When your four year old watches Dumbo, and they literally go from laughing and joking about the movie with you... to silent and serious as the "Baby Mine" scene comes on... Squeezing your hand, cuddling into you and whispering they love you very much... and they miss you when they aren't with you...
An ocean of powerful feelings practically drowns you.
And in the same breath that you thank god, you tell him to go fuck himself... for everything.
Maybe how I display myself if unbelievable to you. How could I say and claim such things off of but a rumor or hearsay? A glimpse?
I don't know... you tell me.
How do I act like I know everything? You've barely spent 2 hours conversing with me to arrive at that. How do I act like I'm better than everyone? You barely now how long I've been alive. You can asses how intelligent I am? Oh? Because you've been in my place, I understand. I am a people-pleaser? I'm sorry I thought the general consensus was that I am an asshole. You visit my intentions? Why because your word is fact regardless of what I say in my defense? You won't answer any of these, because you would dig yourself a hole if you did. It's okay. All hypocrites do it.
But wait, How dare I claim anything based off of what I see, and what you display? Are you fucking kidding me? Oh my! what horrid person am I for doing what you do. Oh I'm a hypocrite you say? Do tell me more! Don't like your own game, then why do you play it? After all, this is what it all is right? A game? Oh no... it's not a game with your core beliefs, convictions and morals get questioned. Now it's fucking serious. Break out all the stops! This mother fucker(OH SHIT I just went into the third person. HIT THE DECK!) thinks he knows you! How dare he assume who and what you are based what you provide as clues!? How DARE he insinuate with scary accuracy that your implications and chosen words have more meaning than your shallow vestige is trying to convey? How dare he put words in your mouth and at the same goddamn time twist them in such a fashion you are rendered speechless with how he thinks!? But what's worse... is how dare he(Yes, I'm talking about myself in the third person for those of you who can't keep up) jump at your persona... and dig out with scary accuracy the underlying reasons behind your actions? Is he crazy? Psychotic? What the FUCK does one thing have to do with the other? GOD... why do you even associate with this fucking prick!? HE is so fake, so pompous and arrogant with EVERYTHING he says. Unfeeling, cruel and hateful. He is one redundant mother fucker!! Selfish and self-serving. Expects more than you ever implied you'd give or do for him, and does only if he will get something out of it! HE is what is wrong with the world. Nothing he says is true, and all the wants is to use you for his amusement until something better comes along.
Let's move on... This or... should I say... I could go on forever. That's just like me, isn't it?
Anyway, if you don't like what I am offering as a deductive observation of your blatant displays... then by all means correct me. Because never did I say, that everything I have share in an OBSERVATION is fact. Unlike those facts about myself that seem to change like the wind changes direction. Correct me, tell me I'm wrong and prove it. Fucking show me, and if I'm so unimportant a person to not warrant a goddamn response and justification of YOUR being, then why are you even reading this in the first place? Cut your fucking loses and ditch my ass, you've MUCH better things and people to do. And they all like you. Lol. Every. Last. One.
Don't challenge me, and when you start to walk in circles because I challenge you back, claim that I am using 'circular logic', If you don't want to be proven wrong don't step up. I'm not afraid of being wrong... why are you? Don't pick an angle and then abandon it the moment I put holes in it. That speaks poorly on how you carry your life. But who am I to say how a person ACTS is how they act, right!? Baffling concept.
This is written for all those who can't stomach to last out a conversation with me long enough. but for some reason I gave them that time. Meh. You can't delve enough into a convo for me to say this to in private, then here you go a freebie without the actual work of being burdened by my personality. Waste it to your hearts content.
Why do you take offense to how I portray myself as a person when I act as it basically shows that how you choose to behave and act is fucked and flawed? How is that my fault? Then you throw in my face I think I'm better than you? I don't sit back and take offense at your glaring stupidity simply because it's a fact, so why the double edged sword? Should I just be like you? Would that make you happy, bubbly, feel good about yourself and feel more accepted? I do regret to inform you, Cutey Wan-Canblowme, (waves hand in the air) these are not the shits you are looking for.
you don't like to be careful with the words you say and what you imply, but I should be? Is that about the fucking size of it? Fuck you.
If you think THIS song is about you... you aren't as stupid as you have seemed.
This was written with the express generalities in mind. Too many people act the same fucking way.(and have the EXACT FUCKING COMPLAINTS--what. a. coincidence!!!) I don't fucking play the vague game, that's another one of my GLARING FLAWS. OH... and some are going to get hit, (affected, irked, pissed off, hurt) by this more than others. That is not a coincidence. How I word things, TRY... most humbly attempt and put as much effort into... Saying, Implying and DISPLAYING EXACTLY what I fucking think.
I will joke when you least expect it. I will joke when you least want it and ridicule every flaw that you try and sell as being a perk, and I WILL find humor in the idiocy, hypocrisy and bullshit I am fed. I've no choice.
Well all these things are all good and well, and they truly amuse and teach me enough to know, everyone deserves a chance. Why? Mostly because so few ever give me one. Blah blah cry a river and play a violin for me. It's the truth. I am who I am because of people like you. And everything i do, is to reflect how much I will forever walk the path that goes in contrary to what you so self-rightiously are.
We will always share Peter North lol
LMFAO. No shit, Achilles.
And Hilarious, Eu. lol
It must be a special kind of liberating feeling for you; Crying wolf, whilst you are not seen feasting on other herds.
Watching a good show and a nice part comes on, you laugh then for those few seconds you realize there's no one there to laugh with. That changes, the entire feeling of the show, to the point where you start wishing things only your mind will know.
True loneliness.
If only life actually worked that way! Nicely said though.
True, that... :)
07:57 Jan 30 2014
Never lose hope. Ever.
01:17 Feb 02 2014
I've never lost 'hope' in being toyed with and used.
In fact I've had enough things shown and taught to me to come to expect such treatment.
01:35 Feb 02 2014
I wish I could name an exception.
I truly fucking do.