I see so many who write articles and use wording I very well know over decades of research to be incorrect. I can either let people believe all the poop or write something on my own.
Warlock is NOT a name for a male witch. In fact the Celts is a loose knit name for many Tribes that had other names and many clans within them. If they used a name for what they thought was normal practices it could have been many types. They are related by language factors and customs. One in particular was beheading those vanquished in battle. They loved warring. Some Celts didn't even speak Gaelic actually.
The word witch was used by outsiders to put a name to certain practices that they saw and people who did them. It wasn't something they called themselves. No one knows if they even understood exactly what the nature and reason was for some of their beliefs and practices. It is questionable as to whether there were ritual human sacrifices or not. No one will ever know so from the sources come to your own conclusions but it seemed Caesar had a disgust for the Celts and maligned them.
Anyway what I am getting at is it appears that warlock was something like saying someone is sin nomine in the modern vampire community. They committed some unseemly act and were shunned and marked. This is how they were referred to and it is genderless. They didn't from what I have researched differentiate between men and women who did similar things with magickal and spiritual practices. They did later down the line as some assimilated into Christianity. Those became cunning folk and did many of the same things but were considered part of society like midwives and could be male or female (there were certain factions that didn't approve of them either) and the others who kept to their "pagan" ways were considered dark and evil and all sorts of things were ascribed to them unfortunately most of it was hysterical ravings and made up things that fit with their religious beliefs and not those of the indigenous folks. I am working on a detailed paper on this because I am fed up with all this stupidity about the word warlock. Watch the movie, only place where it is viable. Some dude wrote a deuffy article in the early nineties and it is around the net and people draw from it but it is not correct. How do I know...you will see...well maybe if I get the time. I can't remember but a man from Europe who wrote about witchcraft and this very subject stated unequivocably that if someone calls themselves a warlock steer clear of them because they are a fake. It is not used in Europe and if someone from there does use it, it is generally a young person reading too much on the net or watching too many movies. Watch Julian Sands...he is the Warlock, lol.
I cannot believe that Borders is closing its doors. It was one of my favorite places. Much better than Barnes and Nobles or any of them. It is all due to ebooks, Kindles and things like that.
I have made up my mind I will never buy any book in ebook form or any device like a Kindle. This is putting hundreds out of work and others people will not even think about. This is bad for writers, publishers, artists and many more. Can you imagine no Libraries, no bookcases in homes but one or more little electronic tablets? Probably a collection of designer colored electronic book holders to match the decor. I refuse ... Time moves on I know but there are certain things that are happening that can be called progress but will have in my opinion a negative impact on society. At least there will be no more finding old written artifacts in caves and other places. They will have to salvage these techinical devices or old computers that probably won't exist because we are already moving past having computer systems with towers. It went from a flat box type of computer, to the tower and now they are being combined and built into the monitor. Quite frankly if they go this route I would rather see the widescreen TVs be a combination of that and a computer so you can switch back and forth if you want to or be free to have them separately by having that laptop (which I still don't like).
I don't like laptops at all. I want something BIG. They are ok for school but when at home, I don't want to use one. I have never liked them. It isn't my age, I don't like their size and the fact I have to get additions to make them like I want them. It is far less with a PC...oh geesh...
I collect books and now they will skyrocket and I don't want to have to order all of them off the internet. I like to go into bookstores. I am really and I mean really upset. NOT BORDERS!!!
I completly agree! i have been hearing for some time that they shall also be closing down Barnes and Nobles and have signed petitions against it! it is completly ridiculous!
These people are just to damn lazy to get up and walk or drive to the nearest book store to retreive there book. Its ludicy! I have tried only once to read an e-book and didnt make it past the first page.
Personally i enjoy relaxing on my couch or out in the park with a good book it relaxes me the fact of having to sit with a silly screan to read a book holds no appeal to me.
It's not laziness it's being cheap. My wife has one. A book that would normally cost her $30 at borders or barnes and noble is only $7 on her kindle. I think that's a much better price than going to the store. Plus she doesn't waste the gas getting to the book store. Our nearest book store is an hour away so it's better for us to buy books on her kindle. Times are too hard to ride an hour one way just to try and get a book that may or may not be on the shelf. So you have to think of it in those terms as well. Some people may not be able to afford it all the way you might. It may not be in our lifetime but try as you might, books WILL disappear one day. It can't be stopped. I don't like it and even Rai doesn't like it but it's the cheapest way to go for us right now. She still buys a good hard cover every once in a while when we have the money but more often than not, the kindle is the way we have to go if we want entertainment by reading.
