SkullsNRoses's Journal


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2 entries this month


20:24 Jun 11 2022
Times Read: 322



Beware this Emporers son
Beware this bastard crown
Beware this sickened soul
Looks like a man
Like any other man
Lies like many others
Till you look closer
About & around
First clue he looks old
Old & faded
Colours not bright
Colours not upright
Gonna be jaded
Looks like any other man
If your not really looking
But just up from Hell
Just up from a red circle
Hot from that damnation circle
Going burnt orange with envys
Wanna go warn you
He's just another Hellbastard
He's from psycosocial hellands
He's got bad relations
He's been canned
He's been cut down
He's a walking talking disaster
He's got bad fires
He's got bad seeds
He's got raging diseases
Bad magicks
Bad imagination
From a book of hell
Bastard soul just up from hell
Dead man walking
Dead liar talking
Dead soul seeking
Dead deserter displaced
Venom vampire crawling
Desert vampire stalling
Fire vampire killing
Blood taker seeking
Blind killer still reeking
The red is getting streaked about
Stinks of blood & death
War streams
All the colours of deserts
Formentor of bad dreams
Evil creature of the Lore
Lore creature blaming on God
Just bound to lose
Lore creature losing out on God
Lurking out with the devil's signs
Warhand seeking to create havocs
Warlord creating death of all dignitys
Warhand attacking all pietys
Warlord against all societys
Warhand degrading his own societys
Red in eyes
Red in heart
Red & bloody in soul
No true king
No true man
No known father of men
No no true befriender
No true hero
Never known a brother
Runs with jokers
Runs with deniars
Runs with losers
Drunk on self-disqust
Drunk on sick potions
Drunk on stinky notions
Faker to the true throne
False to the true crown
Fraud to the true seat
Not what God made
Not what God wanted
Not what God created
Not what true creator designed
All run off rampant blasphamys
Pathetic ape of God
Disqusting to the core
Hell on earth
Hellrule on earth
Disease demons
In oranges & yellows
Here on earth
Satanic defiles
Leave him hellbound
Your going down
Going nowhere good
Going into browner grounds
Never even could
Rise above
Rise above your self
Rise above your sickness
Rise back to God
The liar reviled him
The tempter trapped him
Mummy queen seduced him
God was angry
God was sky king
God was fire king
God was his only true father
Noone here on earth left trusted
Losing out on a son
Called him
Calling out loudly
Calling out to him
Raising fire & storm
Raising up fire & hail
Trying to call him back
Trying to brake through
Dead head sat on a throne
Self pity consumed this throne
Wasn't hearing
Wasn't caring
Wasn't beleiving
Losing a lifetime
Losing a lifeline
Now true reason is lost
Now true kingship is lost
Now others future are left hanging
Most likely will be lost
When a man no longer holds self beleif
You can try turn him over
He's already heading towards death
A dead hand had him turned over
All white & sickly
Weak patriarchs let him down
Weak leaders mark him down
Weak kingship leaves him lying open
Lying out in the open
With his guts all scrambled
Nice feast for a vulture
All in Gray's & browns
No guts
No Godhead
No glory
The killing hand
Father to no man
Always thinking red
Brother only to noone
Damaged reputation
Damaging situations
Damaged vessel
Blames all externals
Future is met in the mirror
Fury's are done with bent mirrors
Factors are in the mirror
Passing on blame
Meeting out violence
Seeing only in reds
Pressing on sick
Stealing on hands
Dead men's walks
Dead head books
Bad bibles
Bad prayers
All worn to pale browns
Deceptive workings
All read backwards
Horses from bad stables
Whenever he can
Born dead to his throne
Born without bollocks
Born without backbone
Head on backwards
Decisions met backwards
Head up his ass
Always facing off centre
Never faces forward
Never faces into the future
Dead locked into the past
Head in his hands in deepest defeat
Born weak
Born wet
Born looking pale white
Not seeking stabilitys
Not touching on the browns
That God made
Staying weak
Not able to rise
Unable to brace
Unable to pace
Unable to face
Unable to find the squares
