Sinistra's Journal

Sinistra's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


19 entries this month

14:15 Apr 30 2011
Times Read: 600

One of the things I don't understand on the net is plagairism. Most people do it but many don't realize they do. I am having a hard time trying to keep my own articles free of that. Even if you re-word something into your own thoughts if the idea is not original to you, you have to put sources, give credit. The thing is everyone does it online and sometimes off. It is a very fine line. Wikipedia though, has a contract sort of thing where the work can be used as long as you cite it more or less. Thing is that most people don't do that. In my ezines I use free articles from time to time and they are given freely as long as you cite the origin or if it is a Pagan issue I might use Mike Nichols articles. He just asks that his links etc be cited for the use of the article.

I see articles here that have no references at all and are very specific. If it isn't something you specifically experienced, gathered the information yourself in the real world (like interviews) and not the library or online or is a work of fiction you need to use a source area, bibliography, something or else you are a plagairist.

I put an excerpt from an article I wrote on here but in the article itself I have references and quotes and things like that. These aren't my ideas but after awhile some things are considered just something everyone knows but not the topic I put up, it required research and if yours required that you have to give credit where credit is due. If it is an idea someone wrote in their book such as various community codexes then it isn't your idea. Even posting the black veil without permission could fall under that umbrella. Be careful with these articles. I know I have to be.



22:24 May 13 2011

Ideas cannot be copyrighted.I went through all that when writing my book and caught others using my stuff. But we can copyright the manner of which we present it.

15:44 Nov 20 2011

Yes most of the time but it depends on what it is. I have seen people sue for an idea. I would bet J.K. Rowling would sue if someone wrote a novel about a kid named Harry Potter and someone wrote a screenplay long before her first book was written and a movie was made of it. Character was called Harry Potter and his son Harry Potter Jr.

She was actually asked about it but said she had never heard of the movie. It was Troll. At the time it came out it did well at the box office so it's not unknown or obscure. I wondered the same thing when I heard about her character. Something that just can't be copyrighted really but they do make exceptions when something is extremely well known. You just never know with the courts these days and especially in foreign countries.


13:25 Apr 30 2011
Times Read: 603

Heh, I hadn't planned on any theme really for my profile. I just love red things. In my home there is a combination of red and blue. Even my daughter's furniture is that color scheme too and by accident mind you but I just like red and I like roses in general and I have sort of a matchy matchy mind set so it just sort of evolved this way but other than that, there was no real plan or any inspiration. I just found a background I could work with because I'm not good at that and it was roses, lol.

I don't like the busy backgrounds because what happens is either you can't read the writing or you have to make it really big in a contrasting color so everyone can read it. I think it detracts from the profile some but it sure is a whole lot better than "ask me" :)




03:35 Apr 27 2011
Times Read: 612

Rating is such a constant topic of discussion and everyone thinks they are right about it. People don't want low rates but others don't want other people to choose freely mind you to give the same rating to everyone. If it isn't in the manual one way or the other then there is no argument...end of story. I have better things to do than hash and re-hash this trivial stuff here. I think it is funny actually. I read the journals to put in time and pages but honestly I wish people would move on to more interesting topics than rating. We all have to do it to get anywhere here and it is up to the individual to decide how and what they want to rate. Some put I have rated you fairly but that is only in their estimation and taste so I think in all actuality it is a moot topic. Going on about it is really futile. We can't be each other's keeper. Well maybe we can here but I don't want to be. As they say, "Girls just wanna have fun." I'm female and that is the only reason I am here other than the topic. So let's forget all the BS and just have a little fun.





23:23 Apr 26 2011
Times Read: 623

I doubt I will join any mentorships and merely because I don't have the time for it. I know I will have no choice for a Coven or House but I am letting the chips fall where they may and not asking or making any promises to any one in particular. I am just going to let someone grab me or not at all. However it goes in the flavor of VR :)



13:51 Apr 30 2011

I know what you mean... if you haven't got time, why bother choosing. Let the chips lay where they will :)


08:28 Apr 18 2011
Times Read: 643

I have been watching the TV mini series Mildred Pierce. I think I watched the movie that Joan Crawford did maybe once. I can't stand that actress. Sooo, I never watched many of her movies.

