Once there was Cluster...
On his Journeys he met Fuck.
They had a love-child; Verizon.
Who's flaws, No ONE could tuck
One.. Two... and a Three Disconnects
Oh the joyous and plentiful luck
Reverting BACK to dial up
Just because the phone starts to Ring
And you have to fight back the urge to, it, Chuck.
Came along its Cousin, Comcast, Fuming
from the dropped call as he came to pick him up
"Dude when FIOS come out
my life wont be such a puck!"
"Were gonna give them the same fucking service
rename it and Up the Buck"
Comcast just stared at him
as he sped up driving the truck
He slapped the shit out of Verizon and just said:
" Dude...Seriously! What! The! Fuck!"
01:17 Apr 09 2012