Sinistra's Journal

Sinistra's Journal


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15 entries this month

Fish and more fish

04:42 May 31 2011
Times Read: 614

I have been watching this British guy on Animal Planet most of the day hunting for monster fish. It actually was very interesting. I couldn't believe they put this fish in the waters of New Guinea. Told the natives they were stocking the rivers with this one fish because there weren't too many fish there. This fish turned out to be sort of opportunistic. It is related to the Piranha but supposedly vegetarian. It's called a Pacu. It does have teeth but nothing like those of the Piranha and doesn't hunt for food in schools. Well it adapted to its environment which of course was different. It is attacking people, it is eating fledgling crocs and lowering their numbers and eating all the grasses that had been there. What once was vegetarian has taken a liking to flesh. They get pretty big as well. Now what will they do? That wasn't explained.



14:05 May 31 2011

Ya,it is called River Monsters.I like the show and have been watching it since it began.Hahah I see you caught the "Ball cutter" program.




16:33 May 28 2011
Times Read: 621



Aussie student finds universe's 'missing mass'

21:17 May 27 2011
Times Read: 627

Fri May 27, 4:01 am ET

SYDNEY (AFP) – A 22-year-old Australian university student has solved a problem which has puzzled astrophysicists for decades, discovering part of the so-called "missing mass" of the universe during her summer break.

Undergraduate Amelia Fraser-McKelvie made the breakthrough during a holiday internship with a team at Monash University's School of Physics, locating the mystery material within vast structures called "filaments of galaxies".

Monash astrophysicist Dr Kevin Pimbblet explained that scientists had previously detected matter that was present in the early history of the universe but that could not now be located.

"There is missing mass, ordinary mass not dark mass ... It's missing to the present day," Pimbblet told AFP.

"We don't know where it went. Now we do know where it went because that's what Amelia found."

Fraser-McKelvie, an aerospace engineering and science student, was able to confirm after a targeted X-ray search for the mystery mass that it had moved to the "filaments of galaxies", which stretch across enormous expanses of space.

Pimbblet's earlier work had suggested the filaments as a possible location for the "missing" matter, thought to be low in density but high in temperature.

Pimbblet said astrophysicists had known about the "missing" mass for the past two decades, but the technology needed to pinpoint its location had only become available in recent years.

He said the discovery could drive the construction of new telescopes designed to specifically study the mass.

Pimbblet admitted the discovery was primarily academic, but he said previous physics research had led to the development of diverse other technologies.

"Whenever I speak to people who have influence, politicians and so on, they sometimes ask me 'Why should I invest in physics pure research?'. And I sometimes say to them: 'Do you use a mobile phone? Some of that technology came about by black hole research'.

"The pure research has knock-on effects to the whole society which are sometimes difficult to anticipate."





02:49 May 17 2011
Times Read: 638

La, la, la, la, la! Can't hear you.




07:49 May 16 2011
Times Read: 643

I have posted many links to sites that are either mine or places where I am a member. Others I have left out because they are too numerous but there are links to them on other places I have posted. I still have things to fill in and places to revise since time has passed. Hope I can get time to do it.

Glum, still haven't gotten to see Thor. My grandsons decided to pour dishwashing liquid all over our tan carpeting. The kind we were using was bright red. It left pink spots all over with steam cleaning so I have called a Dry Chem place. Shouldn't be too expensive since the place is small.

They did a slew of things. I asked the one who had the detergent why he did it and he said..."mommy went to work." I guess he was mad she left. It's difficult being a full time student and working while having two four year olds. She also has to study so, I guess it was his way to say he objected to her being gone all the time even if I am here. Between them and the one cat that keeps peeing and pooping in my bathroom...I am pulling my hair out. I am sick again, relapse because I was too physical chasing them down while they were pulling their antics yesterday. They went on a rampage.

She spent a lot of time with them today but they are still crying easily. If she goes into take a shower one or the other panics so she is going to try and work her time around to give them more one on one. They are delayed so now are going through separation anxiety. I just wish I wasn't going through it along with them, lol...been there, done that with four of my own kids but they weren't as bad as these two at the moment. They are sweeties but when they get going...OMG, it is the dynamic duo in action.




