All these years of following strange faces
Men drapped in shabby black ragged uniforms saved from ageing and completed from desertion
This army of sodd
Of gorgeing my ears on contorted gods
And bitter sounds
Following the elusive stamp of triumph in brutal places
I knew you not-your name never heard
Graven image never seen
This brutal stream of dirge
Your angry swarm of song never heard
All these years
Not even once did the modern age show me.a glimpse
Of the rendings to come down upon me.....
Some stranger who knew you Or was he a lover too??
Has kept you held you closer than I ever could
Caught you stilled you
Touched you with a seeing eye
Touched you with a blinking eye
Near your godly form
It has fornicated on your bloodless divine
It has denied time to bring you closer
To bring you to us
To kill the world faster
It has touched you-known you
Gone over you-like touching you
I've never known you-nor touched you
Only seen what others have seen-held within their eyes and not in mine
Made fleshly unto their eyes-so close
God I.loved never let me taste this ++Sin
Nor be murdered alive so slowly
He has denied me this-despite my loyalty's!!
We never saw you-knew nothing of this condition
My eyes have been like tunnels into the black
My eyes have tried to eat you-to know you after they've been there
Like a pirate bastard-Ill steal your fleshly contours as they have
I never asked permission to use you as my arts
To fornicate upon you-for knowing you would hate me deeply
And with a blinding passion only for Death
As a cold dead heart of ++Arts
Held cold to the last
Knowing even if you kissed me it'd be laced with bad strains with poisons
With bad crosses and bad promises
Sent to make me madder still
I have told only the Gods of mans ages-that they hold me down kept still
From the last drop down-from my last insanity
That I can't cut the drop nor fall the rope
Nor fail in you-that this mean turn of fate
This most meanest of spites++
This test of faith-I must live in you
Someone through you stay alive yet
Or the other is knowing I will die badly
Drop down too low-too fast
And you won't turn-nor care!!
I'll visit you in.my bastard shades-after they've left
Trying to sense-to feel deep inside what contortions stranger Gods have made
Pushing my fists through you to feel things not explained yet unto us-as yet
The bastard strangers that we are
Harsher gods have stoppered our fate(s)
And kept us out}
Where were you-some prince hidden somewhere??
Thrown out to followers
Monsters of startling revelations to throw at the world
Rancid insinuations and Dark despise thrown at a dying world
Revelations Apocalypse and bastardised notions of Doom
This bastard son of doom
This bastard son of a son
This bastard of manmade dooms
Framed all over in ++Sins
Like a purjury gone sweet to us)
Kept pale like a sleeping giant
Kept wreathed in black fabrics to ensnare
To drown dark-angels
He wasn't there yet!!
I missed life and death-just numb and dumb going about the others for so long
And there names we did know-and there sounds we did adhear to fastly
Not hearing nor searing in turns from you
And from yours
Your blinding race and menaces
Yet to come upon us!!
Rancid Apocalypse for the hungry minions
Where were you?? That my hungry eyes could seed you drink you drain you??
No time brought you any closer to our shores
No closer to this bastard oath of strained silence
The brother in.me his strange bloods bleeding
Seething around in him-trying to touch your form
Before it was even yet made??
To know you is to die in you-coming closer I'm trying to dine on you
This bastard flesh so monochrome
So sinister that Angels get wanton
with unspoken deaths and terror filed lusts
for the fleshly life and die writhing about
All manic strains made mean and held in fast
All manic strains aRe screaming out
Fleshly life full of strange burnings
The seams are straining-soon to be tearing out
Gods save me-Dine on me-empty me fast
In my wraths I am blind
Blinding and black is the oblivion that has ensnared me
Too long in me-to fall so hard
The dark river of longings to drown me
I get eaten by my gods-alive
Made in manias as if trying to eat your waxen flesh
Scored we believe by many hidden ++Sins
And strange dreams of uncouth and violent ends
We should most abhor the violent spirits
But yet I confess we do indeed pray and covet in startling dreams more of it++
In many listlesss dreams of being sentenced-being serviced by you
In all harder and harsher ways of trying
In all harsher means of dying
The strain of sentence-made too harsh
The ++Masters cut tares me too much
I try to tear away-to tare back out outside again
Outside of sanity-outside of reality
Can't be outside with myself-without him now thou)
Fears of him-of his making) Is a worsened fear-without him I fear all ++Deaths++ even more!!?!
