Wow. What a bunch of fucking buttsex.
Jesse is staying with us for a couple weeks.. which is cool with me. Him and I get along a little too well :-P
Other than that..... everyone aside from him and my mom decided to hate me today. My father and I aren't speaking to eachother. I had a really bad breakdown that lasted until about an hour ago. It kind of went away for a bit, mom came over and smoked me out so i felt better. Then I went to sleep to get away from everyone, woke up, and got the same shit all over again.
Today I've figured out how much everyone actually gives a damn...... (not much at all.... I sat in the bathroom for two hours before anyone realized I was even home. For all they know, I could've been fucking dead.)
and you wonder why I'm such a bitch...... I'm just fucking looking out for myself for once in my life. Fuck you, and your couch.