Did you ever just want to whap someone upside their head because they were being a tease. Brian Buckner would be on the top of my list. He says one thing to one interviewer and something else to another.
BRIAN BUCKNER: [Laughs] Well, I did not confirm that he’s alive. Not that I want to create more conversation, because I don’t, but to be clear, we’re not saying how we’re going to use him, we’re simply saying that we are using him. I will say that I do long for the days when television audiences could stand to wait and enjoy the tease. But I understand we’re living in a different time. I don’t want to watch a show without him either.
Prior to that I find:
That’s right folks – Eric Northman LIVES (well ok technically he’s undead!). True Blood show-runner Brian Buckner has today revealed to TV Line that everyone’s favourite vampire will return as a series regular next season!
TVLINE | The big question coming out of the finale, obviously…
Let me guess. [Laughs]
TVLINE | Alexander Skarsgard — will he be back for Season 7?
I can tell you that Alexander Skarsgard is going to be a part of the next season of True Blood. He will be a series regular.
TVLINE | That will be a huge relief to fans.
I am aware! I’m not going to take Alex Skarsgard out of people’s living rooms.
TVLINE|I’m guessing Eric won’t suddenly be alive and well in the Season 7 premiere.
No. That would be a cheat, wouldn’t it? That would be an incredible cheat. Pam has gone off in search of Eric, and maybe she’s going to be the one to find him, y’know?
There is so much drama going on in here. I never got bored often in my life because I usually could find something to do. It has gotten hard to talk to people here because so many are so standoffish. It is almost like you go to a profile and it might as well say don't talk to me or I will get you.
Bickering everywhere and people who have been here a long time upset or burned out. I guess I am like that too because I have had profiles in the past so I have actually been here a long time. I try not to take things that seriously but at times that is difficult. I rarely give ones, usually to those with a suspension for Infinity. or to those who like to play the 1 game. I mean why deprive them of the privilege of getting the 1 badge of honor and the block. None of this is forever.
What is disturbing me is so many people joining with no clue about the site and no real profile. It compounds the boredom of rating. I won't rate someone a 10 if they don't even have a profile. It doesn't matter to me if the profiles are long or short and when I say short I am not talking about two lines or an ask me if you want to know. Some are shorter and all written...that is tedious to read and the appearance is not always interesting. I read most all the profiles that are actually nice well thought out profiles and even if some are threatening I will usually give a 10 if a lot of work has been done. I wonder why anyone has to make threats on their profiles or act arrogant and pompous. Some of them are funny. I just roll my eyes and go to the next one. Don't pretend to be something you are not. If you are in the community vampire or otherkin that's fine. I won't judge you. But I know when someone is trying to claim something they are not when I see a lot of gaming terms and outrageous claims of being turned etc. ad nauseum.
I have always been attracted to the unusual but the less strange part of it. Hard to explain. For instance I am not into tattoos, piercings, fetish or any non vanilla types of relationships at all or ever really. Been on the borderline of some things but more conventional in action but not in involvements of certain types. I probably would have been considered a nerd if I had grown up in a different time frame or some other factors but I am attracted to the unknown side of life. I don't consider it dark but many do...that is a matter of opinion really...hah.
I get sick of people mentioning sparkling in the sunlight. It is really a lame potshot at a fictional storyline which makes it totally inane in my opinion. When will it stop? My pot shots go to 30 Days of Night. I thought it was one of the worst more modern vampire stories next to Vampires I have ever seen and I have seen many of them. There are a few others as well. Then there are those movies that have vampires and zombies mixed up. They also take Werewolf legends and mix them in like the silver thing. It was IRON. Anyway I now have a headache realizing the amount of drama going on here at this point in time and with people for the most part I have never heard of and I have probably been here around seven years. This and my other profile I have now are not the first ones I had. What to do here. I don't consider this a dating site and I'm too old for that anyway. Those that are really intelligent don't post much. Topics that haven't been talked about repeatedly never turn up on the Forum anymore and other parts are not interesting. I guess that makes me a whiner, lol.