My triumphal ascent
Being made back into ash
Frighted by you-with dreams that have no ends now
We have to struggle to hold onto the beginnings)
A kind of terror-lamp burning in you
We scream with the burnings of blind hate lights)
Presence pushing itself inside-unbidden
A commanding image-so terrible it burns me after
frighted with beauty's it screams to look away faster
A protruding dream-sometimes we wish him away
A rude dream-a bad dream-a bad child
Sometimes rude yet made sometimes as a kinda comfort
A regular kind of comfort-unexplained- obscene dreams of grace
Tightening ties and bad dreams that bring a kind of comfort
Mortal sins made easier to bare somehow
Strange faces-strange souls they rotate
They turn-they burn-they bend to my sights-most vivid
Then just come back around again and against us
Against my gods truer will
A necessary evil is this??++ Is he??
A dying of men iin his crown full of twisted turns??
A drowning of women drags him down??
Could lure him back down Or back out??
Black thorns cut back in again-to keep me sane
The better pain has kept me saner than before)
I've tried the same before....
We try to never stay
In haste in terrors in fear-we try to banish him
Send him back to hells we cannot know of??
To push you back and away from us
But temptations and Lies++ whisper on the wind
Blind-lust all black and sodden shockens me
I lie there just drunk wet dead and twitching
My souls just itching in him
Trying not to think of thinking-because I'll end up in him++
Yet again....stupider blacker blinder again
Bewitching in him-made sucker to this evading ever fading desire
Made stupid mad-drunk by this ++Design
Lusts and passions like a most fevered prayer
Yet like the forbidden inks we can't touch nor trace with fingers
We are still left crushed-left blind
My eyes are fiXing trying finding
Sinking deep in your (perverse) image
And again still deeper still
That I am like snake with fangs seeking
But I still can't see much-like we use you as eyes
As if by your eyes we can then see the world Or words and workks not given to us
Forbidden to us
They think always of you
To look breeds terror-to look brings on flurry's of twitches inside the bidden vessels
A dying blind kind of release it is
A blinding dying release in him
Gets captured
It is spasms all over me-in hidden places
Of all Agony's and ectasys once from before
As a dying dream gets remembered in knowing of him
He would most assuredly kill all my dreams
The dreams made inside my gods face-my hidden place
But yet then why are very lost-very older dreams remembered through him??
Like this??
When he may be an unclean god Or a cast-down god??
Cast aSide once Or cast-out??
Damned and denied
Marked and scored
Scarred so many times over his flesh
I sense cuts over cuts over cuts....the scars now faded to match his own tones
The more I drown stupid-the more I seek to know
In eXhile from heaven and earth
Kept holden waiting in hell-his only refuge back then
Yet I exhale so clearly breath so fast and deep in him
Truely only alikened awakened like this in him++??
Looking is forbidden we know for sure
But not looking is a worsened death
Because cravings take over the silence
Is is fate and death delayed by us-betrayed by us again
We take the medicine as a poison it is and we know
++But better poisoned and truely alive than dead Or even worse so afraid and just shuffling around waiting stupid++
Cravings of a maGnitude take over the silences that without the ++poison master wed hurt ourselves most terrible to this life....
The terror of this life and the lie eats us alive most assuredly....
That only looking again can sure us up
That dying in him hard and fast in a quick relief that I know brings back around calmness
After the shame of sin and death
That I let a God use me so hard
To bring about the two magnets so quickly joined
That fire echoed forth
Looking is a ++Mortal Sin
A death to be awaited
Like the transfixed-like the bewitched
Like the blinded-like the damned
I know no rest.....
Only sentence-only service
Falling behind with life
It all streams past as I fall
Bewitched by the manly witch
The cruel beauty's are so blinding
Yet we know you live only as cruelty's-monsters
As Bad crosses and snares from the gods
You are the killers of men
The drowners of women
You are the spit of the gods
Making bitches turn back into dogs
The despise the curling lip
The bastard fist fueled up to bursting
Turning on the world-throbbing from the word
And I'm bursting for a bruising
Gods of rages grazing past in me
Violent ages held inside of me}
You are gods I'll spent revenges-made flesh
This I know
As it was written-to not touch the wicked
Nor to eat strained-out flesh
Nor to taste the sleeping gods-kept deadened
Nor to fornicate on snares
Nor to pray for ++Blessings from the wicked
Nor to unite with-nor to lust upon the ++Dead-until listlessness
But to pray for divine ways till deliverance
Always they told us and I didn't believe enough
I pray god purifies me
Releases me from this leash of serving
But he cannot-cannot answer me
Nor owe me in this blinking light
Or thinks the worsts of me yet
That I writhe like snakes
Blind to all But chance
Eager to know him-as he changes
All eyes stuck out wider perceiving and all receiving}
Now I have seen you-I sinned in you
Turning strange from ++Desires of you I have seen beyond
Beyond what eyes could ever see-inside of you
Inside of worlds-Inside of wounds
Inside of ++Sin itself and therefore I have died a death in you.....
