I watched this video over in Vampire Community News, lol. It was called "I Hate Vampires."
This blond who sounded like a wind up doll went off on why she didn't like skinny vampires. Most of them have been or men who weren't that attractive. There are a few exceptions such as Brad Pitt's Louie but he whined about everything and I don't know which is worse. I loved Stuart Townsend as Lestat and he is very thin, lol. Christopher Lee is thin. She goes on and on about fictional vampires. She looks like Barbie who dipped too much into the makeup pot. I had a good laugh. If you want to see it, go to youtube and type in I Hate Vampires. You can't miss Trish who is four or five down.
OR go to this URL
I couldn't believe there were girls this ditzy except in B movies where they recklessly give them dialogue.
I want to talk about rexing. I see it with two x's but it should really be one only. The word has been taken and used for things that are not rexing. I'm from California and it originated here. It's a style of moving the feet while skating backwards, but we never referred to single people as rexing really. Just skating backwards. Rexing was always a couples thing. That part I don't care about really as far as names, etc. We just didn't use that word for singles then but it must have gotten started up since some did the same thing alone.
They use to call it out at the rink and it was always couples...all I know and that's my story, lol.
So I am looking at a site where they are saying it had to do with inline skating. Ha, was that person wrong. They may use the term incorrectly now for other things but they didn't have inlines when people use to rex. I have seen some skating that way on youtube but they are separated farther out than most who rexed when I was a kid. I went to the rink in the 50s but when I went all the time was 59/60 and after for a number of years almost every weekend. I didn't rex but my best friend did with a lot of other skaters. She wasn't so separated but more to the front of her partner and they skated fast around the rink together backwards. This is what one man had to say about it.
"Rexing is a style of backwards roller skating that started in California in the 1950’s. Spot rexing is backward skating in a baisic figure 8 pattern within the space of a standard figure circle, with very intricate steps, slides, and turns. It was originally done to the blues/rock music of the time. While the style of rexing has evolved over time, disco, and jive are NOT rexing by any strecth of the imagination.
Rexing can be done on inline skates, but with limitations. There are certain steps such as a flat #8 spin that simply cannot be done on inline skates. The term rexing was around for 35 years before inline skates came on the scene. So it is therefore NOT a term based on inline skating.
My qualification for this statement: I was president of a SOCAL rexing club for 2 years in the 1970’s. We were high point club for the season one of those years."
This is sort of my soapbox area. I'm glad to see that they are getting back to ordinary roller skates. What got me started was watching a video of people skating to hip hop (which I hate by the way) at Mission Beach. That's an area of San Diego. I use to go up there but I guess it has gotten prevalent in that area.
So I have been sick and when I say sick it doesn't always mean what it sounds like. I get funny things like with my feet and elsewhere. I have fibromyalgia and it can get pretty painful at times and my computer was messing up.
I really hate when YouTube takes down videos, lol. I have to go through my ezine and check all the time. I use them sometimes to get into detail or show certain people, etc.
It never fails, I go back and then they have been removed. I have one here in my journal that was removed. I will deal with it later. So many things I need to be doing. I really don't have the time to be here the length some would like. I have maybe a half an hour every few days. I come on here and get disturbed with household matters and the time stops. I need to log out and log in because it doesn't seem to resume. I wish things were more laid back so I could enjoy the place instead of feeling pressured.
As I wrote in my other journal, there's a silent war going on between the theaters and the film industry. They have already started to put films in demand on cable and probably satellite as well.
They had Melancholia listed for $9.99. It said before release to the theaters. It was released in other countries and at a festival but not in the general US theaters. I hope they don't knuckle under. They need to boycott the movie. I personally don't want to see the theaters close their doors.