Surrounded only by liars
Carboard cut out roles
Born into circle of true strangers
Born to all betray this man
But God was still open
God held him a place
God held him a space
God called to that face
Deaf to all reason
Poison in pride
Root diseases are flowing
Turning into bad yellows
Sickly colours
Deceiver is crowning
Crows are just flapping
Black factors often getting feasted
Anticipating some juicey eyes
When blind men fall dead
Nobody cares to note it
Just born to eXpect it
Just more collateral
Only the crows get to win
Crowned by defeat
And the hands of white death
Looking too old in white
The whites going off youth
Blind from agonys
Book of lies
Sick spells
Bleeding colours
Bad yellows
Sickly oranges
Book of lying spells
Book of diseases
Angels of disease
From the stages
Mind body spirit tortures
Bared to the bloody reds
Bring on
Angels of dispair
In sickly yellows
Doomed from the start
Denied from all beginings
Doubled over in defeats
Born defeatist
Born unable to calculate
Born without Gods eye from above
Born into great troubles
Born into trials
Born with life struggles
Like all men on this earth
Agonys of the denier
Don't touch Gods golden crown
Gods crown is kept in Gold true
Held on true gold
Never tarnished
The Devil is the liar
Set all in reds
Set from books coloured in black
Set against the Golds of God
Set the world's all on fire
Yellows all burnt
Oranges all dry
Reds all dried up
Sit in hells fire circle
Sealed in burnt oranges
Sealed by the denier
Sits in self agonys
Going to deny all others
Deny your own blood
Dead to his throne
Dead to his dutys
Dead to all his depts
Passing his depts onto enemy's
Pressing his depts onto offspring
Scaring strangers shitless
Stealing from the righteous God
Only paying into the dead lands
Only paying into the dead hands
Dead man's lands
Black lands
White lands
Nowhere lands
Broken down deserts
Dried into browns
The backlands
The deserts of the forgotten mind
The Emporer gone bad
The Emporer gone mad
The Emporer fueled by evils
Grown up as a reversed son
No true king
No true trier
No true fighter
King of all knot works
King of all torments
King of all trials
Trial by ordeals
Mindless sufferings
No triumph of endevour
No mercy
No balance
No appeals
Just a petty tyrant
But a vicious opponent
Gods marked contester
Gods sustained detester
Gods pointed aggressor
Circle of all pained fires
Those aren't painted flowers
Those are some blood works
All in bad reds
Son of iron works
Rusting into burnt orange
Horrible misuser
Hellfire beleiver
Hellish distortions
War on heaven
War on earth
War on hell
Wasps from hell
Evil works given liberally
Mean & stingy to other folks
Time all squandered
Diehard God denier
Diehard world hater
Diehard world eater
Diehard destroyer of all works
Demonic king of unholy fires
Demonic eye full of poisons
Demonics all go to the destroyer
Demonic creations all belonged to God
Soldiers of the ways
Protectors of the first eye
All works go to the opposer
All works go to the accuser
Now life is full of horrid
One true life long bastard
One life long opponent
One whole life of opposition's
Wars against God
War after war
Lost some reasons
Lost some counts
Can't keep track
Brutalist depressions
Lives among all others as brute suppressor
An entire life time lost
Handed over to the enemys
True Emporer lost a son
True king lost a soldier
True Empire lost that crown
That house is down
War of the world's
Lost to the deceiver
Becomes the decider
By the natural default
Without the hand of God
Destructive sons
Go to the destroyer of mankind
Forsaking all righteous works
Man in the mirror
Looking murky in the mirror
Dead lands army
Born into doomed service
Apple of the dead gods eye
Spitting out pips of silence
River of tears
River of lies
River of blood
Crown of twisted bones
Still thorns in his eyes
Afraid of those works
Been plagued by the books
Told by a liar
Twisted the words of God
From his lifeworks
Fruits of all ruin
Bitter browns
Ruin to last the ages
Ruin to echoe on
Ruin on others ages
Hell King
Hell scorn
Hell arts
Hell lifer
Seeing all in red
Got all the negatives
Got all the nasty
Got all the destructive
A killer imagination
