Protests have been going on in this country my whole life and I'm a senior. This is the way people show their displeasure. People are being assaulted because of things Trump has said during the election period. He shouldn't have because before this, he was a Democrat. He poured thousands into that party. He was buddies with Bill Clinton and went golfing with him all the time up until the election campaigning started. It's been a weird election. Don't make fun of people and call them babies because they have fears of what might and I say might happen in this country. There are protests all over the US and not in just one state. People are saying and doing crazy things. Some of them are very serious because they have been victimized by some of the negative Trump supporters. Facts. He needs to step up and tell them to stop instead of saying that the protests against him are unfair. Even children in elementary schools have been attacked by other children ... muslim children.
07:53 Nov 11 2016
Victimizing people because you've been victimized doesn't create change. It creates a perpetual cycle of hatred. The people voted, and this was the result. Nothing anyone out on the street, burning flags, damaging property, assaulting innocent people, is going to change what is. But, no, let them cry victim while they are out blocking freeways, damaging police cars, burning the goddamn American flag... Sure. That's totally acceptable behavior.
19:16 Nov 11 2016
I totally get what you are saying... I aspired to Obamas speech today when he said all Americans should unify and support each other. Maybe, it is too soon for Trump to take a stand on this to try quell the citizens of your country? I am a bit surprised the Republican party hasn't though.