Slain's Journal

Slain's Journal


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19 entries this month

What just happened?... I got my ass KICKED is What!

04:04 Jun 30 2012
Times Read: 1,050

Clock-in :


Clock-out :



"One of these things just DOESN'T belong Here!!!!!"





08:37 Jun 29 2012
Times Read: 1,057

Lágrimas pueden derrotar cualquier razón

y ablandar hasta el más difícil corazón.

Transmitir ese sentimiento especial,

persuadir porque convenciendo no tienen rival

Al oir el llanto como un canto

puede embelesar,

tu destino puede igual modificar.

Tienes que ser firme y tu alma endurecer.

Un sollozo duele y pronto puede convencer.

Puedes en la vida a todo enfrentar,

pero una lágrima te podría desarmar.

Más que una amenaza el llanto te dará,

más que con sonrisas con llanto siempre lograrás.

Puedes en la vida a todo enfrentar,

pero una lágrima...


Lágrimas pueden derrotar cualquier razón

y ablandar hasta el más difícil corazón.

Transmitir ese sentimiento especial,

persuadir porque convenciendo no tienen rival

Al oir el llanto como un canto

puede regresar,

tu destino puede igual modificar.

Tienes que servirle y tu alma endurecer.

Mas que todo duelen y pronto pueden convencer.

Puedes en la vida a todo enfrentar,

Mas que con sonrisas el llanto siempre lograras.

Sonrisas van y vienen con tanta ilusion

de lograr los suenos en cada corazon

enfrentar la tristeza con mucho valor

llenara de felicidad tu mundo interior

veras que algun dia toda alma en su totalidad

Podra encontrar su anhelada paz

Tienes que servirle y tu alma endurecer.

Mas que todo duelen y pronto pueden convencer.

Puedes en la vida a todo enfrentar,

Mas que con sonrisas el llanto siempre lograras.

Momentos de la ninez nos hacen recordar

la dulzura y calidez de un remoto lugar

las estrellas van, a el futuro adivinar

Y veras, todo lo que hay aca, Brilla

Tienes que servirle y tu alma endurecer.

Mas que todo duelen y pronto pueden convencer.

Puedes en la vida a todo enfrentar,

Mas que con sonrisas el llanto siempre lograras.

Tienes que servirle y tu alma endurecer.

Mas que todo duelen y pronto pueden convencer.

Sonreir a veces, igualmente llorar

Abriran el paso hacia un nuevo caminar...


Lagrimas, derramadas desde mi interior

Llenaras, de ternura cada corazon

expresar, cada sentimiento y emocion

borraras, la amargura y el dolor de un corazon

esa noche eterna

tuve miedo de la oscuridad

miré a las estrellas

y a ellas les rogué

en el infinito

rodar de los tiempos

nos cansamos

de buscar siempre el eterno amor

y al cielo miramos

por muy lejos que este

gritando el silencio

lo fuertes que queremos ser

soñare, con que nos volvamos a encontrar

sonreiras, con dulzura y serenidad

cada corazon, guarda en sus adentros la emocion

cada corazon, despliega sus alas antes de volar

se que en el futuro

nuestras al mas se podran unir

hasta que esto ocurra

debemos sufrir

en el infinito

rodar de los tiempos

conocemos una parte

de lo que vivimos

atravesaremos la gran oscuridad

con una sonrisa

dispuestos a continuar

guardo en mi tantos recuerdos

de lo que vivi

mil momentos

que me hicieron sentir tan feliz

las estrellas que

brillan con intensidad

hablan hoy

del futuro de este amor


en el infinito

rodar de los tiempos

nos cansamos

de buscar siempre el eterno amor

y al cielo miramos

por muy lejos que este

gritando el silencio

lo fuertes que queremos ser

en el infinito

rodar de los tiempos

conocemos una parte

de lo que vivimos

atravesaremos la gran oscuridad

con una sonrisa

dispuestos a continuar





04:06 Jun 27 2012
Times Read: 1,066

.....Between the World? and what is Important?.....





02:27 Jun 26 2012
Times Read: 1,083

I now how to listen. It's called advice. You take it as you see fit and you act however you feel. I analyze and absorb and weigh and compare, CONSTANTLY in my head. Hoping for the best outcome arises from my choices...

Well... sometimes when I know better than to listen to others... or better yet.. its not about listening... but just having slightly better judgement in what I allow to develop within my mind. This time... once again, I let my hope and dreams get the better of me.

