Me and my family every Sunday go over to my husband's boss house, and each time I have stayed out of the pool. Well last night I decided I was going to sit on one of the long floats and well that sort of turned in to my whole butt and back wet. Plus if I moved my hands then my stomach got wet. Just a terrible idea.
So I got in the pool for the first time and I think I will remain out from now on. The water destroyed my hair. It is in knots, it dried out, and my scalp itches. NOPE no more swimming for me.
Date Visits Time Spent
06-28-09 629 5 hours, 5 minutes, 7 seconds.
06-27-09 241 2 hours, 58 minutes, 17 seconds.
06-26-09 459 3 hours, 32 minutes, 21 seconds.
06-25-09 435 4 hours, 11 minutes, 50 seconds.
06-18-09 3 1 second.
06-17-09 108 1 hour, 14 minutes, 56 seconds.
Chapter 1000 Page 90
Original TEXT: To get to the Polls section, under Main Menu, Members, click Polls.
To create a new poll you must be at least level 12 (Specter).
Level 30 Can create public polls.
Vamp Box Error:
Chapter 1100 Page 92
Original Text: To post to Vamp Box you must be at least level 7 (Spook) or a Premium Member. If a word within your post is too long, the word will be replaced with [Edit] to preserve Vampire Rave site formatting. The post will remain unaltered on the Vamp Box history page, and in the Vamp Box chat window.
According to the Status Power under the Status System A Level 24 is a Spook, A Mosquito is a Level 7. Also it states that a Level 18 can post in the Vamp Box.
Chapter 1600 Page 79
Original Text: You must be at least level 2 or a Premium Member to add or edit Database entries.
Level 6 Can submit entries to the Database.
Chapter 1600 Page 82
Original Text: You must be at least level 2 or a Premium Member in order to submit a link.
Level 7 Can submit links to the Open Link Directory.
I have taken sometime to reread the VR Manual. I know that there are something that need to be updates so while I was on I took sometime to list what needs to be updated...
This site is expanding so much that not everything will be up-to-date, so please bare with Cancer to allow him to time to fix the problems:
Problem #1:
I was looking over the VR Manual and I found a mistake. I was careless and deleted cancer messages can you please tell me who I am to report a error to?
Error is on:
Chapter 300 Page 197
Error included:
Additionally, the higher your status the more weight your ratings will carry throughout the site. The power of your ratings is directly proportional to your level. As an example, a level 10 (Fiend) rating is worth 10 times the rating of a level 1 (Whelp).
A level 10 is called a Shadow and Fiend is a level 35.
Problem #2
According to the Status Powers Chapter 800 Page 121 has errors This has to do with Forum Limitations:
Chapter 800 Page 121
The following status level limitations exist to post to the Forum:
Level 1 (Whelp) - no privilege.
Level 2 (Mosquito) - can reply to existing threads but not start new threads.
Level 3+ - can start new threads.
Problem #3
Under the section for the message center:
Chapter 700 Page 77
Original TEXT: At level 1 a member can send 10 messages in a 24 hour period.
At level 2 a member can send 30 messages in a 24 hour period.
At level 3 a member can send unlimited messages.
Again According to the Status Powers under Status System
A Level 4 Can send 30 messages per 24 hour period.
A Level 10 can send Unlimited messaging.
A Level 2 is called a Leech, and a Mosquito is a Level 7.. Also it states on the Status Powers under that Status System that a Level 5 Can reply to (but not start) public Forum threads.
Level 12 Can start new public Forum threads.
These are the issues that I found.
Problem #4
I found another:
Under Forums Sections Chapter 800 Page 122
---------------------Original TEXT------------------
There are four Vampire Rave Forum sections:
General Discussion
Threads about Vampire Rave, The Dark Network, or of a vampire, gothic, occult, or paranormal nature.
My Mascara is Running
Profile, Portfolio, or Journal view requests. Personal advertisements also belong here (non-commercial).
Upcoming gothic and vampire events.
The Sandbox
Anything that does not fit into the 3 main sections.
There are know 5 sections that include: General Discussion, Events, Love ME Please, The Collective, and The Sandbox.
He most likely knows this one.
There are more error is the Forum thread (I believe). RIA is no longer available.
I have recently come back to the rave and I have been trying to rate members of the rave. Well every comment I have left on a profile has been original and also advice. Well I ran across the profile created by *************.. I left a comment that was true in my eyes.
I gave you a ten but the quizes are to much. It would be more wonderful to hear more from you and not what someone else made and they think of you.
So after sometime offline due to a long lost friend dropping by I come back online to find a message in my Message Center:
this ******** *****"s wife you will not be getting to know my husband at all so don't even ask him and don't wright him aether got good. BYE
This message was sent to me by a user named: ************ which never in my time at the Rave have I encountered.
What the bloody hell is going on. You give someone a comment and the wife attacks you. Shees.. Then what is the point of giving anyone creative advice? The message I will send this woman will be kind, but what the hell? Never in my time at the rave has a comment lead to the thought that I want to steal another woman's husband/lover. Bloody hell I never new that advice could lead to drama.. (Seems something on the Rave still have not changed.
Ma'am I have no intention of anything other then Creative advice for your husband. I am in no way, shape, or fashion trying to seduce your husband. If you had taken the time to ask me what the comment was meant as I would have been more then happy to tell you that it was advice not a line.
I am a happily married woman with three children and in no shape or form am I looking to start a cyber relationship with anyone.
I am sorry for the misunderstanding.
I have removed the names!!
Is to Brush My nappy hair.. I washed it last night and this morning I have the king of knots hanging out in my hair... OUCH!!
I gained a level...
Welcome SilentBlackRose
Your Status:
Your Level:
Pages Viewed:
Time Spent:
48.39 days
You have completed
58% of the next level.
But how is this possible if you follow the table:
Pages viewed: 284,000 - 299,999 86
Time spent: 60.51 - 63.29 days 86
But hey I ain't going to argue it.
Well it is time for me to get down to the on thing that drives me insane. Rating whelps... I started rating a few not to long ago and I am suprised.
Back about two years ago.. (mind I was gone for over a year and some change of that.) the whelp profile used to contain one sentence and a few quizzes.. don't get me wrong I am most likely going to run into those again but hey I am prepared I have been here since 2005. I know what to do...(bull) The new rave is an amazing thing so diffrent and so vast... wow... Look over at VR manual.. I will hate to get down to reading that thing again.
Well back to rating whelps and ignoring profile.. btw it is suspended for now..
My profile hates code. even the simplest of fonts. O.well I will fix it sometime soon.
*DID NOT SPELL CHECK* So love me for my dumbness. PLEASE??