Some of the reason I am not here that often is I got bored. I have been here a LONG time. My profile years don't reflect that because I had two profiles before the two I have now and I gave those away. I don't know if they even exist anymore but they surely have another name now.
I can't rate a profile if there is no profile there and most that come here now might write one sentence or nothing at all. What is the point? I won't give anyone less than a 7 unless the profile is suspended forever or if they are a troll that loves to go around blocking and dispersing 1s. I don't go for that childish behavior. It spoils the site. I consider that type of person an ignoramus.
People are trying to level up, it is a game more or less so when people come here and expect a 10 for doing nothing they won't get it from me. I am not thinned skin anymore about ratings. My profiles have been decimated a couple of times by the idiots that flow into this site. I also don't go for some making silly claims about being immortal and other things. I won't do that just because someone says they are a vampiric. There have been a number come in here that were prominent in the community and some never knew but they "usually" leave. I never did because it was a pastime. I just wish people who come here would take this place seriously and do their best on their profiles. I also wish that those in charge and not speaking of the owner would be less arbitrary. I won't name names. It hasn't changed in all these years. Kinda puts a blanket of cold water over some things here.
I've never been interested in the mentoring groups or many of the games or the who's who of the place. If you are a Sire, fine. You worked your way up the levels...kudos to you but as being anything special, I'm sorry I don't go there. I don't care other than yeah, if you get angry, besides the trolls you can wreck the numbers of someone's profile. Had that happen too.
I personally like to talk about serious topics but haven't seen that here in a long time. I tried posting once and people didn't say much and I think it was because they didn't know what the hell I was talking about. I also believe the age range is too wide but that's just me. Yes I could go somewhere else but I like the way the majority of it is set up and I get impressed by the knowledge some have and laugh at some of the comments they are so naive but that's life...diversity and we have that here.
As for updates, I'm not always excited about that because regardless of what some believe, if they are too high tech or prohibitive, this place will go dead. I try to go to the bright side and believe they will be awesome.
15:11 Sep 02 2016
I know how you feel. Like you, I leave when I get bored with the site, I actually deleted both of my profiles and just got this one back about a month ago. I liked the way it used to be when it was a fresh site. I did actually like when the games were for favor because there was actual competition in there. Some of the threads aren't even worth replying to anymore because they are just childish. The Mentorships kind of took away the purpose for Acolytes.