Handfulls of bad prayers
Deadened throne
Deadend King
Dead headed
Dead ended
Born divider
Crown of thorns
Keeping him conflicted
Keeping all suspended
Tares kingdoms apart
With his own hands
Bloody knuckles
Takes the fight
Outside the circle
Outside his own seat
Outside his own powers
To prove his own powers
To sew bad seeds
Dissection of faith
Destruction of life's logics
Formenting discords
Hand in fist with evil
Emporer of them all
Iron fist of fear
False leader of a small world
Born son of the deceiver
Father of all lies
Will divide them all
Destroy them all
Conquere them all
Turn the sword against himself
Rusted old sword
Turned rusted orange again
Dead toned colours
Lifeless angers
Self ruinous rule
Bastard dread rule
Sour old drunkard
Sour in purple hues
Sour grapes
Sour rages
Sour in purple bruises
Sour revenge
Upon this earth
He's not of this earth
He's from deadhead lineage
He's from deadend linkage
He's from place of rusted swords
Rusting old chains
Broken links
Soured changes
His deserts of diseases
His deserts of souls demise
His desert lands of death
His deserts of barren places
Drunkard of sour deaths
Bad breath
Sour skin
Wretched old cloth
Smells of stale old sweat
Sour smokes
Shirt of fading colours
Wrinkled old suits
Cut from far worser cloths
Than you can see
Make your eyes bleed
Loosens on your teeth
Depressing scenes
Sinking death
Feeling dead inside
Broken crowns
Broken times
Broken dreams
Broken bones
Spikes in your eyes
Spikes through your hands
Dead men's hands
Strewn about
A starker life
A darker life
A life without blacks
A life of savage colours
A life of ravage
A life of revenge
Blamed on God
Bound to just fail
Desert tones
Desert lands
Everything dried out
Bitter spaces
Barren places
He stole to live
Never worked it out
Bits of old dead wood
Bits of old leather
Bent bits of metal
Broken old wheels
Broken passages in time
Brown like old timelines
Missing story's
Torn out pages
Pages upsidedown
Bad spells
Corrupted circles
Shrivelled apples
He rules from hellands
Bad places
Hellbringer to earth
Does spite through his works
Does crooked by his walks
Does unwanted in his ways
Does insanitys on his days
Paler than others
Not born righted
At war with himself
All red with the rages
The one who is deadborn in spirit
and in flesh from the very start
Never given a true breath
Nor lifted up
Not reborn
nor able to rise above
Not able to touch the crown
Fear him
For he has never known life
not in Darkness
nor in light
Wasnt born right
Never was given any true life
Never was given any true name
Brings nothing of substance
Brings back older mistakes
Brings back bad times
Nothing lasting
Only destruction
Death & ruin
Some older tramp
Bad beard
Bad colours
Bad attitude
Colours tinged with dread
Colours tainted
Colours fading down
From bad pages
Nightmare slow down
Time is fading
Time is dying
Time is shrinking
Time is running on dry
Emporers world in reverse
Shrinking not growing
Fading out
Not flowing
Snow globe in reverse
Marked down as king
Sucks out the good air
Denys all a good time
Denys all life
Stealing all your good time
Leaving you with dross
Rotten apple
Rotting soul
Rotting from the inside out
Hidden from the world
His true works
Nobody cares
Convient to the cause
God's word not written like that
Not made to live like that
His world not made for that
King of worms
King of the dead
King of boneyards
Kingdom of disqust
Kingdom cut from hells hard-bitten cloth
Kingdom rampant with distrust
Ruinous to the core
Born faded
Sucking the colours out of life
Has never breathed a true man's breath
His veil is the dead man's army
The evil dead soldiers
His crown is stolen
His circle is poison
His seat belongs to dead army's
Headless king
Faceless king
Deadend king
No interest in life
Just serving the deadlands
Sick army's of dread
Takes on no dutys
Limited capacitys
Ghost of a king
Pulled up
Straight from the Graveland's
Zombie capacitys
Half assed realitys
Not awakened to reality
Raised back up
Sickened spells of socereys
Dragged from the grave
To just destroy circles
Can't cope with other functions
Can't cope with other realitys
All in older reds
Dark reds from the strains
Reds burnt in