I never read the book that these two cinematic ventures are based upon. I understand the miniseries follows the book more closely. I thought Kate Winselet was outstanding and I have watched it in Demand at least four times. I can sort of relate to some of it even if it is before my time. I don't know why they show the dial phones though. I remember that even in 1950 we didn't have those in my county. We had phones liked they showed but they didn't have dials, just a a center section with our number on it which was three numbers and then you had a word such as Chestnut 554. You picked up the reciever and there was an operator and she would say, "your number please" or something like that...heh, I was a kid. We did get dials after that but not in the timeframe of that series which was during the Depression and shortly after.

So it got me looking because it confused me. They had rotary phones for a long time but I am not sure each county had the technology to support them that early. Riverside country didn't have it anyway. I remember. Sooo I am trying to figure out why we didn't have that in the early 50s but in the Depression era it shows them in Los Angeles and Hollywood. That area was always more progressive but only 50 miles or so difference and the other area years behind...weird.




10:07 Apr 16 2011
Times Read: 652

Haven't really felt like being on here all day. Lots of worries I guess. I don't know but then there were a few upset people here so I kind of wanted to stay away from that. Seems to be the case on most forums. What some do is create another venue, within the original, which is silly because invariably it starts up again and what happens is a person's right to speak freely is infringed upon for fear of drama. I have seen this so many times I cannot even count. What I do then is find something else to do and discontinue saying anything because after all, my views are just one of many and not that important to a lot of people I don't even know.




23:56 Apr 10 2011
Times Read: 676

I should warn you that I already have two blocks. They aren't from anyone I know or have spoken to. They are those two little masked men that are running around reeking havoc in this place. They will always be there and never removed. These two should be put in a box and buried deep in cement. :)

Oops, only one of them so far, lol...

I'm sure the other pal will be around soon. I guess there has to be great whites in every forum.





23:42 Apr 10 2011
Times Read: 678

I saw Tron last night and I was impressed and wished I had had a chance to see it in IMAX. I thought it was a remake but it was a sequel, not that it made a huge difference in me watching the movie

I watched the behind the scenes effects and my only word is WOW. I couldn't believe how they made Jeff Bridges look young. It was far and away superior to the first movie but they did well then with the technology they had at the time.

I thought the storyline was interesting. I don't mind a movie having a lot of special effects or not having them if there seems to be some sort of story attached. (I watched it twice, lol)





19:40 Apr 10 2011
Times Read: 681

What is a warlock? Well, it is NOT a male witch. It only means that in movies and maybe some works of fiction (novels, short stories etc.). How it became used to mean that like in the movie "Warlock," I have no idea but in that movie he was evil. So it is no wonder that people in modern day think of witches as evil. They are portrayed that way in most shows except things like Charmed. I am going to post an article in special interest. You can go to the links and check things out. Although it wasn't written this year so the links could perhaps not be there now. I had a book, don't know what happened to it, but was written by a male witch and one of the things he mentioned was, if someone tells you he is a warlock, steer clear because that word does not mean a male witch and they are probably bogus (didn't use that exact word, lol). I hate to see uninformed people using that word because it means a liar, betrayer of the coven and it can be male or female. I don't practice witchcraft or wicca which are two different things but I have no problem with those who do.




Instant Replays

03:47 Apr 10 2011
Times Read: 690

Did you get my attention, yes? Alzheimers is setting into this kid dummy. Instant replays are not the same as being unique. I am standing here laughing and at your expense. Did you get a reaction well of course. I love feeding on someone else's so-called self satisfaction, hahaha, all the way to the bank.





10:09 Apr 09 2011
Times Read: 691

I have mentioned here that I love watching movies. I never heard of this movie prior and normally it isn't the type I would watch. I almost turned it off but my favorite actor since around the sixties has been James Spader. The movie was called Secretary. I am not fond of the actress that was in the movie and have seen her in various films and wasn't fond of her then but she did a pretty good job in this movie about S&M. I am not remotely into that scene but this movie was really unusual and took on the subject in a unique way. Many in reviews I later went onto read gave it praise. I guess there were a lot of goofs of all types in the movie but when the topic is such who notices them except OCD people, lol...





