This particular story outlines my first truly intense death premonition several years ago. I've been accused of lying in relating this account in the past. As it is, I cannot change anything that happened this day and I would not exagerrate its contents.
This is a true event that occurred July 28, 2004 to a Special Forces soldier stationed in Afghanistan at the time. His name is Gerald.
I was praying on the morning of July 28 on my way to work for Gerald upon his father's request. He had told me Gerald was struggling with alot of moral and ethical personal issues directly related to the stresses of his job.
Those who serve or served in the military or who are a part of a military family (as I am) understand what those issues are. Those involved in Special Forces especially. The general public really has no grasp or understanding of what it truly takes to keep the peace and the true fight that takes place to ensure our freedoms in this country.
I uttered Gerald's name and the Spirit took me over all at once with an urgency I will never forget. I felt the sensation of heat and the ripping of my joints and my heart, my physical heart literally felt as though it would tear in two. I was overwhelmed with shock, intense pain and could scarcely catch my breath. Tears welled up in my eyes and coursed down my face.
I heard the inner voice of the Spirit command me to call Geralds' father and tell him to begin praying, the family and their church, for him...and pray for him NOW ! I was visably a wreck by the time I arrived at work that morning. Everyone there asked me what was wrong, but how could I even begin to explain?
I picked up the phone and called Geralds' father, whom I knew as a patient and friend in our clinic over the years. On this morning, I didn't even know how to begin to tell him to pray for his son, or he would be dead. I don't know how I could have such a certainty, but I knew it without a doubt.
I spoke to Geralds' father and mother and the urgency in my voice was enough that they did contact other church members to pray for Gerald right then for intercession. As soon as I got off the phone, the pain and shock subsided and the sense of waiting took place. I accomplished what the Spirit commanded me to do, contact this family concerning their son.
Around 10:00 a.m. I felt an ease and sense of peace come over me and I knew without a doubt that Gerald was delivered from whatever catastrophe might have fallen upon him.
I went on lunch and drove to Wal-Mart and walked directly to the card section and selected a card as the Spirit instructed me without looking at it. I then walked to the book section and selected a book with an American soldier on the cover. The content from what I could see was about military chaplains and military Christian presence in Iraq.
I drove back to the office and sat down and opened the card. In summation it read this: "God has delivered your loved one and holds them in His Hands." I wrote of my experience that led to my calling Geralds' father and placed the card in the center of the book (again without looking while I opened the page) and mailed the book, and card, that very day to Geralds' father.
I resigned myself from that moment that even though I could have no earthly idea what was happening around the world, the Infinite Divine does, and I knew and still know, that I would not be a fool in this. I had to step out on my faith and believe--- regardless of my mind screaming at me that I was a lunatic.
Three months later, Geralds' father came in for his regular appointment and brought a picture of Gerald's jeep the day of my premonition. On the morning I called, Gerald and three other soldiers were in a jeep when they drove over a land mine. Gerald was sitting in the passenger seat, under the gun.
The two in the back were killed instantly, the driver was seriously injured and Gerald was literally lifted straight up in the air...above the explosion...and set gently down on his feet beside the passenger door.
Gerald told his father this: "Dad, I don't know how or why, but all I remember is landing on my feet and wings were wrapped around me." There was not a scratch on him.
As for the items I mailed. Upon opening the book and picking up the card, a picture of Gerald with his military chaplain stared back at his father. No one, not I, not the family, not Gerald even...knew of this published photo.
Of all the men in Geralds' troop- out of 12, only 6 remain alive. Of those 6, only Gerald continues the fight on terrorism. He has survived countless miracles on the field and still to this day, has not a scratch on him. I believe with all my heart that he has a destiny to fulfill.
He recently finished his tours of duty, unscathed, and has been recruited by our own CIA, working on the threat of terrorism and national security. He served a total of 30 years in our military and now prepares and trains men and women to face the enemies of our country.
Although I only met Gerald once, I still keep in contact with his father. They are from Montgomery, LA. and I'm proud to be a part of their spiritual family.
Below is the photo Gerald's father brought to me.