18:35 May 14 2011
Times Read: 652

Anyway I put three articles in the paranormal section on certain creatures described in green. One in particular is on Green Ladies and over all they are women who have been alive at one time that are attached to a household and tend the cattle etc. They were human originally and then enchanted or cursed into a fairy-like state.

The others are mostly fairy-folk who are all female with blond hair just like the Green Ladies but they have more of a draining affect on those they come into contact with either lifeforce or blood and over time the person dies if they stay with this being for a long time. Now the other one seems to be more vampiric like in that she kills them on the spot and is described in coloring the same as the others most often with the hooves of goats or deer hidden under their gowns which is pervasive in some areas among all these females. The only one I would say could be considered a vampire is the Dearg-Due from Ireland because she was human and died and came back draining her victims of blood They are so similar that it almost looks like the same being only changed by the tales that surround them. Different legends because of different locations in the British Isles. I repeat some things in my articles because I wrote them at different times and wanted to explain some things that very often had the same illustration. None of these ladies are a succubus but could be considered maybe succubus-like in the sense that they are described as a lover but they don't steal the seed (sperm) from the males to impregnate females. Only the succubus does that and the coloring could be anything and most often they are thought of more as a demon and not muse like or anything positive in nature. People still liken many of these ladies to other things regardless of how different they are in nature. Only one has a problem with the daylight but it depends on who is telling the story. So if you find them a little redundant it is because the information is that way because I think they are all variations of the same thing with little twists where you can sort of divide them.





03:54 May 11 2011
Times Read: 675

Someone sure angered a lot of people. If the age is right they are a young and not too worldly person...how sad. I got the vibes and they weren't good there.

I feel badly that so many people are so angry with one person but they brought it upon themselves. Sometimes people assume it is right to usurp the power that is given to someone else by acting superior and getting preachy. I know because at times I don't like some things either but I wouldn't presume to come here and play Reverend Argumentative. I think understanding and extending a figurative hand in friendship is the correct way. Look at all the dinners that were attended by someone who was supposedly setting an example and with whom...those that most condemned. I think the old adage of "kill them with kindness" is a better way and then just leave out the killing part and you might be surprised at how much different your views might become.





00:35 May 11 2011
Times Read: 679

I never thought I would get addicted to these silly reality shows on Bravo but unfortunately some of them have caught my attention.

I have been watching one today about a "maternity concierge." I was like, what the hell is that, lol. They didn't have them when I had children and doulas...never heard of those either and I was subjected to one of those innovative birthing hospitals with one of my kids. No one mentioned anything like this to me at anytime of course they probably knew I couldn't afford it even if it did exist.

Pregnant in Heels is a good name for this show. A whole slew of spoiled wacked women that are pregnant with no clue. I cannot believe how self-centered some of these women are about having a baby. One in particular thought she could go to the hospital, have a C-section and sleep for five days while the nurses took care of her baby. Maybe in the olden days but not in this day and age. Wait until they make her get up and walk...hahahaha. I would love to witness that one.

I hope Rosie tells this one off or quits quite frankly. These women who don't want to cook or clean. What will they do if they have a boy and start to change their diaper and HE pees on them. It happened to me numerous times over the years. I use to watch people's kids. It's usually when they are small but it happens.

I couldn't believe this one lady didn't even know where her pots and pans were in the kitchen, roflmao.

Yes, I watch some of the housewives as well. I use to refuse to watch shows like this but it got turned on and I got hooked. Some of them I can't stand and I don't always agree with the public on which one is the instigator of drama. I think sometimes people go on looks and don't see what is what going on. I relate better to OC and BH and I think the ones in NYC are a little classless and some of the others except Miami I haven't seen and I didn't like that group at all.

OMG, now they are talking about push bracelets and it has seventy-five diamonds with the babies initials. The dang lady is going to do no pushing. She is having a C-section, lol.

So I am home, still a tad sick watching these frivolous shows, lol...




05:16 May 10 2011
Times Read: 686

Back in the 80s I worked for printing companies starting with Xerox. I worked at one of their main printing places and they would lease out operators. I have to say I wasn't that good at it even though at the time I learned to run a large number of machines of differing types. I took microfilm as well but I always wondered if they came out ok, lol. There were two sizes of film and I had to photograph in a dark room and change the film in the dark. I don't remember that much about it really. I left there and went to a large printing company with a gigantic web press and worked on the, can't even remember what they called it now but the side that stapled (which was called stitching) and packing and fixing things to be shipped. Oh, remember, lol...bindery. Then I went to a small place in Costa Mesa. The type of place you go into and order business cards. It was ok but the owner was OCD I think, lol. I learned a lot there and I created a newsletter for a metaphysical group I was associated with and went to that shop to get it printed. He had let me go because he couldn't afford the overhead and had a family member come in. By that time I was pregnant and didn't care.