16:15 Apr 08 2011
Times Read: 693

I finally got to see the elevator movie Devil. Well its not an elevator movie but the movie is situated in the interaction of five people caught in an elevator that breaks down and one of them is supposedly "the devil." In this movie, they are the devil but I personally have watched so many movies over a lot of years that I knew who it was by who the actors were and sure enough...I was right. This particular person has played parts of this type quite often soooo...I was pretty sure. Shame on the person who cast this person because it left a little of the mystery out for me, lol. Therefore, I got into how it was being played out and how well they did it to not give away who it was. It was good though or at least I thought it was pretty good. I'm not saying who was the devil for those who didn't see it when it was in the theater and that was awhile back.




About the music players

20:40 Apr 07 2011
Times Read: 699

I am no coding guru or know how to do many things in all actuality but I did find out how to get the music players to line up. They won't center normally. I had to put the < part with center following up at the last line I wrote and close it just prior as if you were going to do them side by side. Now if you take out the ads you don't have to do that. Then after you close off the first center and butt up the next, you have to look in the coding and put another center there where the ads start because it is another set of code added on top of the other one. If you don't they will plant themselves wherever they want to go more or less. Then close it off and they will all line up in the middle. It all goes in normally like a graphic if you remove the ad lines.

Someone had trouble hearing my player but I can hear it just fine so I'm not sure what the problem was about that but if it takes awhile to load the profile, try refresh, just don't do that often because it gets one in trouble around here :) .




About Covens/Houses

02:02 Apr 07 2011
Times Read: 706

What can I say about this because I can be taken into a Coven/House whether I like it or not. In a way that is part of the charm here. Quite frankly I don't want to be in a Coven that is dealing with Satanism or Demons and that sort of thing. What I would like is to be in a Coven made up of adults mainly (so I can relate easier, I have had that problem in the past) and general. Also one that does more than just play games and chat. I'm sorry, I get bored. I like to talk about topics and dark ones are fine but just not so much those two because they tend to deal more with religious viewpoints and I kinda want to stay away from that now. I also wouldn't be interested in a Wiccan type of coven either because I am not that. I do like pentacles/pentagrams which are older than Wicca, so I use them.

I am not trying to offend anyone but just trying to be clear that it wouldn't be the best placing or those into Dracula either because to me he is nothing more than one of many warriors from Eastern Europe, not a vampire or anything remotely like that so it doesn't interest me...sorry. I have sort of gone past all these types of topics. I'm just not interested in what I consider fluff now I guess. I am so sorry and I hope this doesn't offend anyone. I have sort of exhausted some of these topics years ago and don't find them interesting anymore. I'm not even trying to level up but up I go. I don't want to feel stressed out because I don't fit in or there is nothing of interest to post about, like most of the topics in the Sandbox.



02:10 Apr 07 2011

My coven would be perfect for you. Too bad I'm disbanding it. Don't get too many people interested in anything medical or military related though. We just talk about general stuff too.. if anyone posted anyway. *sighs* Like I said, I'm disbanding it.. so it's not like it matters anyway.

04:40 Apr 10 2011

There is the House of Caomhnoir-an-Eolas - not based on any one thing, mostly is a Celtic House. They talk about all sorts of topics in there. You can check them out if you like. Message Daire if you are interested.


About my story

20:25 Apr 06 2011
Times Read: 710

I took the two chapters I had out of my journal because without everything one gets a skewed idea of what it's about and it isn't exactly a romance novel per se. There is a romance but it is actually contrived and then goes from there and there is a specific reason for it. There are deaths and quite a number of characters you can't see or get the correct context of. I don't want to put all the chapters here so I took it out. I am in the 12th Chapter and when I get it all done, lol...it will be revised. It is the last book so many things are more open and characters from the others appear in this story at points so...eh, it would be sort of mud if I put in two or three of the chapters. I did a lot of twisting of myth in it too and with what I put up you don't realize what type of a story it actually is soooo...since it wasn't read really I took it out and will think about if I will put it back up any time soon.





23:47 Apr 05 2011
Times Read: 715

Well my birthday is over and it was fun so to speak. A highlight was when Lee Curerri said Happy Birthday to me on my facebook page.

I got the first season of Vampire Diaries and I didn't think I would like it but I do...I'm addicted now, lol.