"Why allow any of this to happen?"

because I'm a naive and masochistic individual. I know what I see.. and I know what has transpired in other for things to have turned into what they are now.

It's not about fault but choosing the best thing for everyone involved. I see it. Others may see it. But if you cant see it... I can't tell you or show you. It has to be something you realize on your own.

Certain things are avoided in conversation... only you know why. But, if you cant live with them, at least attempt to learn from them.

Manipulation and Egotistical Pride. Are responsible for a lot... But the very EXACT person who needs to be taken into account.... is our daughter.

Some things I can't explain... especially when rushed. And... like i said... certain things I would only say depending on your thoughts and reactions.

In the end I was affected today... because my own ears would not listen to myself. I don't know what to think now. But... Overall...

I despise being right.

Things change constantly. That can never be helped.

You can fear it's okay.

Just don't try to control or incite it by your own doing. That makes things volatile.

The kicker is... the severity of how RIGHT I was... is yet to be seen.

And... in case I was never clear,

Thank You.

She is growing beautifully, and is amazingly smart and quick. Her kindness and he bratty outburst and her intellect leave all astounded and smiling. Especially me.

Thank you.

Thank you. For bearing our child and giving her birth, as I stood by and watched helplessly.

Thank you...

Thank you,

for being the Mother you are to our Daughter.




... and every second worth waiting for....

13:36 Jun 24 2012
Times Read: 1,106

Four-hundred and Eighty Four minutes.

God I love hearing your voice.

It's been difficult, but it always worth it.

And we were not even DONE talking...

Hmm Hmm


I want all of you.

What have we done?





00:07 Jun 22 2012
Times Read: 1,134

As humans, we will always use one another.

The severity and degree of the insult suffered by those who realize they are being used, is solely dependent of the manner in which they feel/understand they are being used.

In some cases few will admit that they are fine with being used. Some will deny it ever occurred.

I happen to be one of the few that realizes I'm being used, in the smallest of ways. Some may use me to feel better... some may use me as an ear for their troubles. Most don't even understand that they are doing it. And... To me... being used... is not necessarily such a bad thing.

But thats just me.

Now... I've been used for reassurance and acceptance... that's fine by me. What bothers me is when others see me about to do it... and claim they never would do something like that.

Well... either way... have fun thinking about how you are being used every day. And then wonder... that if those using you... appreciate the kind of tool you are to them and for them.

Hmm hmm.

If you know how to think... then the negative aura around this piece might actually dissipate into a rather welcome, fresh breath... of realization for you.

Have a good day.



04:09 Jun 22 2012

Thank you for being a great listener

17:34 Jun 22 2012

well thaught out and very true



16:32 Jun 21 2012
Times Read: 1,141

Meh... I'll think of something...




11:25 Jun 24 2012

sure you will


HEHEHE... wow... my life. It ROCKS.

02:54 Jun 20 2012
Times Read: 1,164

"Hello... we understand you had a fabulous day out on your tour?"

Ummm.. Yea?

"Good. We also understand you were scheduled to leave base at an obscenely early time, what was that time again?"

0430... drive out time.

"very good. We understand, as well, that your tour ran smoothy and without issues even with the Three Unnecessary Add-Ons we injected into your schedule without any heads up whatsoever?"

Yes... the tour was smooth.

"and at what time did you return to base and closed out your tour?"


"Very good. We would like to inform you that we will be seeing you tomorrow at 0300."

... ... ....




03:31 Jun 20 2012

wow lmao better go to bed

21:34 Jun 20 2012

the more you give the more they will take sir. get used to it. but the money helps for sure

04:22 Jun 21 2012

Peachy just Peachy I wish I was you bro .....



09:38 Jun 18 2012
Times Read: 1,183

4:29:15am duration: 1:11:25


I think we had fun. hmm hmm




I'm just saying...

02:38 Jun 18 2012
Times Read: 1,202

Do you remember the last time you chokef on toothpaste because you are watching your 2 year old brush their teeth along with you?

The last time that they tried reading YOU a bed time story to put YOU to bed?

The last time that they got out of bed and instead of playing the asked you to lay with you and snuggle?------ "eat later" she would say...

No... and its ok. Those and many other EVERY DAY moments happen and pass. And I'm not saying that I would ever value them more than anyone else.