The reason I went into this topic was I learned in these places that the writing should be justified unless it is poetry or something like that. I haven't done that on this profile because I thought, "why not be different this time." So therefore, I centered everything. I am not sure I like it but I did it anyway. To me, it is just raggy edges, lol. I thought I would make it less antiseptic. I lost a lot of momentum in putting things in it I thought was somewhat creative because of all the complaining by people on their profiles about everything that anyone could possibly think of putting into their profiles.

I have to say this now. I don't care what someone else thinks anymore. I will put up what I wish and how I wish and if you don't like it...oh well. If the music is too loud for you...turn it off. You just can't please everyone and quite frankly, some of the people who write all these things need therapy in my opinion. I don't care if your background is in building websites, art, photography or what have you. Not all of us can be CSS whiz kids. I don't know it at all and I am not going to take a class in that just for a forum...geesh what has happened to people. I think some have gotten out of hand with all of this and others, you can tell, they don't care or they don't have a clue what they are going to have to do to get a decent rating here...OR does it really matter? I see those denying they care but when you get grabbed into a coven what do you do if you are that type of person...get blinded, sent to Hell or you leave? Not a pretty picture. It requires patience quite frankly and perserverance not to take things too seriously. I am so highstrung I could hang myself, lol. Sooo it doesn't work too well for me. Geesh I have gotten so jaded here. Therefore the best thing I could do is not read the longer profiles because if you are writing about VR and the people and profiles here...I plainly don't want to hear it anymore. Enough is enough. It really takes away from the "fun" idea of the place. So now I will get my binky and take a break :)




Just my silly grumblings

22:13 May 05 2011
Times Read: 695

Geesh these people who find excuses for not doing much on their profiles make me laugh, lol. It sounds great when you write it like look at me, I am so cool because I put down others who do this or that and I won't tell because I am better than you are. To the new people an 8 from a person on level 3 is not the same as an 8 from a person on level 100 or above. Read the dang manual.

I get so tired of reading this bottom feeder material. If you are happy with an 8 rating or under that is fine. Some give various ratings arbitrarily but if the person has worked hours on their profile and you know it by looking but say they mention they like Twilight or they use pastels or whatever and you rate them down...just goes to show. I know people rate down the non premiums all the time. I see it when I move through the profiles and some have made theirs really nice.

Shouldn't matter if you have a background that goes across the page or even if you have one. Some just want a neutral canvas but you can always tell when people don't want to bother...it starts off with I don't know what to say so ask me or something close to that and some then start a list of what they don't like about profiles...so why are you here in the first place? This is what is done here. I just wish people would put up what they want and just let others rate it and if you know yourself it doesn't hold a candle to the highest rated profiles then say nothing. You made your bed. I see lots of them worth a 10 and some not exactly my cup of tea and usually it is a generational thing. They still get the good rating and I no longer have anything on my profiles that state if you do this or that it will affect your rating one way or the other. I look at the overall of the person and sometimes the profile might be small but the personality and what they did put up impresses me and especially humor rather then a list of dos and don'ts and I am not talking about likes and dislikes...those are fine. Also I might mention this isn't a dating site so I don't want to hear about all that stuff. Put it in the journal please...it does get boring at times. Just my opinion but as long as it is tasteful and their isn't just pics up I will give a 10. But there are those that never say a thing about themselves and put up protection stamps and graphics...that is an art gallery and not a profile...there is nothing about YOU there. I like a balance of everything. One thing I hate is boxes. I don't want to scroll up and down in those little boxes, lol. I have never liked them but I just chalk it off to differences and don't rate up or down for them. I always look at the overall. I just think that everytime new people come in all these issues come up again and again. The forum is affected as well. You get the reincarnation, types of feeding, astral projections, psychic powers, karma and the list goes on over and over again. I wish some would be more creative like Oceanne, lol.