Some is very creative and other things a little predictable but that happens in most storylines. How many things can you do and say about the same topic? I'm glad it isn't all about HS kids though. Makes it a little more interesting for those a little older. I think most of the actors are well out of HS though, lol.




Hate when I can't sleep

12:52 Apr 04 2011
Times Read: 724

I am debating on what to put in the other sections and if I should rename them. I am awake more then asleep so have plenty of time to figure it out.

So it's my birthday and I have no plans. I did have fun Saturday though. I don't even think of that much anymore. I just think more on a day to day basis. I have ideas in my head for taking a trip. I would like to see my grandson who lives in another state.

People think you are really old when you get to the stage of having grandkids but that really isn't the case except in numbers. We just have certain perspectives having made a lot of dumb mistakes :). Also, some things we actually lived through so sometimes what one reads in books or sees on documentaries aren't exactly that factual or maybe I should say misleading at times. Time passes quickly once you get out of High School and or college. It seemed to fly by.

I have missed so many things struggling along in life and I hope I get the opportunity to make up for some of that. Maybe not as I would really like but within my means. I would like to see things. Not so much out of the country, that sort of scares me. That is from seeing too many movies, lol...and reading the headlines in the news online. Hmmm, I think I will start small. I am thinking of some place like Catalina. Never been there but many of my friends have and it might be fun to go there once. Ever been?




TV Show amazement

22:56 Apr 03 2011
Times Read: 727

I watch movies more than regular tv shows and now and again I hear of a contestant from some competition in the world for singing. This young man just amazes me and he loves to sing. I guess over the last year or so he has amazed a lot of people. He is so humble and seems to be a very kind soul. People think he is a kid because he isn't too tall and he holds a bit of weight but he is 23 if he hasn't had a birthday. He has been a guest on a slew of American shows. He is from Taiwan and sings mostly I guess in English but isn't really fluent in the language but he speaks better than most with what he knows being that it's not his first language. He is still learning. He was bullied all his life due to his looks and being overweight but he rose above that which is commendable.

One song he sang was written by Dolly Parton and Wendy Williams put up YouTube to let her listen and her mouth dropped open, lol. It was "I Will Always Love you." She wrote the song. He is gifted. Just a warning, this is not rock or metal or goth type music. It is a ballad.

Note: I found out after I posted this that this song was written by one of the people that wrote the theme song for Titanic. It was written especially for this young man's album. So it is specific to this person.




Just thoughts

10:51 Apr 02 2011
Times Read: 757

Whew. I had forgotten how much work it is to put up a new profile. People were kind. Not all gave a 10 but that is ok. It was a work in progress most of the time. I wanted to keep it more simple and I wanted to put in graphics I liked that I had saved for a long time. There aren't many new ones out there but these are the ones I like. I have looked and looked for others of this type I possibly haven't seen before or rarely but in this style...couldn't find any in the right mood. So I used mostly a gray scale and changed many of them to that and framed them for fun. It is doing a background that really gets to me, especially now that I don't know CSS or any of the rest. Thank goodness I had some thngs saved from the past. No wonder there are so many not making backgrounds or the usual ones...geesh...too high tech for me. At least I tried and got it as uniform as I could. Trial and error is what that is called. Now I'm tired so I will start rating more tomorrow some time. I am not in a group and will take my time getting to that level.



14:16 Apr 02 2011

You have a good start but you did throw it together in a bit of a rush.

15:23 Apr 02 2011

People rush over before you have time to get it done and give low rates even though you might have only had it up less than 15 minutes. It's hard to bring it back up. I only rushed putting it there but I have been planning it for awhile, around 2 weeks at least. I have been re-coloring the graphics, framing them and hunting for different ones I felt were of a type. I wrote out what I was going to say in Word and picked my font and decided on color. I found the trailer because I wanted to say something about that and I created the music box. Some of the fancier things I have no idea how to do that even if I read instructions. I wanted it to be shorter than some I have created. I do like themes and color schemes though and I don't just plaster any graphic up really. I look at them and make choices in type and color. This is the fourth profile I have made here. Two I gave away so getting difficult to think of anything new. I do it in a style I can work with. I really don't like the sweeping full graphics some put up...too busy and too hard to read. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)

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