I'm not saying that most take those for granted and they don't even know it.

I'm just saying...

I'd die... for the chance to take those moments for granted.



04:11 Jun 18 2012

I wanted to comment to say, something.. but really you said it all.

21:33 Jun 20 2012

wish id had the chance to do them my friend. just never found the right person . oh to be young again and have the chance



02:25 Jun 18 2012
Times Read: 1,206


There was a time where I saw my dreams were coming true...


I was lulled into a blind blissful world of promises of success, affection and love...


Las promesas de apollo me las imagine...

And when I agreed to build my 'family'...

I never realized that was an endeavor I'd be taking on alone.

Something that can easily throw some into despair...

Y ahora...

I'm... me... or so... I slightly feel it...

Minus a giant piece of my life.

And today... I should be happy about that.

She's growing so fast. She's incredibly smart. She stubborn and very protective and caring. She remembers more than she should...

This is all hearsay... because none of this can I actually give you first hand accounts of.

In my head... I'm still making her scrambled eggs for breakfast... and taking her to the park after mom got dropped off at work... and she's still in diapers... and her car seat still fits her for a while to come...


Yo nunca... me mereci cer padre...

Feliz Dia de los Padres... A Todos.




hmm hmm

07:58 Jun 17 2012
Times Read: 1,219




to me ?



15:20 Jun 17 2012

happy fathers day to you

16:23 Jun 17 2012

To you.

05:23 Jun 18 2012

Happy Father's Day my friend.


This... and all that remain

05:55 Jun 14 2012
Times Read: 1,248

Softly... slowly... passionately and above everything...


Would I make love to you tonight.

Just to capture your hair... and taste it.

The scent of you skin...

the quiver of your voice...

The Softness of your lips....

The rustling of the sheets.... with you among them.. beneath me...

The firmness of your grasps...

and your nails..

just.. all of you...


Something I should not be able to miss...

But I find myself missing it badly.

Hmm hmm.




05:57 Jun 14 2012

Im listening

16:34 Jun 14 2012

...very nice thoughts!



01:04 Jun 13 2012
Times Read: 1,266

I feel and estranging wave.

An overwhelming choking force.

Breathing is rather difficult...

and I don't know why.

This saddening aura,

this mist of despair...

Almost causing me to falter

and lose the control that I've so slowly gained..

and I don't know why.

so please come back to me.

Angel of power...

I've searched a long time...

dont make me again scour....

The world for the pleasant

state of being that I've so

longed and deserved.

at my side.. and I with her.

and that... I'll always know why.

I love because I love.

I cant do much more.

And I love... with all my love.

if you let me

ever more.





11:31 Jun 11 2012
Times Read: 1,275

Que tu cres?



16:35 Jun 14 2012

Good song, I love her!

07:40 Jun 25 2012

she has a nice ass::P


Traduce lo que yo escribo...

19:06 Jun 09 2012
Times Read: 1,291

tan ensorrados estan, que no se pueden mantener lejos de mi?

No se apuren tanto, mi vida es la mia y si quero revelar algo acerca de mi, lo revelare yo solo, a mi manera.

Yo no soy el unico que hable espanol. Tengan un poco de inteligencia. JAAJAJAJAJAJA.

Simplemente manden un mensaje y contestare. Por favor. Yo no estoy para juegos.

Pero si quieren hacerse los bobos... pues.. me divertire, en cualquier forma que se me pegue la gana.

Quien soy yo? lol Nadie.

Olvidensen de mi.

"Dejame por loco y no me hagas caso

Oye lo que te conviene, llora, llora nene

Gente como tu sin control me tiene

Tu no pagas mis deudas, ni me das plata

Y es que de verdad no amenasa, guasa guasa"

~Tego Calderon




June 7... 2012.... Thursday...

02:41 Jun 08 2012
Times Read: 1,307

I guess it's about time.

Estare en las sombras...




Tell me...

04:24 Jun 05 2012
Times Read: 1,319

I'll sing to you... whenever you want.

all you have to do is ask.





04:03 Jun 01 2012
Times Read: 1,163

Apuro, is lo que pienso.

Soledad, es to que me ahoga.

Y tu sonrisa es todo to que quiero.

Y tu besos, apasionado

Y tu mirada hambrienta.

Ama me...


Te amare.

Y ya que te amo... te seguiré amando.



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