For you... liking me is just a matter of mood. Not principles.
I'll survive.
"Stand back and fathom the eternal irony of the man that only wants peace, and finds himself fighting for it."
Getting home from work, I grip the wheel tighter as I put the car in park... leave the lights on and just ... Practically crushing the wheel I remember being asked just how long ago was it that I cried last. Well, that's easy to answer, tonight.
Time always pours light onto things. It shows that which really is. No matter what. Truth travels, unwavering. And that, I can be thankful for.
I will continue to live without creating more regrets. I will suffer for what is truth and I will enjoy when it teaches. it has kept me hap-- no... Content and healthy. And laughter is not far nor foreign to me. We all have our philosophies.
This is mine.
If healing begins the moment a person feels heard, it's a bit strange people wonder why I still hurt.
I do it far more often than I thought.
Even if it is simple or mundane.
"Must you do things in extremes?"
Is a common inquiry by most, in reference to me.
I have spent a total of 5 hours(not consecutive) back home since getting out of work at 5 this morning; only to repeat this again tomorrow. It truly is a painful bliss, and I do it willingly.
Bitch about you employment situation, please. I get maybe 3 hours with my Littlefoot tomorrow.
I can't complain. Why complain when I can be happy? Positive about the reality of the situation. It was not I, but another that got what I would be happy to get, and there is no reason to be upset over that. Knowing full well how unfortunate it is to not get that time, and also knowing full well that whoever it was that got it, was happy to get it, smiling is the result. Well over an hour after an alarm is meant to be set, still here. I don't know how that promotes rest, but I do know this... wasn't wasted. And I know whoever, feels the same way. And that is worth smiling about.
Oh yeah...
"I punched a dog in the face, and it bit me. Woe is me."
When they do something, anything at all, that screams the tender whisper: "I want you to love me"
Do you hear it?
You may have "your reasons" behind it... but...
While leaving me Honor being the focus of this, the end meaning is undeniable. And honestly, as that has basically been my life, I've become quite tired of the trend.
If you must hide the fact that you wish to, or do speak with me, there is something very wrong.
Wondering if "Slain" is some sort of guilty pleasure, or best kept secret, is less than flattering.
Slain, the best kept secret. Now that's a laugh.
Learning is fun when you aren't choosing the hard lessons.
And if you think I mean take the easy way...
You don't know me at all.
Strange... How what you truly want in life, you cannot ask for.
Fitting... how it's something you don't feel you should have to.
Halloween just passed. an occasion where everyone can disguise or wear ANY costume they so desire. Yet I'm seeing how there's a list of "offensive" costumes that include "blackface and whiteface"
Seriously? What 11 year old pretentious buttmunch is actually offended by either of those? Or am I just so uncompromising that I refuse to adhere to society as whole deciding that the glaring overstep of boundaries comes in the form of directly applying make-up or paint to one's face, that doesn't match one's racial complexion. Yet wearing a piece of rubber or plastic that is pre-painted with those SAME color clashes, is entirely acceptable. For those having trouble keeping up... most of us call those a MASK.
Allow me to contribute to the stupidity. Because well, I'm bored. I'm offended by what you atrocious, snot bags find offensive. More so because you find reason to be offended where no offense exists. Want an example of intentional offensive behavior? Well... take MY costume into consideration. What? You don't know what I was? You didn't see it? Can't see it? Here's why... be the victim of your own close-mindedness.
I went as one of the people that died in 9/11.
Here's a hint... I'm dead.
:: snorts::
It's way early... I'm off work just a few hours ago, Fairly tired yet energetic. But having... well... just nothing anywhere... drains a part of me that I didn't think could get emptier. It is what it is.
There are much more important things.
There have to be...
Well, ghost, I suppose it's a safe guess that the computer restarted.
Yeah... "hard on me"?
Nah, I'm just a victim when I acknowledge the bad times.
And right now? well... I can't complain.