Sinistra's Journal

Sinistra's Journal


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3 entries this month


06:07 Jan 24 2013
Times Read: 490

So I live with my youngest daughter, her twin sons and her fiance. He comes to my room and says I have to tell you something that happened that was really strange. I said OK and he tells me about this:

He said this was an older man who has to take a medication. He thought it was for depression but he didn't know. He trained the guy and he doesn't know why they let him drive again after another incident but not as bad as this one. He was only driving around in circles the first time. I don't know why the man didn't tell his doctor how the medication was affecting him I guess or he got a new one and the reaction was worse. They will probably hold his company libel unfortunately. I don't know if there had been any agreement about what happened the first time or what and neither does my perspective son-in-law but he figures they will be sued so he might have to look for another job. He is an electrician and doesn't do the actual solar panel placement. He does all the electrical and he is in charge of a lot of things but not deciding where this man goes or if he should be driving. Geesh, what a crazy thing. They did a skit on it on Conan O'Brien last night. I think he is embarrassed to be associated to this man even if it is just that they work for the same company. He thinks if they sue the company it will go under, but he isn't sure. He said their insurance is already sky high. But he doesn't know why he was driving again or if it had to do with the med he took before or what.

Despite what the show said it was only suspected he was intoxicated. My roommate thinks it was his medication because he had as I stated above a similar type of incident and it was his medication for whatever he takes it for that caused it. I guess they thought that had been resolved but I guess that wasn't correct.




A site of the South African Vampyre group

05:34 Jan 09 2013
Times Read: 500


This is a project of the South African group which hasn't been around that long or haven't acknowledged themselves until more recently. It is dangerous in parts of Africa to declare such things. There are also links to other things here as well.





19:52 Jan 03 2013
Times Read: 509

The holidays are past now and I will be removing the graphics today. It is hard for me to sit at my computer. I have a back problem. Had it all my life. I was backed over by a car when I was around four, luckily the tires didn't go over me. This was in the fifties when cars were low to the ground. She couldn't see me when I was crossing the alley. I did look both ways but like many drivers she backed up quickly. No one was backing when I looked. I was taken to the hospital and was only badly bruised on my back. My Father had jumped the fence when I screamed. The driver was the most shaken by it. We weren't sue happy but anyway over time it caused me to have scoliosis in my lower spine. I am slightly tilted to the right. Then I was rear ended by a car that was hit by another. I was in a tiny car and the seat flipped back and forward. (crappy company car, I was a courier) I got another low back injury and whip lash and I was working. I was merely turning into a driveway and got sent half way across it by the impact. So they said a permanent 40 percent injury to my back. Ugh. When you get older things act up. I have also been sick three times back to back. I'm sick now and my back is giving me grief.

I think I had a cold the first time. Hard to say with all these new viruses. The second time I got the croup. Yep, elderly can catch it from children. The younger adults in the household did not get it. Now I have something else that is going away that is upper respiratory. Anytime I am living with any of the grandkids or around them much if they get sick, voila I'm sick. Now after three times I am tired of being ill. Flu shots don't work on me and some don't recommend them so I don't get them anymore. I didn't know the elderly were susceptible to the croup when my grandsons got it but sure enough.

Lying down has caused my back to get stiff and I think pulling my cart up the stairs didn't help. Now I am having to sit up because it hurts to lie down. I hate all this stuff. Luckily I am in better health even so than most of my friends my age. Half of my HS class have passed away. They don't understand why I don't have visitors. I lost track of most of my friends moving around, changing jobs, etc. Many have died as I stated. I have one in particular I see quite frequently and my husband died. Thing is I don't mind being alone, lol. When others get older they will find out that its no longer about weddings and baby showers but funerals. I guess I never thought about that when I was younger.



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