…I came in about the time your mom shut the door. You should really lock your windows," she admitted in a light tone.

"You shouldn't break into people's houses."

"You aren't a person, remember?" She giggled as she used his words against him.

"Okay, let me rephrase. You shouldn't break into my house," he said, his face burning hotter as she stood and crossed the room elegantly in a few quick steps.

"This isn't your house," she said, grinning as she watched him search for words to correct her. She was right, it wasn't his house.

"Well…why are you here?" he asked out of genuine curiosity.

"I told you, you're mine. I like to keep an eye on my favorite possessions," she said in a whisper. She moved closer to him and gripped his shoulder gently, pulling him securely to her body, "you're my favorite possession so far."

"Why's that?" he raised an eyebrow as his eyes searched her.

She shrugged, "I don't know. I just like you."

He fell silent as he mulled over her words, then admitted defeat.

"Okay, fine. So I guess that means you're going to follow me everywhere now?" he asked as he backed away from her grip and turned to search his dresser for his favorite lounge pants.

"Yep," she said cheerfully. He knew she was serious.

"I hope that doesn't mean you'll watch me shower," he said dully. She merely smiled at his statement.

"That would be very interesting. It's been years since I've seen a shower used in a practical sense."

Who is this girl, he thought to himself, she's…certainly the strange one. She turned and strolled back to his bed and sat down, examining his room carefully. She carefully picked up his sketchbook and flipped through it, her expression changing with every picture. He decided now was the best time to change, while she wasn't paying attention. He moved with the same speed he had while running home and darted into the bathroom, locking the door while he changed into his new boxers and lounge pants, then darted back to his room. He crossed his arms as he ran his eyes over her lax position on his bed.

"Can you please move?"

"Why?" she asked smiling.

"So I can get some sleep?"

She patted the bed beside her invitingly and he sighed. He knew he didn't have a choice, but then again part of him had hoped he didn't. He slid under his covers facing away from her and closed his eyes, laying his head against his pillow. He shivered in surprise as her arms closed around him and her fingers explored his hair.



23:32 Dec 08 2008

It's pretty good keep writing them.


Dyno's Awakening: Chapter 1

22:24 Dec 08 2008
Times Read: 563

Chapter 1


The Girl

Dyno could see the mist floating closer towards him, creeping inch by inch, as if it were taking pleasure in his fear. He knew what lurked in that mist and feared it more than anything before it. The absolute end was coming for him. His legs tensed unwillingly, completely controlled by the fear that raced through his mind. He told them to run, to get away from the wall he so carelessly backed against, trapping himself. His thoughts screamed in terror for him to move as the mist came within an inch of his black, military style boots. He knew it was over.

It took no time for the full paralyzing effect of the mist to take him over, sending him tumbling forward into the sand helplessly. He laid there and prayed silently for the end to come quickly, without humiliation. His shoulders spent their last ounce of energy tensing as his ears caught the sound of feint footsteps beside him. A cold finger brushed across his neck, and a voice cooed comfortingly in his ear, the sound resonating through his head like a bell. His body shivered, but not from fear. He was no longer afraid of his end, only regretful that the voice couldn't last longer. He tried with wasted effort to lift himself from the sand of the once sunny beach, only to catch a handful of sand in his clenched fists. He felt a cool breath flow across the skin of his neck and knew it was over. Her soft lips pressed gently against his neck and he felt them spread into a grin.

"I win," her musical voice rang out softly to him.

He sighed softly, then answered her in his futilely imperfect voice, "Okay, okay…you win. Now will you please let me up?"

Her bell tone laugh rang out happily as she disbanded the mist and returned control to his body. The sound rang through his head like a melody played by a skillful pianist and his body urged for more of the music. He kicked himself up from the sand and turned to face her. His eyes were instantly stunned by her beauty. She giggled softly as he surveyed her, the sun bouncing off of her flame red hair, her blue eyes held just a hint of gold, and her skin was as pale as marble in the sunlight. He couldn't help but think there was a dark film over her body, but it was probably his imagination creating some imperfection to make him feel a little less ordinary by comparison.

"What are you staring at?" her voice tolled out curiously. He shivered at the sheer pleasure of the sound ringing through his mind.

He stuttered aimlessly, "Uh…m-my name's Dyno."

"I'm Firen," she giggled again as she extended her hand.

Dyno gently folded his fingers around her seemingly icy skin and kissed the top softly, "It's a pleasure meeting you."

"You're pretty mature for a seven year old boy aren't you?"

She giggled as his face flushed and he took a step back. She stepped closer smiling politely. "You're scent is fantastic, are you human?"

Oh no, she can tell? He thought frightened. Her grin widened as he thought to himself. How could she know? Dyno considered what his mother had told him about keeping his secret from the humans; could she be trusted with something this big?