Because I have looked to deep upon you-to actually be inside of you
To kill off the soul divides and things too much dividing
Even made as gates or barriers by the Gods themselves
To keep the races apart
That I can't stand separation(s)
And that is my weakness that I ++Sinned
In wanting too much-in wanting everything inside to be made mine
Seeking to turnaround from the outside watcher
To be inside with the picture itself
To be wreathed in triumph-it is But a dream}
Looked too deep in you
Can't turn around-just turn.my back
Or I feel very dead-very inert-all wrong
Feel worsened yet-that I didn't taste take on the black seed
As a brother made from distaste to taste
I pray to taste spit-in all blind hastes
To take on blind-black hate to succour myself
For bad men to spit at me-to spit on me-to spit in me!!
To refuse to know me-that they fed from me most unclean and not themselves
With venoms-come from the meaner Gods
Gods made me as a brother made whore
Split apart from the world of men-yet likened unto them I am the same
Denied the proper love of man I take on unnatural tastes
A curse of bad-tastes that I covet what is unclean and divisive in men
What they don't like in themselves-they don't like in me any much more than they have hatreds of their own gods also hidden....
(And I have hidden hates-hidden hearts gone blackened and burned down in me also
That I would deny them anything sustaining in this life
Turn cold and angry and know them not now....
But only unto anger and disqust and distaste
I have made spirits of these colder Arts and of a blindness to there worlds and worxxs saying only in the ++Darks and away from them now)
Somehow I can sense what is seen by men as Badness++
Secrets shadows and secret hates and secret lusts??
What is most purely just poisons
Darker angers and angry lusts-kept in the ++Dark
Somehow without knowing it has sustained us for year upon year.....
This ++Damnible hate++
This unseen gift.....
Not known to the gods-denied to the ways of men
It needs taking out-seeking out-squeezing out-milking out of them-draining out of them++
and this is ++The curse I carry++
To love strange men But in even stranger ways yet++
They hate us and fear us and know us as strange because of our ways of feeding....
To covet unspoken unknown unclean things
Damned gods and Damned aspects of the Gods++
But in him-falling in him
I will begin to know these things most vividly
Because as a carrier of a curse I must spread it unto others Or die from it myself
All these things are in him the master-that I have sensed But never seen for sure
Spirit whispers and blind emotional flashes
Sudden urges leaving me blinded confused and unsure who god is?? Or what God I am off??
To take the black seed-to taste the black curse
Black haTes that sing like a poison dream upon the world of men
A sirens song causing them to dream of black opium's and the drugs of the gods
Painfull pined fated and blind in all}
To always be bent back
To not know release
To be kept on a leash
And I should know that my time has come
Come about-come upon us
Cast about us this bastard form-just shadows
Yet made as if a flesh feast from our stupid yeaRning
From growing-from being below
From feeding the tides while hiding
I am hidden in open-service as I die most torridly
Most stupidly about me my dreams come dying
That I take him-as a far off God
Into me-most inside of myselves
ThaT came all in yearnings
To whisper his name-until Death
None knows how I have fallen
Too deep now-out of this life of living love
Some light-some sight
To older Gods who would knaw me maul me whore me
All about the place-yet shake my hand not
All my old bloods move in.me.like rivers
All the fires in me twist about like snakes gone molton
Many years of oblivion happy-blind that you were born
The catharsis that brought this tare
Giant tare in my soul as it ripped-seeing you first
Welcoming this sacred dying as my.many souls converge rend and fall in you
Maybe wed have missed it??.....
Have come about Or been-dyed in someone elsa's waxed out image??
But this earthly form of rages
The beauty being pained and poisoned
Being stained with many ++Sins
Made unclean from being loveless and hard
Being stamped all over with inks
Being made blind and sacrificed
Makes the ravenous beauty much more worsened in me
Much more sore to my eyes
That his beauty is coarse and loveless
Gods love he denys-is all denied in him
Yet we see-visions
Of another God-before
Who knew him-who bore him-who loved him!!
Like a ++Dark Angel then more-he was before
More closer to this eden-more.like a sweeter fruit then
Than the poisoned-vines now
So much more a sweeter oblivion that was
Than this blind-made fist
Some savage-some grace
Some lusts in me-most surely my.most bitterest hates
Have soured furthered been soaked in yes
My bitterness held firm all these years
As you consented to crush me-all juices staining
Down to the last dreggs-the last lees
These startling facts held fast in me
As I am the secret servant unto men who know me not!!
