Write your actions in such a way you don't regret them later. Let the things you do define you, not the things you say.
"I lied ? what did i lie about?"
"I didn't lie, I told you everything up front"
"I don't need to share everything with you!"
"Fine, I understand what I did, I was wrong and I'm sorry."
"I did it because I though it was the best solution at the time!"
"but I didn't lie"
"I understand what I put you through.."
"You believe what you WANT i've already told you my side"
yeah... lets find out where credibility of action comes into question, and one can't be adult enough to understand the concept of what happens when "crying wolf" takes effect.
take responsibility to clear the air for the person you love?
it's not your problem!
Why would you ever want them to feel comfortable and enable them to move past the garbage you put them through?!
How truly difficult this is...
It's FUNNY, how my girl's 'friend' who has been a major impacting factor on our relationship; lies about her cheating on him with me to multiple people including myself(while he vents to me about being with her)... and I'm the asshole, because I am not okay with this.
I guess my wanting to know why things don't add up is just TOO MUCH truth from anyone to handle.
am I really the only person that doesn't fit into VR's immoral compass anymore?
Anyone know of any (okay to good) quality external cams? The non arm or leg costing ones? Thanks.
Yes Logitech do a great range and very reasonable.
Ah... thanks a lot.
I suppose I would look into them if I actually was the one that needed one.
Who knows? Maybe this info will not go to waste.
All of a sudden... today's going to be a typical repetition of garbage that's already been discussed.
And I'm an asshole for it.
Why waste time on me?
I'm clearly not worth the effort of a few button presses. Let alone words being kept.
I am aware that people will choose what they will, regardless of guidance. Meh... in any case...
I was thoroughly upset and angered by something occurring that affected me and I had clear control over. So... when I request for something to be done that will undoubtedly avoid this from repeating; Am not listened to, which results in it occurring once again. :: chuckles:: You best believe I'm going to be angry. And now... days after my angry outburst, I am approached with the expectation of me apologizing for my reaction to such a situation.
So, to avoid the typical cliche's of "Are you actually serious?" and "Are you f-ing kidding me?!" Let me attempt it your way, since you 'think' i should be sorry. Logically, what I did, and what I am sorry for is what comes to mind.
So... here it goes everyone!
"I am sincerely sorry that you are an unintelligent fuckwit, who cannot grasp the concept of following laundry list of instructions that was all but, ONE steps long; That would have completely avoided putting something that is of great value of mine at risk once more. Thus angering me to the point where any normal person would then be inclined and emotionally drawn upon to forego any an all social buffers I may have in place, that would have otherwise softened the initial reaction of me "LOSING ME F*CKING SHIT." Since it is also, regrettably unavoidable that out interaction will continue in the future due to us being family, I apologize that you can't grasp the personality of a person after years of being in contact with them, and can't understand their "ridiculous and outrageous" demands may in fact, have some form of reasoning behind them. I truly am sorry, and i hope you find it in your heart to forgive me and my unfounded indiscretions."
I have never used what was going on in my life as a an excuse to mistreat my partners at any time.
They know this...
What is so hard to see that?
I've a broken heart, a spiraling life and a house falling apart. Now, am I an asshole because of those things?
Or am I an asshole because of how you treat me?
difficult, complicated and impossible questions... I know.
Those are the only kind I ever ask.