I watched it online, lol. It was one of the worst films I have ever seen. I understood the ultimate ending but what they showed getting there was stupid I thought. It had top notch actors too. How sad. I didn't like Tree of Life either. I was bored. Both are artsy films. Not that I haven't watched a few I liked, both of them in my opinion were insanely ridiculous. I want to be entertained and not given a dose of medicine to instill yawning. They should have made Melancholia an out and out scifi movie. Not something that led up to the ending. Then to pick someone who was mentally challenged to infuse into the storyline was outrageous. The only good thing about it was Alex Skarsgard.
If you liked them, I apologize but for me, I have to take out the Fabreze.
What a mess. I've been writing this drivel since 2006. None of them in order. They were originally stand alones. Then I had a series name I put away. I took all the individual names off and added that. It's so generic there are probably others with the name and why I have used something to do with the individual books with it. You can't copyright titles of books. This is why you might have seen some with the same names or almost. Most people won't use a name by a big name writer usually but they aren't barred from it. Now the contents in the book, that's something different. I could make it a Trademark but it's tremendously expensive to do that. Unfortunately I am not a huge conglomerate, business organization. haha. One I haven't started because I am still researching that one. It will be in the 40s somewhere. So its 1903 and up a couple of years, 1940 something, 1978, 1990 something, Present. I might set one in the 60s but not sure. I started the one in the present day first. It's had many incarnations. If I get them done, lol...I'll be surprised. Two of them are around chapter 20. So when I wake up and can't sleep and I'm feeling fine. I'm either on here or writing. Wish there weren't so many writing rules but many worth breaking, hahaha. What I have up you can't tell what they're about really. It's too early on in the story. The one with Jenna has the most graphic romantic situations but they're tame for these days. Each one is different overall but connects. They are presents for my kids.
I've put in this possible part of a first draft. Word hates it here. It invariably won't separate correctly when I post it. I have some dialogue that won't cross the page. It is two lines. I took it out and put it back and it didn't change. I give up. I've had it up as a rough draft. I actually have 19 chapters done but no re-writes or editing yet. Only the first five chapters.
This is from the third part of a series that I put up. It's a paranormal romance more or less. The first five chapters I posted really don't give you much of a hint to where the story is leading except she has a nosey, dysthymic neighbor where she is staying. He gets obsessed with her but I fix that later down the line. He's actually a very nice character so he doesn't get hurt. I'm killing off one of the characters but not by murder. Everything has a reason for playing out leading up to what the story is really about. I give hints sort of but if you don't know the first story which isn't finished either. This one will be sketchy sort of.
I'm still in the battle of over used words, dialogue and cliche which isn't always what one might think. For instance "out of the way" is a cliche in novel writing. Words starting a sentence with an ing are a no-no but I have an editor that tells me where they are and how many I should remove. Can you imagine writing with no it, was, were, know, look, and a whole list of other words people say daily...basically a minumum of adjectives and adverbs? A minimum of he said and she said, etc. It is hair pulling I tell you. The previous sentence is a no-no. Don't start a sentence with "it" or "there," lol.
Editors are refusing everything these days. The big companies are anyway. (Don't forget to leave out just, another no-no) Yet writers like Stephanie Meyer, Charlaine Harris, and J.K. Rowling are getting published. The average person doesn't know all the rules, lol. Many times it is the story that sells the book and not the technical stuff. Harris has written a lot of books and she is the worst of the three in breaking traditional rules of writing. I'm not necessarily looking to publish anything but being an Aries I would like to write as well as I can. I find all of these ladies' books entertaining and I say, write them however you wish.
I was on a published writer's website and she was writing about rejections. She is actually a very good writer and gets rejected. (very is another one of them) I told her the editors were jaded. Start a writers co-op and hire their own editors. Publish the books themselves. The way things are going that may be short lived because Kindle invaded the Earth.
So this movie comes on tonight. I'm lying down with tissues. My nose has done a switcheroo and now is stuffy and I don't feel good.
I look to see what it is and it's a country movie. I'm not a big fan of country but I like some singers. I was a music major so I like a little of everything with rap and hip hop on the bottom.