22:19 May 13 2011

Wait,what? Hay dont blame me! LOL

09:16 Jun 18 2011

Why not?


01:14 May 03 2011
Times Read: 702

If only 200 something people are going to give a rate, what are the other 700 something people doing that have passed on through?

I never could understand that unless they have already rated my profile or some of them. If you are going to visit could you take the time to leave a rating, perhaps add me as a friend and my journal on favs and stalking? I would be very appreciative if you did that. Write me and I will do the same for you.

Thanks in advance.



22:27 May 13 2011

I do believe that happens a lot.I know sometimes I will look at a profile and find that I had rated it a while back.



23:20 May 02 2011
Times Read: 705

This man who is a middle school teacher in Washington state made a vow after 9/11 that he would not cut his beard until Bin Laden was captured or killed. He thought it would only take a month or two, well that didn't happen. He got the news from friends which he didn't believe at first. Seems some of them had pulled pranks in the past telling him they had killed Bin Laden. When he was sure it had happened he shaved that beard right off which had grown quite long. The article said some of his friends came over to watch. Can you imagine that, lol.

If you want to read the article, it is located here:






02:13 May 02 2011
Times Read: 708

I watched this really deuffy movie on one of HBOs stations which was called Gentlemen Broncos. It was a 2009 movie and the premise was this kid with an eccentric Mother, who was trying to become a fantasy writer. He went to this workshop with this man who was "supposedly" a famous fantasy writer and had a following. He turns in his work and the dang guy steals his story. He changes the names and he makes the main character into something that follows the other authors fantasy world. It has a lot of other things going on but it is almost slap stick. I actually couldn't follow it that well. I would have to watch it a second time. It sort of came on.

It still addresses the issue of how do you prove a story is yours really? Granted everywhere it states once it is written it is your copyright but I know in the US that doesn't always hold up in court unless you have a formal copyright on the material. That goes for names of sites and other titles. One has to get a Trademark and trademarks are expensive. You can't copyright names of things and some things are generic so you can't do either. I worry about putting some things up on the net. Like what happened here, some sites just take your work and post it without asking. Sooo it is a real worry for aspiring writers.



22:31 May 13 2011

Expensive is right.When I got my trademark for my logo,it cost 300.00 to do the search and then another 300.00 to trademark it.

How do they expect new writers to get anywhere with prices like that.

15:48 Nov 20 2011

The answer to that is: THEY DON'T CARE.

It has always been about money.


07:38 May 01 2011
Times Read: 708

I have now changed out many of the graphics I originally put up for others. I ended up with a theme of roses I guess and once I got started it was like an obsession. I think I am a little OCD about things. I like balance and things that match. I am not that random about things. It makes me nervous, causes anxiety, lol. (I have GAD, so what do you expect?)

I am putting the Thor stuff I had on the profile here so if someone wants to watch the trailer and or see what I took out they can...Well it sounds like a nice thought anyway.






05:55 May 01 2011
Times Read: 710

Wow, my profile extended a bit, lol. It will even if I wanted it more simple. People tend to either do that over time or when they get up to Sire where they aren't so vulnerable to rates they tend to shorten them for some unknown reason. I consider them art in a way. I like to see how people put things together beyond just rote writing. When one reads so many, it sort of enhances the experience. I don't really expect everyone to read every last thing I write on my profile but if they do that is nice and I applaud your patience and attention span. I do love red, I mean I REALLY love red. BUT If I change this I will try something else. I am tempted to do a pink profile because so many say they hate pink like they say they hate Twilight. The Twilight thing is getting old and quite frankly the movies aren't bad. People have dwelled too much on the romance and the skin thing. There are other vampire movies that have had anamolies from what people think although considering the lists of vampire type creatures supposedly around the world, how can anyone be surprised by anything in a vampire work of fiction?

They could hide a tail inside the clothing if they wanted to, the devil association, lol. I mean its fiction...fiction and nothing more. I personally like them and I am an old fogie. I don't know why I am going on about this but I think the haters are just getting old.

There's another vampire movie coming out this month or at least it has them in it. I wonder what will be different about this one but people will like it better because they are totally violent.

It's so odd since the Bela Lugosi and others to follow, versions of Dracula were about a romance and he had a bevy of female vampiric followers, lol...go figure.



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