I just found out that I'm not the only one pregnate in my family! My sister that is 5 years older than me is a month a long. I'm really happy for her, because she really wanted children with the guy that she plans on marring in a couple of weeks! But what has me down is that when I told my mom that I ws pregnate, I got nothing but yelled at. It felt asthough my whole family (except my sister Jenell) wanted me to get ride of my child! Eventhough they didn't! But for my sister Barbi, everyone's telling her congrads, and we're so happy for you!
I know the reason why it happened that way! Because I'm only 18, not married to the one I'm pregnate by, more and likey not going to be married to the guy I'm pregnate by, not with him completely. I mean we're trying to work things out. When she's with the one she's pregnate by, she's going to marry him, and he makes damn good money! I don't know maybe it the hormons talking but i just feel really down about that part!
I'm really happy for her and my soon to be brother-in-law! i really am, just down about me! And how she's getting everything I want for my child!