The girl's voice was amazing. I couldn't find fault with her singing. Like many female singers of that genre she had a big voice and did mostly ballads. This one was a pretty girl so her love interest turned out to be Travis Fimmel. I looked at him and knew I had seen him somewhere. I looked him up but not really in anything he was in recently. I remembered him from the TV series Tarzan. I looked him up back then too. He still looks pretty good at 32.
For some reason it made me think of another actor. He had done some modeling and had been making headway on American TV. He was an American actor as opposed to Fimmel who is Australian. Boy they grow them well down there, lol.
The actor died in 1984 and that is some of the reason I remember him. He was just starting to make a name for himself. His name was Jon-Erik Hexum. Sometimes he had blond hair and other times dark like most actors at times. One thing he had that was really noticeable was bright blue eyes. Anyway, he was filming Cover Up (tv series) and he didn't like the scene. They took a break and while waiting he started messing around with a 44-magnum gun that was a prop with blanks. He took out all but one and they think he was playing some sort of Russian roulette with it. They don't think he knew blanks could be deadly at close range. He put it up to his temple and pulled the trigger. It was the chamber with the blank. He was in the hospital for a little over a week and after trying to save him had to declare him brain dead. I was really shocked at the time. (I was a fan)
One good thing was that his Mother allowed his organs, skin, corneas to be donated. Various things helped a lot of people. He was only 26 when he died. I couldn't remember his name at first and had to look him up. I don't know what brought him to mind. Perhaps it was the fact he had been a model as well. Here's a picture of him where you can see he is muscular.
It surprises me that many who profess to be vampiric (name most legitimate these days) don't know what the initials VVC mean. It's a major international organization for the "real" vampire community. I don't like to say real. I find it amusing but everyone does it.
VVC means, Voices of the Vampire Community.
You'll find most you have heard of such as Michelle Belanger, Sanguinarius, Sebastian and a whole list of others you've never heard of even me and I'm a member. (not under this ID) They are from the US, Australia, South Africa, Spain, England, Canada and many other countries. The public site is here:
Merticus has a large library as well. Far larger than this site because they have been collecting for a very long time. It is very different than this database. I'm not trying to advertise for them it is not this type of venue. It's an organization and nothng more run by Merticus. What I am saying is if you want information this is the place rather than randomly browsing the net getting bogus info such as vampire eyes have rings around them. Some do but so do other people. It is natural for many people.
Don't run over to the site trying to join because it is invitational only and people are voted into the organization secretly. Well, more or less.
We don't confuse stories with reality. Some might think we do given the topic but in all honesty we believe what we profess and the catch to that is this, we don't all believe the same things. It's not a religion except to the TOV and a few other cults. It is very spiritual to some and that's an entirely different outlook but there are others that will put that idea down. To some, there is a biological aspect and others not.
Basically there are no cookie cutter pronouncements for the most part.
There is another group called Dark Nations. I'm there too in a House. They are set up differently with House representation. Some of the same people. You can find out information if you go into YouTube, lol...yes I said YouTube, and look for Madame X and the Collective...hahaha.
Some want to keep hidden, others want to be known but by pseudonyms. One way or another real names leak out if you are too public. Since I write most know my name. I don't hide. I don't care. I don't go on talk shows or try to get famous like a certain person by making youtube videos. ID by Zilchy. He made it in the community, news articles and overall media attention. If you want to get in, go to youtube, lol. Everybody does it now or you can become active in ongoing projects. Most of them deal in arguments. Go to facebook and you can read them, but if you don't become active generally you are ignored. They are a tad elitist. My little rant of the day.
Still sick. Now my face is erupting with creepy crawlies. That's what I call fever blisters. It won't last long because I use ionic silver and it goes away quickly. I haven't had it for a long time. I don't know what it is. A lot of sneezing, chasing around my nose and just feeling icky. Whine, whine, whine...I'm entitled. BECAUSE I said so, lol.