I am out and down-tied down fast
Held back yet so hungry and fast
Angry and defiant-ablaze with disqust to the last
Held fast to many many pains
And the masters triumph.....
This dread crush
This blinding wave
This fateful crash
Convergeance of my blind souls screaming
This blind force of fury-forced mania
Black panic-dire deaths urge
That drags me to you-your most deadly and world defiant soul!!
This black and burning revenge of darker gods unseen
Killer gods unseen But smelt sensed afoot....
Has seen you
Vast surprised shockingly made numb
By blind desire feaRs hate death hauling on my soul....
Like giant chains yanked on hard
Sudden shock of a dream so darK so drowned so lost....
Torn awake for sudden....
That from nowhere my hunger souls took eyes sudden upon you....
In sudden shocks of ectasys of dying....
In blackened dreams of dying fast and sure
Of blinding blinking dreams to be drowned by you-in you must surely this sudden expunge
Deep darK fall ending me quick
All blind spirits in me in sudden raptures
Writhing for your touch
Calling for your palm to crush
Please God use me for this!!
Expell your deviated-design upon me
Curse my heated flesh with deliverance}
Flames of burning of falling-calling incessant now made in your funeral wakes-these waves
Of forbidden tastes-most poison fruits seen and judged so liberal about you
As the Devils blind wraths-cast about
Binding oaths in my blackened eyes that cry out in mad and dangerous abandon
{That from out of nowhere-suddenly I knew of you
And I knew you in me for all times}
From that time on-sudden eXposures....
My soul scanning you in-sucking you in-draining you in has like a Black mirror been assaulted by your blind might
Has some cracks
Where blind Desire has chewed upon its mark
Coming out of nowhere
In my unworldly state-blind to your existence
In finding you as a sudden perverse streak
I am most surely alive again and also damned
I died in you that moment firstly
Now I return for it-again and again I seek the sin
and God knows this too!
All the agons and the ectasys kept hidden
Except to hidden angels about me
Now I cannot unsee-because your form has changed mY mind my eyes my soul to its depths that I cannot see now I am indeed blind
Yet my soul has opened surged struggled to pull you inside faster than a beating wing
Contorted with struggles by the monsters that I've sort to carry
Trying to drag inside me Demons that I sense there
Monsters of manic-furys as blinded magnets
Trying to touch sense seeth reel with the Masters most forbidden flesh
A blind-eye camera so faR away has touched you more than I have!!
Not known of dead Or alive real or a blind listless dream
So precious this dying-mortal and not mortal in me
Altered and expunged
Rewritten in crooked form of bleeding black tears
It thrills and thralls rocking to the Deaths it sees in you
Smelling the everlasting
The burning of my soul
These fatal thrills of touching the Dead
Knowing the aura of cold-melting could drop me out cold and coiled
One day to return no more??
This bleeding bloody perfection-so precious
Most vicious by my return-most flawed was the Gods blind maker
A better way to Die
To struggle against your wanton rapid thirsts most vainly and jealously!!
Gods angers made living fires in you
Surging in me to too rapid deaths that are craven blind bleeding dying.....hungers to great to swallow nor to Deny
Deny my stubborn Gods these raptures I cannot
Because they have counted and waited
Until this sudden time
The thread made longer-the wax has burned-axe has cut damned through
From one such time and one blinding moment
Out of nowhere he came
Black prince of the Apocalypse
Made foul in deed and soul by this world-these nasty works
All forbidden to me
To know to touch to own-to even covet nor to dream blindly as this vacuous whore!
Yet how I covet in blind triumph my worldly wake
My fated death strike-most previous and coveted poisons drive me into madness made most sure!!
Can't escape nor deny for long the manias burning fires
More than precious life itself Love for god tangled in the thorns of his approach
God forgive me for my +Sins
For in him I am most surely blinded-dying from ++Sin++
Living deaths-dying from flowering triumphs
Strangely tilted from this tide-of sin
Yet exhalted in him
{Made rich in suisides from the sudden wake-of urges
This wake of ages}
Born in me again from the dying in him
From seeing in him
I sinned with my eyes made blind in him
Lusting with anger Angry with blinding lusts of denied gods
To know what is most forbidden by god++
WhaT must not be known
I am captor to my own vicious) soul
Sinking or swimming in him
Against the vicious tide of overlapping fates
Loving-living in god didn't give this to me
What the Demon-master has spelled out or spawned out from hidden corners of the once dutiful mind