Dried out from the wars
Avatars of sin
Vessels of sickness
Soul scarred to peices
He cares for strains of insanity's
He carrys bad blood
He carrys old wounds
He carrys old wars
He came back to settle old scores
He carrys lifetimes of scars
Past life zombie
Repeats past mistakes
Into the next life
Soul so battered
Heart so tattered
Cruel hopes been shattered
So cruel
So crooked
So condemned
So cast down
Burned out from the last time
Marked down from the last time
Battered old Bible from hell
Bastard wars upon heaven
Battered wars on human animals
Brings bane upon this earth
Wrench the others from this hearth
Never dearly beloved
Never known renown
Never reborn to be clean again
In a fog of illusions
From a well of confusions
He comes from the Deadend races
Dead heads walking
Dead Born's walking
Dead lives walking
Coffin creations
Badly created
Left defective
All army's shall rise again
For fight the eternal war
To fight the infernal war
To fight the endless war
Low comprehensions
Brain damaged
Went to the wrong Emporer
Not the risen again dead
Not been cleansed
Not been reborn
Still in old cloths
Kept in bad religions
A deadend soup of old sloths
A dead sack of old bones
All problems come back
All his colours faded
All his colours gone bad
All his shades gone morbid
Needs a kinder aXe
Needs a cleansing kill
Needs a lasting death
Been left behind
Been left for dead
King of the evil dead
Given back a throne
Given back a society
Given back a life
Revoked it all
Threw it all back
Scorned it all
Sucked it all back up
By the ravages of red rage
Brutal betrayals
Still remembered
The sickened one
The lost one
The deadest one
among all the dead rulers
The most dread
and unclean
insane of all rulers
The one without any real rules
Not known boundaries
Condemned by society's
Kept out of the circle of men
Pushed out of known life stages
Stuck in hells
For all the ages
no grip on realitys
Made numb from insanity's
Crys out in agony's
blind purjurys
encircle with doom
like a crown of bad fates
Made mad from sickness unknown
Lying in the face of God
Evil prayer works
Will receive no known mercys
In this life nor the next
Will receive agonys without end
He contested the throne of God
Turned his back on the older ways
Left himself with nothing
Find comfort in a living God
A growing breath
The power of knowledge
Power to walk above and below
Love for god's people
Acts of creation as Gods purpose
But beware of
The headless king
The ruthless merchant of hell
Who rules unseen
In attitudes
And attributes
From countless deceits
And deadend destructions
Not yet conceived of
Nor perceived of
Behind the scenes
In chaotic scenes
The dethroned father
He spurns his own kind
Trys to murder his own son
Attacks his own relatives
Betrays the living Gods
For he will be spat out
shut out of this living world
Cut out of the circle of life
Cut out from the circle of light
Down to hells bane
From hell spawn
He will lead badly
Into the endless circle
Of the unclean dead
Made up of an army of shattered vessels
broken shards of souls
He broke his word
Broke many hearts
Lived life deep in Sins+
Life deep in shit
Tricksters bloodline
Spared nobody's feelings
Spared no mercys
Sadistical right to the bone
Born to feed with the unclean dead
He will open all the doors
To all the nasty ended souls
clamouring to inhabit this world
of hell's without end
The bastard child of noone
no race
Faceless death
Scorns his own kind
Scorns all others
Will lead them nowhere
But onward into infamys
More traumas
Making worse nightmares
to tare down the walls that bind us
into basic sense of known sanitys
Boundaries of the senses
Silences that kept us in check
Filled now with screaming rendings
Endless pains
of the obscured faces
Of the unknown
The uncounted victims
Souls left in shreds
Left in chains
Left to become bones
Faceless victims
Headless king
Sulks in his throne
Greedy for more power
Rages at barriers
Toxic circles
Twisted emotives
Red to the bone
Super brat throne
Problem child ruler
Sick child on a throne
Endless discraces
Wasting all the races
In serving a deadend king of destructions
His only lifeblood
in his pityless wrath
Pity him not one tear
