A negative percentage is "negligible"... When it does not impact efficiency at an increasing rate.
Since percentages and numbers are the focus.
Math only counts when it shows positive results?
Diminishing returns don't stack up?
What should I really focus on here? Lmfao.
Recognizing A bad plan is a bad plan does not come with the prerequisite of replacing said plan.
But lets keep watching the fire burn.
While some fan it.
Ill surely burn, since i can't convince people fire is hot, so... Stepping back is all one can do. Till i run out of room and charred bodies to delay the oncoming blaze.
Keeping with the analogy, id be happy for enough water to drown the stupid fucks with after putting out the fire.
What, on this little green, rotting earth, ever convinced you that those who are endlessly kind and caring, do not fantasize about doing unspeakable atrocities to those that deserve it?
Heh, that's how they stay sane.
The dark corners of the mind and all
12:23 Sep 09 2021