...One of the last people who know what it feels like to lose someone they truly love, Indeed.
Little ghost, little ghost
One I'm scared of the most
Can you scare me up a little bit of love?
I'm the only one that sees you,
And I can't do much to please you
And it's not yet time to meet the lord above
The first moment that I met her
I did not expect a specter
When I shook her hand I really shook a glove
She looked into me so sweetly
And we left the room discreetly
No one else could know the secret of our love
Little ghost, little ghost
One I'm scared of the most
Can you scare me up a little bit of love?
I'm the only one that sees you,
And I can't do much to please you
And it's not yet time to meet the lord above
Every morning I awoke
And I see my little ghost
Wond'rin' if it's really her that's lying there
I lean to touch her and I whisper
But not brave enough to kiss her
When I held her I was really holding air
Little ghost, little ghost
One I'm scared of the most
Can you scare me up a little bit of love?
I'm the only one that sees you,
And I can't do much to please you
And it's not yet time to meet the lord above
Though I try my best to keep it
There really was no secret
Must have looked like I was dancing with the wall
No one else could see this apparition
But because of my condition
I fell in love with a little ghost and that was all
Little ghost, little ghost
One I'm scared of the most
Can you scare me up a little bit of love?
I'm the only one that sees you,
And I can't do much to please you
And it's not yet time to meet the lord above
No, it's not yet time to meet the lord above
All the while watching a fan take its ceaseless spin... I remembered that i, once again, did dream...
Its a song. lol
Ojos negros en el cielo de una noche fría.
Labios rojos que me hablaban,
yo no la oía.
Tú tienes cuantos años, pregunté...
De repente con una excusa,
le invité un café.
Ojos negros me decían
yo no te conozco.
Y tranquila en las vidrieras
observaba un poco.
Y que le digo ahora, no lo sé.
Una luz se encendía de pronto y pensé,
que este encuentro casual,
no era casualidad, me acerqué.
Cuenta la historia
que a mi encuentro volvió,
una tarde llena de gente
ya casi a las dos.
Cuenta la historia
que a mi encuentro llegó,
algo retrasada y nerviosa,
mirando el reloj.
Ojos negros se encontraba
al cabo de unas horas,
apretada a mí, bailando
una canción de moda.
El ambiente oscuro, me indicó
que el espacio se hacía muy grande,
y que yo sugiriese pasar esa noche
los dos, por qué no.
HOLY SHIT I wrote a poem today!!! and OH SHIT I Finnished another!!!
18:21 Aug 07 2010