Just returned from a trip to New Mexico with my daughter and boyfriend. The trip was eventful, and I am glad that we will not be doing this sort of thing again.
Some things are better left unknown, and unsaid.
Glad to have been in the snow.
The reflection of today is filled with missed opportunities.
Why is it when we get what we want we find we no longer desire it?
Is there ever anything that truly completes us?
I have often wondered if there is ever really a soul-mate. One with whom you can experience things with but never have to say a word.
A person that is so intuned with you that words are not necessary.
I believe I have found such a person. One with whom I can share all my dreams, desires, and passions. One that I never have to worry that I say the wrong thing, that I might offend, or do the wrong thing and lose them forever.
One that my soul connects with. A being that I find comfort within him arms no matter what the offence was.
I am truly blessed