He sighed hesitantly, "Is it that easily noticed?" She merely giggled as his eyebrow rose instinctively controlled by his curiosity. "Is it?"

"I guess you could say for me it is," her smile was more dazzling than her voice. Dyno couldn't help but back step at the sight of her perfectly white teeth. Was there an end to her beauty?

He sighed as he turned to walk to the ocean to let his eyes lose focus as he watched the waves dance.

"No I'm not human."

She tilted her head, her expression beaming with curiosity, "well what are you?"

"I can't tell you that, not yet at least, but I guess you can say I'm not from around here."

Her eyes searched him diligently for any clues, a change of stance, a physical betrayal, anything to hint or confirm that he wasn't truly human. He could tell by her disappointed scowl that she'd found nothing.

He chuckled softly to himself and allowed his eyes to lose focus yet again and he watched the waves…

Dyno awoke suddenly, his body drenched in a cold sweat that formed while he slept. Another nightmare. He shook his head remembering the dream piece by piece until he noticed the arms wrapped tightly around his waist. He turned his head to see Firen lying against him, her eyes closed and a peaceful look overtaking her beautiful face. He smiled as he wondered if he had woken her by stirring slightly and tried to stay still. Carefully, he slid his hand over hers and recoiled slowly in shock at how cold her hand was. She could've been dead and had warmer skin than what she possessed now. None the less, he still smiled at her, thinking best not to question too much and drive her away. He would find out about her soon enough. After all, he didn't plan on letting her leave soon; he still had a day before his mother returned to town from a near-by city. It struck him odd that he'd never felt so attached to, well she wasn't human, any sentient being like he felt attached to this strange yet beautiful little girl. He felt an unnatural need to protect her and a longing for her to never leave his side. A smile broke across his lips as she stirred slightly and became still again. His fingers combed through her hair gently and she smiled and opened her eyes.

"So you finally woke up?" she said, her voice unclouded by any drowsiness.

"I didn't know you were awake," he said softly," did I wake you up?"

"No," she laughed softly, "I don't have to sleep. I was faking, in case someone came across us here."

"How long was I out?"

"About five hours."

He jerked up in shock at the news of the time. If he was correct it was almost midnight.

"Five hours?!" he said shocked. She just nodded and giggled.

He stared at her bewildered, but his chaotic thoughts were soon replaced with the calm image of her pale skin glowing silver and her hair a dim crimson in the soft moonlight. Her matching crimson eyes locked with his and her lips pulled up into a crooked smile that nearly knocked him breathless. He had to actually remind himself to take a breath.

"Something wrong, Dyno?" she asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper, as she sat up next to him and put her arms around his neck.

"No, everything's perfect. I could die happy right now," he said smiling and pulling his arms around her waist.

"Good, I'm glad you're happy," she whispered leaning closer to him. Her breath was just as cool as her skin and smelled sweeter than anything he'd ever smelled before. It nearly made his mouth water as her words rolled over his face. He could feel every muscle in his body tighten as she moved closer and bent her neck so her cool lips could drag across his neck.

"You shouldn't let me be around you," she said softly. He felt her cool breath against his neck.


"I could easily kill you right now." His words caught her off-guard.

"Y-you could?" he couldn't keep his voice smooth. He felt her lips pull up into a smirk against his skin.

"It would be over quickly, you'd never feel a thing. I could do it with one quick motion right now." He shivered softly, one part fear, one part the pure pleasure from feeling her lips form her words against the skin of his neck.

"As long as you kept talking while you did it I wouldn't mind dying," he said smirking. It was true, so what else could he say?

She frowned and backed away from his neck, "you'd let me kill you?"

"If it's what you wanted," he shrugged. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, and he tried to search for some hint to what she was thinking, but to no avail.

Suddenly he was on his back and she was over him, her cold lips pressing against his, moving passionately causing them to form around hers. He felt his face burn as he returned her kiss with the same passion she expressed, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her against him, trying to keep her there. She let an exasperated sigh flow past her lips as she pulled away from him slowly, her entire body quivering.

"You shouldn't be so kind as to let me over take you like this, it's dangerous," she said slowly.

"You don't know the half of it," he'd said too much.

"What do you mean?"

Dyno could only stay silent. He couldn't tell her his secret yet, that he wasn't human, that he had powers because he wasn't from earth. How could he scare her off now? He couldn't, he wouldn't allow himself, and that meant keeping her in the dark for the time being. Maybe…he thought to himself, just maybe I could show her that much.

He gently pushed her aside and smiled rising to his feet in a quick motion. She sat up and gracefully crossed her legs watching him intently.