I understand what you are saying but the Kindles aren't cheap and just like the computer, they keep upgrading and that will happen to the people that own them. Sooner or later you will have to buy a new one to keep up with technology. That alone can be costly. I have an old cell phone and I don't like the flat faced new ones but eventually if I want one that works correctly, I will be forced to upgrade. This is what I don't like about all these electronic inventions. If they don't upgrade they don't make enough money. I don't want to see the bookstores close nor do I want to see books come to an end. This will impact the whole writing industry in a very bad way.
I'm not going to leave my age blank anymore. I guess I want to find out if people are intimidated by it or think because someone is of a certain age they have no views, are pretty much vegetative and have no interests. Well I have one at least in common, vampires.
I am not interested in most of what a High School person would be. I don't use a lot of slang but I didn't when I was younger either. I was too cerebral for that. I had my High School years and I didn't walk ten miles to school through snow, lol. We all have our stories to get our kids to go to school but they don't usually work. My kids did some really stupid things when they were in High School and Junior High as well. They didn't call it middle school right then. It was when they re-divided them that came into play.
One of my daughters ran away with her friends. I think they were all using drugs. I don't remember now because some of these things weren't known until they were adults. I had to chase all over the neighboring town with the Sheriff to find her. 80s teenagers were a pain, lol. I would let her off right in front of the school and then she would wait until I left and go back across the street to her friend's house. They would write notes I didn't know about. You know excuses for missing school. At this time I have to laugh at their antics. All of my kids hated going to school. I was lucky I guess. There weren't the drug problems when I was HS age in the 60s, but there were problems though.
I laugh because so many are still going to see the bands with members my age in them. They are musical icons but still, my age. Some members here and there have died for various reasons but some just keep churning out that music like the energizer bunny.
I look younger but I don't think I am very photogenic so I have few pictures of myself and the ones I have online were taken with a low level webcam which is in storage. I look different in almost everyone I took. I never was a fan of picture taking so I have very few of my kids which I regret now of course. Photography never interested me much. I preferred oil painting and things like that which still limited pictures of my family. I did have friends who would take them. I had wished one of my daughters had continued with photography, she was pretty good at it but it wasn't her interest I guess. She just took it as an extra class.
I liked designing clothes and I use to make them for a long time. I have been moving around too much to do that. I like crafts and I do a lot of those if the time is there. Writing is my main thing and continued interest in occult things of all types. I have been a loner most of my life. Even when with someone I didn't like doing things with others much. I did some and I hosted meetings and gave dinner parties and such but eh, it has nothing to do with my age other than I want to do other things. Take time to do them. Once you are out of HS, the time flies by and all of a sudden its your something or other birthday and you go, "NO, I don't want to celebrate anymore of them. The numbers can be intimidating to anyone. Sooo, I don't let anyone tell me I have to be any type of way or that there is no life in me because I am older. That's a stereotype but I don't consider people I only know online as anything more than acquaintances really except for very few of them.
I don't wear little old lady shoes or clothing. I wear a lot of black clothing but not all. I like all the colors but mostly wear white, black, gray and red. It just depends because I wear pink too. I don't wear dresses much anymore because I was forced to for so many years. I guess I have been thinking about a lot of these things. I don't like to do things much with the people I went to HS with except one. The others are always so grumpy, constantly talk about the HS years which I am not interested in anymore and have nothing in common with me. They are always for some reason fanatical in religious views and I am not saying what but most should know and I am not involved with that. I have different ideas about things. I am very involved with subcultures and writing things so, who do I have something in common with? Practically no one.
Well, if it helps, I was hesitant at first to set my year of birth, but I did, and I now see it makes no difference at all to how I feel, or how people treat me. :)
Well you aren't that old Pagan at least not in my viewpoint. When I was your age I was still going out some and working two jobs. All my boyfriends were from 5 to 20 years younger than I was. I was separated then getting ready for a divorce. That didn't happen but he was 8 years younger and has passed away and so I'm a widow. You really can't tell about people. Some people who are only in their 20s are very mature and very well versed in so many things and others aren't. It depends a lot on the individual and their personality and interests. The worse thing about getting older is you say go, go, go and your body tends to say, no, no, no, LOL.