not one hour
for he will tare away at this world
with his endless blinding
Storming out
Of ravage
Rages against time itself
The wrath of the tyrants
Will serve the life wasters
The theif takers
The oath breakers
The breath snuffers
Broken down by scorn
They have worn away this earth
Into fruitless seas of desert
The deadborn ones
Souless sons of scorn
Can feel nothing
Only wasted emotions
Cannot create nor conceive
All flesh is lifeless
Never saw the light
Nor loved the Gods of the Dark
Nor breathed a living breath
Nor saw any life
Nor lived above
Nor could walk with the living
Nor endure a living spirit
They feared all the lights
And lived to wither away
They slithered away from knowledge
Mired in gloom
Like the bedridden
Won't be born again
Time was shit then
And will be shit again
Chosen to relive those mistakes
Never to walk upright
Misshapen by time
Crippled by soul disease
Believing that death
God's creation
Gods breath
Was for the living
For the righteous to inherent the earth
Not hellbastards
Fruitless wars
as the only end to a life of suffering
Was in a blinded
Binded society
And endless wars
as the only discourse
They believed blindly
in the Father's
and Mother's of all lies
Living dead works heaped on this earthbound sphere
And their unclean spirits
and deadly workings
will fill the land
till it's reaped to the core
of all it's bountys......💀🤍💀





15:46 Jun 11 2022
Times Read: 350


Hard to believe my own eyes
Hard to believe my own body clock
Pain in the name of God as it rocks out
Hard to believe the ticking of the clock
Cup that overflows fallen to the ground
Shit that will never be understood burning round and round
Like the needle dropping down on the record again
not much turns around
But everything sure turns back
Noone to care
Noone to convince but myself
I just take care of my shit
Take care of myself
Try to be carefull
Pray to Goddess keep my soul still living
Keep my heart inside body
Those I try to touch the spirits of the dead
I want flesh most surely made forbidden
Not upright
Bathed in Sins+
Sins unseen unheard unknown
Crys kept inside the Darkness
Places unknown
Except maybe by God's
Stuff about myself I can't understand
Places where God's go to plot underhanded shit
Human hand undermined
Human heart deeply mined out
Cut down to the bone
Dead man's hand that falls on whatever Soul it can corrupt?!?
So much knowledge bank that just grows
Pain that just knaws away at the roots of life
Attachment come around in life so strong but much too late
Knowledge of mankind that I never knew
Been around so long I don't know why or how?!?
Profoundly attached instantly at that moment
Page was sealed
but I missed my time
Shit stayed underground
Stuff stayed unseen
Faces not yet known
Blinding as yet to be seen
Burning as a time yet to come around
Times got the marker
Times got this maker
Trying to hold back
Always trying to hold back
To save my own soul
Time just spins out
Time just spins back
Times of suffering
Images of pleasures
Images of bondage kept obscene+
Strangest of pleasures there's never been known of
Places I've never been
Sins ive never tasted
People I've never seen
Except from looking over the fences
Deaths I've never tried
Diversions that the Soul somehow finds itself entangled in+
Memory's that seem so real now it just burns
But fashions of fury are too late to change around
Planes that never left the ground
No time to check on changes
Records unheard
And songs never learnt
Wrong time around
Life I couldn't have to chose
Because it's never yet been seen
Records I never played
Never got given my turn
All the other shit was going on
Life I never had to give
Life I'd just want given right back
Life to feel it right out id have to try to lose
To get right through
The dark tunnel of life takes too long
To be a loser in that life again and again
Same time around
Loses I've repaid to sacrifice my Soul again+
Frozen outside the scene of life
I froze time that day by uneXpected pressures
Unexpected pleasures
Eyes kept frozen wide open
Soul over swelled over filled
Soul braking down
Fate has a bad hand from before
Trying to remember shit from before
That could never have been reality?!?
