“The Vampire Prayer”
by Peter Pringle
2011 / Folk
“This song will probably surprise a lot of people. Since my family is originally Transylvanian I thought I would share one of the traditional local songs from the area. The song is played using a traditional instrument called a lira, a type of hurdy gurdy. It is a hauntingly beautiful song, a prayer used by peasants to protect their families from vampire attacks. This version is in English. However, the original Romanian doina (ballad) is just as beautiful. I find it a very moving song from a cultural perspective.”
Peter Pringle
I have been here years, maybe six or seven. I can't remember because I don't have my earliest profiles anymore. I have one that has been here for 4 years and this one for 2. So I don't remember but quite awhile and I have seen over these years this constant phrase of "rated fairly". How so? It is very arbitrary and many don't even bother to rate. I have profiles that have been on this site for years and have only 500 something ratings. That is kinda sad and really defeats the purpose of the site. So what if someone doesn't like your rate, just do it so everyone can move on up the ladder.
I have to admit I hate to rate with a deep passion because no matter what part of the place I'm doing it, it is tedious and boring. Some have such small type I can't read it and I don't want to adjust my view up and down constantly and some, and I should say MANY, have no profile at all. So after pages and pages of those I get frustrated and leave. Maybe the site should be rolled back and made a little simpler for people to create a nice profile. What was here when I first came was sufficient and didn't need to be changed but of course that is my opinion. If the place is to be here to have fun why make it difficult and put some things that clearly are open season for disputes and arguments. Beats me but then I don't own the site so I just muddle through.
As you see this one is called A New Beginning.
They are trying to start an International Council of Elders. I won't hold my breath over this one. But read at your leisure. That's what it is there for.