How come they not understand?
How can they not hear the call?
My heart beats in the rhytm of wardrums,
My chest is held together by iron bars,
I have so many scars, from the blades of cold stainless steel.
I cannot count them - anymore.
How come they not see the beauty?
How can they not feel this irresistable hunger?
"I want to get ripped for summer" they say.
"How do I get a sixpack?" they say.
How can they think of pussy?
Do they not feel this - fire.
"you dont have a heart" she said.
I took a knife and cut one on the left side of my chest.
"Now I do" I said.
And the scar is still there.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
And this proves my strenght.
I do not feel pain anymore.
I do not feel hunger anymore.
I do not feel tired anymore.
But they will never understand.
A warrior never rests.
Because there is always another battle ahead, waiting to be fought.
And won.
The rain drops like dead bodies,
Soaked in their blood,
The smell of worn-out leather, mud and sweat kills the concept of feminism,
Muscles tensing,
My breath is as cold as ice.
The darkness - this whole place - I know one thing for sure - I´m back.
Back in my octagon, and I welcome my enemies.
An undefeated gladiator, a predator of nature - awaits his call.
A wonderful poem!
Post more!
Very well written