Icons of Evil+ kept frozen in time
Evil got some of the best outsiders
The best outriders
To ever taste
Best victims
Best Masters
Sacrifices of an outsider
Private passions
Kept locked up
Older style stain on life
Known to noone
Trying to keep intact
Trying to keep complete
Nothing changes the complexity's
Real life agony's can't rewrite the moment of fiXation
Born from a medium of complete suprise
Death shocks me
styles of aggression
Death rocks me outta this painfull life
overloads me with perfect style
Video tapes can't tape over the shock of sudden reveal
Icons of Evil get lodged in the soul+
Grains of evil get under the skin
Powers of revelation(s)
Of a different understanding of reality
Of a different kind of evil
Of a different kind of temptation
Of a different kind of pain
The best it's ever been
Been through life's bitter mangle
This is a strange kind of compensation
A different kind of causation
Cause it's already been done now
No way to reclaim that God can show
Only small mercy's for my forsaken fate
And I'm already down
On down so deep
And staying down not trying to climb back into the light
Cause it'll burn too much
Time kept frozen in sharp releif
Not easily broken down
Pain keeps on coming in knawing on on the roots of life
Pushing me back down the pyramid of life
Back down the lines again
No remorse for those fallen
No way back outta time
No way to rewind
Can't undo the Sins of Desire
Wanting what isn't mine to want
Coveting lust upon a known) unknown stranger
No way to unsee what has been seen
No way to be free from what may be obscene
No way to brake times hold
Images of awesome
Icons of supreme evil
The Devil's markers sold onto mankind
Back from all time
Always the winners
Stranglehold on humanitys
Time takes its toll
Records slip to the back of the pile
Singers stop singing
Colour fades
People change around
Demand dies on down
Fashion swings around
By the roundabout of Death keeps on going around
If I refuse to turn about to go back on
it's only my own Death I'm hedging
Shit side-effects of reality's influence
hardliners attachments keep on biting down
Blinding and underlined by being broken down
Trying to unbind could take out my time
Snuff out my light
Can't rewire my heart
To live a lie
To live as someone else
Who feels something else
The cards fell short on my side
But I'm still holding on
Detachment causes Death
Disorders became acute
Disorders start to retract onto chaos
Different train tracks
Going without access pushes me out of the circle of life
Cord like a lifeline Sin keeps me inside life
Drowning in myself
Drowning in the world I've seen inside of someones faces
Son of a pale Emporer
I'm dying back in again
Dying back out again
Love turns back into hate
Hate back into lust
No way out but Deadness and Death
Shit existance
Hotwired to the pain
I can't take myself outside
Now Ive felt true evil
Where else is there to go?!?
I'm nothing
I'm nowhere without the pain
But outside myself without the keys
Love that cannot know it's name*
Going pale and faded
Colours going blind without the light
Without an offering of these Sins+
There is no release
There is no releif
Torment of time can bring out Lust and Desire
Offerings of imagination
While the world turns blind
Like blind maggots crawling
Trapped inside canned
Pleasure is a binding
A welding onto pain
That such times get wasted
Such strong colours got ignored
The names never known
Not a page turner to the world
Even the Damnedest
Darkest card has got turned back around
From slavery to freedom
From freedom to slavery
And back around again
Till it's all getting merged back into one
All the ages of Death
All the stages of Death inside me
Times been sucking on the marrow
While time slows to a crawl
Always hoping it'll end
It'll fade
It's had its turn
Someone else can replace these offerings
Someone else can lose this life
Or turn out the lights
To live again
Someone else can bind to lust
Losing out on the living time
Holding on to the lifeline
But bondage is binding
Imagination drains out the blood in its time
It draws out the love
It draws out the light
Wheel keeps on turning
All the ways out cost to much to pay
Dire medical compleXes
No real eXit
Build a stronger soul
To fight all the blame
Kept strong through all the pain
Back against the wall
The water of life is from the well of Death
And so far the price stays pale*
So far the price stays high*
Somehow the soul stays alive*
As the living heart kinda crumbles*
The death clock has already struck us*.........💀



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