Let me be a bit obvious for a moment while I'm still vulnerable.
Sometimes the simplest of sentences... can leave you gasping for air, and holding your chest like you've been shot while drowning.
I almost wonder, then I remember not to.
Off with ye.
There's a mirror there.
That moment when you are asked "How's the weather?" and you respond with "Acclimating."
Screw you, I'm hilarious.
Don't hate. Appreciate. No, seriously... LOL.
First let's post the poster that claims everyone else's pics of their children on FB, look like deformed tiny aliens. You know the one. Then... let's have the same person post pictures.... of their children, on FB.
That saying, "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer"
Doesn't hold a candle to keeping those with a skewed moral compass, no values and most importantly the summed up conviction of a flock of sheep where hypocrisy is the air they breathe.
I truly appreciate these human beings, because the lessons they teach me, are absolutely invaluable.
Here's a toast to the Pot, the Kettle and that very lovely shade of Black. It just goes so nice with everything. Cheers!!!
so my new way of reading comments is to delete them.... -.- so there's that idiocy for ya. lol
One written paragraph and umpteen mental directions later... I've thought and overwhelmed myself out of my writing momentum.
Just plain typical.
So... Men are like cats, eh? :: clears throat::
How's that theory working for you?
well with that tone of conviction in your voice, FUCK YOU!
:: Slain laughs for 10 straight minutes::
Maybe... he lacks empathy?
More to come after a word from our sponsors.
This day brought to you by, the letter
the word,
And by the number
CCR's Bad Moon Rising.
I see the bad moon arising.
I see trouble on the way.
I see earthquakes and lightnin'.
I see those bad times today.
Don't go around tonight,
Well it's bound to take your life,
There's a bad moon on the rise.
I hear hurricanes a blowing.
I know the end is coming soon.
I fear rivers over flowing.
I hear the voice of rage and ruin.
Well don't go around tonight,
Well it's bound to take your life,
There's a bad moon on the rise.
Hope you got your things together.
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Looks like we're in for nasty weather.
One eye is taken for an eye.
Well don't go around tonight,
Well it's bound to take your life,
There's a bad moon on the rise.
Don't come around tonight,
Well it's bound to take your life,
There's a bad moon on the rise.
Can't really say I disagree. lmfao
Well... that's...
Well... that's really...
That's really something.
I don't know why I still care. Keep playing out different scenarios in my head trying to reach a different conclusion other than what is obviously... the plain truth right in front of me.
All the intelligence in the world can't make up for what is common sense. If you can't tell an act of hateful aggression apart from genuine concern, then why bother at all?
I remember when I first signed up on here my quote was from Hamlet... and even the very first comment on my profile confirms it... I guess I changed it out of hope.
"Frailty, thy name is Woman!"
This little piggy wants a doctor. This little piggy wishes he had stayed home. This piggy hurts to much to eat. This little piggy hurts too.. and this little piggy is telling all the other piggies to man the hell up! Things are just getting started!
Ladies and gentlemen, my foot.
I'm home!!!!!.... annnnnd I want to be out again already.
Josie Esteban
Tenemos que hablar amigo
Hoy te vengo a advertir amigo
Intervengo porque se que caminas
por la celda que hace tiempo,
por la celda que hace tiempo recorri
Que no haz hecho nada mas, siempre me juras
Pero yo conozco bien tus aventuras
Se prefectamente quien te ha enamorado
Se llama Blanca oye bien
y una vez pertenecio a mi
Pero no tomes el agua,
que ayer me pudo envenenar
esa Blanca es traicionera y mi experiencia,
te lo puede explicar,
corrio entre mis venas y me atrapo en su cruel maldad,
me arrepiento aunque es tarde,
Pero mia migo tu, lo puedes evitar...
Vico C
Bueno, Se muy bien que me aprecias
pero no escucho palabras nesias
Y no lo tomes a malo hermano
Soy muy joven pero listo y sano
NO te preocupes sigue tranquilo
Dejame vivir a mi moderno estilo
Quizas fue que no te funciono
Te volviste un esclavo a merced de su amor
Blanca dicen que es peligrosa
pero halla la gente con sus cosas
Caminare por las celdas que andaste
por el camino que no dominaste
Si lo acepto la quiero mucho
Y dia tras dia por su amor yo lucho
Conozco su baja reputacion
Pero amigo olvida es mi desicion
Josie Esteban
El tiempo te enseño amigo
Te burlo, te traiciono, amigo
Te adverti te aconseje pues no sabias
Que seria un desengaño,
que serias un fracaso como yo
Yo se muy bien y se que te arrepientes
Me lo aseguras y yo se que no me mientes
Eres solo uno mas en su historia
A esa blanca la .....,
es por eso que te dije a ti que no
no no no no noooo tomes el agua
que ayer me pudo envenenar
Esa Blanca es traicionera
y mi experiencia hoy
te lo puede explicar
corrio entre mis venas
y me atrapo en su cruel malda
Me arrepiento aunque es tarde
pero mi amigo tu
lo puedes evitar
Vico C
Bueno se muy bien lo que dices
ahora veo el daño que me hize
Simplemente por experimentar
Fijate en el hollo en que vine a parar
Fue una noche que me fuy a diventir
Y decia que mi cuerpo queria sentir
Le dije Blanca, sabia su nombre
Pues es muy conocida entre chicas y hombres
Al principio me sentia gozoso
Senti que su llegada fue un acto glorioso
Me aconsejaste y fue lo correcto
Pero como ser humano no soy perfecto
Ahora escuchame quejas tras quejas,
arrepentido tras las rejas
Crei que blanca iva a ser especial
Y es simplemente droga capaz de matar
Blanca tu eres mala
y nuestro amor tendra que terminar
my EVERYTHING hurts... hahahaha.
I got home this morning, just in time to rest these blisters I call feet Annnnd Perfection-- the best thing Ever to be waiting at home for me was there....
My Littlefoot got home just as I did. My morning is awesome.
[1:18:22 PM] mega.munkey7: Hello! Please add me to your Contact list.
[1:18:41 PM] Slain: and you are?
[1:19:08 PM] mega.munkey7: Yay someone to talk to :) !! how r u?
[1:19:11 PM] Slain: 10 secs before you get blocked.
[1:19:18 PM] Slain: who are you?
[1:19:28 PM] mega.munkey7: do it! I DARE YOU!
[1:19:48 PM] Slain: k
[1:19:55 PM] *** Slain blocked mega.munkey7 ***
I may share some info, say something or, god forbid, ask a question, and I will get the most deflective, unfocused and brief answer ever; when I they have not opted to just not answer the hell AT ALL.
But when it comes to them sharing what they wish to further, share their personal wise opinions or wish me to know something that is totally unrelated to the matter, in place of what I have actually asked, they are the most verbose motherfuckers this side of verbal diarrhea.
It's not confusing as much as it is goddamn irritating.
her: so i am sorry people are assholes
her: -- me included
her: ..and WHAT THE FUCK is sooooooooo funny about that??
me: and I'm sorry you're an asshole too. ; (
her: : (
her: asshole.
her: journal that
The cool thing about life going at about Ten to Twenty 'What-the-FUCK!?'s per hour, is that it is never boring.
It may be difficult, but the best you can do for yourself is to remove yourself from the situation/relationship.
I agree, but only if no effort towards change is made. Then, the answer is, sadly, clear.
I get this often. First they do things to anger me, and then get shocked because I react.
23:24 Jun 29 2014
Ugh.. I hate that.