A Romantic Am I... Yes it is true.
Things could always go better and justice find the guilt's true hue.
A grey cloud's silver lining is never out of sight,
People's deaths and roaming demons are no cause for fright!
I've fallen in love for quite some time,
Her lovely green/blue eyes have never lost their bright shine!
I've been through bad and maybe some worse,
But have you ever wondered about anothers unlucky curse?
You say you're miserable, you say you wish for death.
But ONE there is watching you, worshiping your every breath.
You need not know it untill you show your worth true.
Someone is always aware of you, MUST they SPEAK too?!?
O! Misery! Misery! You can take it no sweat,
when bliss is what you find and enjoy it when kept.
A death for a death, a life for a life.
An eye for an eye, should quell others strife!
And so to you... who reads and wonders why
Why mine romantic eye is such an eye.
I've always believed in love and doubted it none,
Should any impede my path, their death shall be done!
I've always loved her and no one will stop me, they hate me for who I am, for my origin. Is that ignorant or what?!? My anger is only fed every time that I must hide when I share anything with her. The that awaits when she no longer must live withing the walls of that hell, and I shall be at her side forever.
And so its been more than a year since me and my friend Wiccan have met. And for almost that amount of time have we both tried to get her butt over my place to talk about a few things. We've decided to try and form a band, and now we've arrived at the better half of the plan.
Should she arrive Feb, 4 2005, we should begind thinking up songs and playing them out to see what we need and don't need. The group is and has been missing things from day one, (a little fuzzy about when day one was but w/e)
I've itching for something to go past the "talking about it" phase and into the "what happens after this" phase. -_- heh I sometimes hate my luck in some situations. SO... now i await, and await, and await some more with my poems and lyrics to see how it goes... (mean while he needs mroe strings and a new amp!!!)
Woop-De-Freakin-Doo! The year has turned, human race has taken yet another Gingantic Leap towards its imminent extinction. How? Oh c-mon!! Hath thee no ears nor eyes? Not only are we widely known for being the only species that claws at its own existence, ((which exacts the Hypocracy of those who dare say that Suicide is not the answer, yet E=MCSQUARED and VOILA! the atomic bomb exists!! )) but we also support none of the unfortunate and send their offspring off to fight for DUN DUN DUN.......NOTHING ((guess what? that's exactly what I feel deal with it. War is useless!!!))
I'm calm... For now.