It took me quite a while to understand, comprehend and untangle the truth... but now that i have been here for at least 2 years... i can simply say that i do truly love VR. Not only did it give me friends and experiences that i would never forget but also it made me more mature and made me understand the importance of mutual respect. I have gained a lot from this website and every person involved in this is to be thanked for it... not gonna sit and list names but the most important one would have to be cancer. None of this would have happened if cancer had not made VR. All experiences even the bad ones made me grow as a person and made me who i am today.
Sounds kinda cheesy lol... but i do love VR and despite everything.... i thank every positive as well as negative person here. Thank you for impacting my life. I am glad to be here!
Should I consider writing Erotic novels or would it be better if I intend to join the porn industry...? I feel these give a meaning to my addiction and one of them should be my profession.... Ideas? anyone?
I say what the hell go for hun if it bring enjoyment to you.
You won't enjoy either
16:01 Dec 17 2018
Hun! don't stress it.