Yah Its been a while too long a while in my book for me to just emptily send messages that i wont be getting back to on a timely basis. So if you are reading this then you care enough to keep track of what my thoughts are. if I talked with you on a normal basis on here.... then rest asured.. I FREAKIN MISS YOU.
yeah yeah I know Empty way of clumping all of you together right? Well I'm sorry but this is all I can do for now. and I've been glancing in and out and seeing no one so I dont send any 'passing msgs' either. its sad but true. I miss you all and have been thinking about you. and I've been needing people to talk to but havent had the luxury of the time to talk lately.
wish me luck and give me time :P ::hugs::
19:27 Aug 23 2009
I miss you too Slain. Despite all our disagreements the last few times we've talked. You are still cared for.