"I'm afraid I can't show you everything, but I can show you this," he said as he ran his fingers through his messy, and now very sandy, dark brown hair. She stared at him, perfectly still, her face emotionless as he reached for the back of his swim trunks and pulls the waist down just slightly. He watched her expression and was surprised to see not shock on her face, but excitement as he allowed his furry brown, monkey-like tail to sway freely behind him. She tackled him down into the sand again, her body moving with the grace of a tiger playing with its cub, and hugged his tail squealing.

"IT'S SO CUTE!!!" she giggled as she rubbed her cheek against the velvety fur. He quivered at the feel of her soft, yet rock hard skin, cooling his own through the layer of dense fur. He chuckled softly as he watched her snuggle with his tail and then closed his eyes and let her enjoy herself. It wasn't until he felt her lips against his neck again that he opened his eyes.

"You know, for someone who say's they're bad for me, you aren't keeping your distance," he said smugly, a grin crossing his face.

"You aren't afraid of me are you?" she asked tilting her head, half curiously, half apologetically.


She sighed calmly and laid her head against his chest, "how can one person be brave and kind all at the same time?"

"Easy," he said chuckling, "I'm not a person, remember?"

She chuckled with him and looked him in the eyes, "you realize that you're mine now don't you?" He was slightly stunned by the serious expression that had now overcome her face.

"No, I didn't," he said slowly, before widening his grin, "but I guess there's nothing I can really do about it is there?"

"Nope," she said grinning just as widely. They laid in silence then, listening to the waves devour the shoreline, and then slowly creep back into the ocean.




Dyno's Awakening: Prologue

22:15 Dec 08 2008
Times Read: 564



I never thought that my life would end this quickly, this early. I had always suspected I wouldn't live very long, maybe mid thirties, but to die at seven years old was a surprise to me. I couldn't help but feel a calm peace as I watched the truck speed toward me in slow motion, closing the gap between us going at least forty miles an hour. My hand instinctively tightened the grip on my backpack strap as my body tensed for the impact. The school bus horn sent a distorted warning through the peace of my silent mind. I looked once more at the house that had protected me for the years I had been alive and shuddered at the sight of my mother's horrified stature standing on the front porch, awaiting mine and my brother's arrival as she did every afternoon. I closed my eyes and waited for my fate to finally come. It was over quicker than I thought it would be. I felt no pain as the frame of the truck slammed into my small body, sending it flying through the air with a horrifying snap, which I imagine where my ribs shattering. I landed a few yards from where I had been standing and the truck came to a screeching halt a few feet from me. I could hear my mother frantically screaming and crying. I tried to talk, just to breathe out that I was still alive, but my body refused to comply with my wish. I slowly slipped out of consciousness, listening to the frantic screams of the witnesses around me, and praying that there would be no pain when I awoke next.




Dyno's Lost Journal Entry

22:13 Dec 08 2008
Times Read: 566

Dyno’s Lost Journal Page

This is the begging of the chapter after Dyno's disappearance in the book. Firen finds Dyno's journal buried in the ashes of his burnt home. Enjoy and I hope you read the book as I post it.

Firen shifted the ash looking for his clothes she saw hanging in the window. Maybe, by some miracle, some part of his memory survived. She needed those clothes so she could remember him, as though she could forget him with her eternal vampuric memory. She wanted to have his scent, she wanted to be that much closer to having him back.

She stopped when she found a soot covered book. Its black cover unscathed by the flames that devoured the house just hours before and a glint of hope filled her eyes when she realized what she was holding, his journal. She anxiously opened the book and searched the pages. Empty page after empty page, after empty page. She sighed and threw the book aside and was about to resume her fruitless search....until. The black ink stood out like fire in the night. There, laying in the ashes, was Dyno's only entry in the journal. She picked up the book carefully, afraid that if she lost the page, it would never reveal itself again. Her eyes scanned skillfully over the page as her mind absorbed what she was seeing. His last words made her choke on her breath. They weren't about some meaningless day in his life, they were about her. She held the book tightly as she scanned over the passage again, slowly this time:

"Dear Journal,

I met this girl, and I think I've finally fallen in love. The only thing is, she's a vampire. Her name's Firen, and she's absolutely the most beautiful thing I've seen. I'm going to ask her to date me....

I did it!!! She's mine, just as much as I'm hers. It feels great! I hope this never ends....it won't...will it?

She bit me...and something strange happened. She was afraid, and kept apologizing and asking me if I felt strange. I didn't...until I got mad, then I actually turned into a vampire! I think I can learn to control it...I hope so. I want to be more like her, and I want to be eternal. I never want to leave her..."

She looked at the last half of the entry. It was FRESH! Within a couple of days of being written:

"I can't believe it's been so long without her. I know now that I haven't got a chance to be with her again. We seemed to be getting so close and then...I dunno what I'm going to do....I have to leave. I have to leave this all behind, get away from her....I love her. I lost her..."



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