So be it,
you fool,
So be it,
that your body turns to a sea of maggots,
So be it...
For the one who did not value the very gift of life.
He - who came into being against all odds,
how dares he to scream and yell for his exsistence to come to an end.
You where here, you fool.
Now I am here in you place,
Harvesting the sweetest fruits of endless time.
And I welcome you, into the only place small enough for equality.
So be it,
That I live,
So be it,
For all eternity.
For ever and ever, I
Shall be.
But you,
I grant nothingness
Only worms shall caress your rotting lips,
Flies will brush your teeth and hungry wolves shall tear your flesh.
The Raven shall hack out your eyeballs, because you never sought to see.