To my close friends....
If you hear something bout me you are supposed to talk to me bout it not do something that affects me drastically without even discussing with me...
Misunderstandings are resolved when we talk bout it... you know there are loads of drama causing assholes in here and yet if you believe some random person's words over mine and work on it... i really doubt you trust me at all.... and there's no friendship without trust...
the pain of scratching old wounds is something i am used to.... but pouring hot chili sauce over the scratched ones... damn that hurts like hell... wish i could end all the pain...
So...this comment is going to be a bit personal, but the thing is, I don't care, I'm not going to be specific or anything. If you want, you can totally delete this comment after you've read it, but you definitely don't have to or anything. Anyway, I was absent from vr for a long time recently because of some pretty tough real life circumstances. On the tail end of this hiatus things began looking up, and I knew love for the first time in my life. I was consumed completely by it. I loved fully, and passionately. Anyway, to cut a very long story short, he is gone now. I will never see or hear from him again, and I have no idea why. He just disappeared. Even though this occurred about four or five months ago now, this entire scenario weighs me down on a daily basis. It never fails. Even on days that start off as good days, something happens, or is said, or whatever that brings memories to mind that just hurt. So yeah, once again, just commiserating here.
Thanks for all your support Mindie.. also Liliancat and VvBloodlustvV have helped and supported me a lot.... sometimes I do loose hope but it is the support from you guys that makes me feel that my emotions are not worthless.... even if I sometimes end up helping those who least deserve it... it does not make me a bad person... it is a portrayal of how they are.. not me... so i am not gonna change myself and I truly realize that I love the way I am... always giving... always forgiving.... and moving on... emotional yet strong... and all my friends make me so... along with the kind hearted Cat and Sippa and also my lovely sister CountessBloodlust.. thank you guys for being my strength. I love you all.
You are welcome hun. :) I know you would do the same for me if I needed it. I am here if you ever need me.
Just be you and keep smiling
Thank you for the kidness ^^
Always doll :* love you
It takes quite a while at times but I do realize one thing.... If I try to keep everyone around me happy, I will fail. Regardless of how much effort I put into it.
I am emotional, I trust easily, I care about everyone, I get hurt pretty easily, I give people more credit than I should... these are things that are part of me and I cannot remove them no matter how hard I try.... The issue is that when I try to keep everyone happy... I forget about myself and also end up hurting others unintentionally...
I will have to keep stuff like this in check... I will have to stop being so emotional... damn... this will take time and a lot of my strength...
I feel you sweetie. Like you told me the real friends will love you no matter what. We all have moments when we won't please everyone and sometimes that isn't your fault sometimes it might be the other person's problem and they just might need to just get over themselves.
You are who you are. You are a giver you want to make other happy even if these people in the end "step on you". These people dont worth your kidness because they are "thirsty" in only taking everything you have in emotions
You just give my learn how to recieve too because in the end you will give give give and in the end you will 'tire" yourself
But above all dont change the YOU. You are unique and amazing as yourself.
Don't let them get to you. Continue being kind, strong and a good friend.
how to express oneself when your life is insane... more than usual and you cannot even express yourself... you dont have that freedom... how does it feel?
Bound in chains.... locked up... away from the world...
Occasionally when those chains open up... only to be dragged into a torture chamber... forced to do something that disgusts me...
Every now and then dragged to another place... which a worse part of this hell I was brought up into... this being the only place in my memory.. a prison.. an inescapable nightmare... i live through it everyday...
Now only do i feel... why did i get to live... why does someone who jumps from the 14th floor survive and someone else who falls and hits their head on the sink dies?
Sometimes I question my existence... sometimes I ask why does the devil hate me so much that he let me live....