So this last week in three days I slept about six hours. This would be because, of me having to be awake while my plumbing issues get fixed. Two of those days they were using a jack hammer in my laundry room to reach the pipe and because I work nights there was no way i could sleep through that noise lol.
Fortunately, laundry will be up and running Wednesday. My Tennants have been very understanding of the situation. It could be much worse. On that note, I am currently looking for a new Tennant because one of them gave me 30 day notice and will be out in July because of the work commute being so far and rising gas prices.
The rented room in my place would be $650 a month. Private room and shared bath with one clean individual. You also get to use the pool in the backyard.
I got called in today to work. I wanted some me time but I really need the money right now with all my repairs and my roommate leaving by the end of the month. I ain't going to lie though, I am very tired. My current job is dangerous and you always have to be alert at all times. Bills have to be paid though.
I have always had a good work ethic. I started working at 14. I was independent at the age buying clothes, food. We had a lot of us in my house for a time, so I did what I needed to do to support myself for the most part. Anyways, I hope you all had a good day. If anyone wants to talk I am here. I might not respond right away but I will respond.