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The Sitchin Controversy

13:25 Aug 01 2014
Times Read: 378

I have a very old copy of the 12th Planet and it's entertaining but I don't believe most of what is written. I haven't read any of his other books because I discounted this one because his assumptions seemed hair-brained to me, but good for a book plot, lol. (some of it)

I have been doing a lot of research and ran across a man who does have the proper degrees which Sitchin does not. People believe he is a language scholar but with no proof. This man is and he is taking a bashing because of some of his interests. He doesn't identify himself as a Christian but as a Theist. This means belief in the existence of a god or gods; specifically : belief in the existence of one God viewed as the creative source of the human race and the world who transcends yet is immanent in the world.

The thing is if you are trying to study the Sumerian beliefs and those concerning their spiritual beliefs such as the Anunnaki (Akkadian name) or Anunna (Sumerian name) you can't keep out religious writings unfortunately. So I'm not wanting to speak of religion but finding the real meanings of things. This man has a Ph. D. and when he explains the meanings he doesn't just say this is what it means and that is that, he gives you references and places you can look for yourself. Anyone interested in all of this should at least watch this. He isn't saying Sitchin is a bad person but his translations are not scholarly and in some cases he has made up words. He doesn't make sweeping statements but backs it up. So the followers I will call them are trying to debunk him. He has some alternative beliefs so part of it is because of that but he always explains why he says anything or the truth of what things mean in the languages and why. This first video is worth watching in my opinion. I was sort of taken back by some things prior to watching this because not too many people have tried to stand up and dismantle what Sitchin has to say which has always seemed far fetched to me.

A Degreed Hebrew Scholar's Challenge to the Errors of Zechariah Sitchin - Michael S. Heiser PhD


Now one of the reasons for skepticism is because he gets invited to weird places to give a talk like this:

Ancient of Days, UFO & Abduction Conference

BUT Sitchin's work is talking about ALIENS, so these people are interested in this man's viewpoint. He has spoken on Coast to Coast because he is tackling writings of a man that are considered by many to be fringe. This one thinks people should know the errors and why he thinks they were made and the true meanings of words since he has studied the languages. So take it or leave it but I think it's worth listening to and he has other interests as well. They do fit into connection to what certain words mean in this area of study and his conclusions. A pretty down to earth man. You don't have to believe his view, do what I do, consider it FYI.

This is Heiser's background:

Heiser was raised in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. He attended Lebanon High School and Cedar Crest High. He received an MA in Ancient History from the University of Pennsylvania, and an MA and PhD in the Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages from the University of Wisconsin–Madison (with a minor in Classical studies). Heiser received his undergraduate degree from Bob Jones University and also attended Bible college for three years.

Heiser has studied Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Phoenician, the Aramaic, the Syriac, Moabite, the Ugaritic cuneiform, the Ancient Hebrew, Alexandrian Greek, the Aramaic, Akkadian and Sumerian and Second Temple Jewish monotheism.

Heiser has taught college since 1992 and is the Academic Editor for Logos Bible Software.

Heiser's doctoral dissertation, entitled "The Divine Council in Late Canonical and Non-Canonical Second Temple Jewish Literature," examines the "divine council" of the biblical Israelites and compares the "two powers" theology of Second Temple Judaism with the theological relationship of Baal and El in the Ugaritic texts. Heiser objects to modern critical reconstructions of the evolution of Israelite religion which see Israelite history as a progressive evolution from henotheism or polytheism to strict monotheism after the Exilic Period. He maintains that the Bible relates a uniform doctrine of divine plurality and that later texts such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, Deuteronomy, Isaiah and the New Testament authors all believed in a divine council of divine beings created by and are ontologically subordinate to Yahweh. (Wikipedia.org)

Even though this does speak of religion, its about the meaning of words in the languages and how they are applied by context. He doesn't go into religion per se at all. Just why things mean what they do and why they don't mean other things in relationship to Zecharia Sitchin's work.

Oh and don't believe I agree with him on his Biblical views because I don't in many cases because it is just rote stuff and some of it has been disproved. All I will say but in regard to Sitchin that's something else.



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