One thing I have to say is people judge too much by age. There of course are differences but emotionally and desires, etc are generally pretty much the same. We are influenced by the time period we grew up but geesh, they are just numbers. I don't talk much to people under 18 merely out of fear. I know things some don't about adults and kids and I don't want to put myself out there because of what is going on behind the scenes on the net. It is scary and it isn't all the fault of the adults either. I don't like complications and the males of the world need to get a grip on the internet. If you don't you may very well wish you had.
VR has some of the most interesting people you could ever find on the net. I hope it never gets spoiled by fool-hardy people...it would be such a shame.
I was so disappointed by just things today I learned and felt unable to do anything about it. That is an awful feeling so I am going to go back to my writing again. I have been trying to help my coven and I hope I have contributed in some small way even if my time is somewhat limited. Got a headache and stomachache just from worrying. You would think by this age I would have a handle on stress but unfortunately, I don't.
I have to say, actual age has nothing to do with maturity, ability, intelligence or any of these things that make a person great to know. Two of the nicest, most interesting and intelligent people here are my two friends and they are both under 21.
I have found that some, but certainly not all older folk can be pretty manipulative, set in their ways, and have nothing to offer me in the way of the kind of friendship I like. I prefer folk to have some life in them. LOL that doesn't mean of course that I only have young friends. My friends are 'ageless' as far as I am concerned.
This is why I am not with some little old man rocking a chair on a porch somewhere. I tend to like younger men and find myself somewhat bored with older ones or those who try to act like a teenager when they are not. I do like people to act mature if they are older but acting "old" is something else. One needs to try and keep up with the times but it doesn't mean we have to accept everything going on. It also doesn't mean I feel like I should be using regular telephones and not have a cell or anything like that. I have both, lol.
I try to keep up some with new things but some of that deals with cost of things and if I need it really. I have always had friends of all ages and most under my age range. More in their forties I think than any other age. I think mentally and emotionally I am closer to that. I don't like to be pigeon-holed one way or another.
Yay, everything is back to normal. I had to do a restore on this profile, but it is fine now. Beats me as to what went wrong but oh well.
Holidays at the moment keeping me offline and the heat. It was 105 yesterday. HATE the heat! Rested and watched a few movies and heh, three of them were the first three Twilight movies. I think those that complain about them are silly. They are good movies. The first one sets the flavor of them but Eclipse is really violent, not that I necessarily like violent movies, and has a lot going on and yes there is a love story but there has been in almost every vampire movie I have ever seen or read except those that are like the mindless zombie type of movies or they are setting up background for a series type of thing. Sometimes it isn't even a mutual love story. Even in I AM LEGEND (and yes they are suppose to be vampires and NOT zombies) if you watch the alternate ending you see attachment to a mate and is the real reason they come to the house, to get back the female he is experimenting upon. Most of the vampires are usually coveting a person and changing them to go on with them forever. None of them are immortal. In every movie and book I have ever read, something could kill them. If you didn't do it right, they could come back or if you didn't trap them correctly if you didn't know how to kill them, they could come back as well.
I saw that Anne Rice said that she thought these movies were for kids. I don't agree with her, just because the characters are older teens doesn't necessarily make it for teens and under. One of the vampires in particular is sadistic and loves inflicting pain on humans and vampires alike. I don't think Anne likes some of the things I write to her, hahaha. I didn't respond to the Twilight comment, what's the use. People dwell on one aspect of the films rather than the whole which I find very dumb. I am a senior and I love these movies and I liked hers too but even Queen of the Damned has a love story in it, lol. She also said she was happy for Stephanie Meyer's success. They use to say all sorts of things about Harry Potter as well. They are very cleaver movies just like the Narnia series. I like them all. I liked Lord of the Rings but you know, these books were written for kids and that is how they were back then. You didn't have parents saying, OMG these are too violent. What's funny about it too is you didn't have kids killing each other or bringing weapons to school and they had some manners so to blame things on books like these doesn't seem to be too fact based. Also, fantasy was fantasy and you didn't have anyone going off about religious complications like you do now, except fanatical loonies no one paid attention to. Now you have people coming unglued about fiction. Why are kids so much more impressionable now when they should be more learned but they aren't?
Shakes my head, I just don't get society now and why we try to manage what everyone should like. Get a high off of putting things down and let our children be rude and ill-mannered. I don't think it is a good thing personally. People are surprised by my two four year old grandsons because they are very polite and say please and thank you. I don't get it, shouldn't all children know this?
19:41 Jul 29 2011
You go!
Cause you are exactly correct.I cant wait to read it.
Let me know ok?
15:25 Nov 20 2011
Hope I can get to it eventually. I haven't had the time.