Shark0830's Journal

Shark0830's Journal


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2 entries this month


Syriac the merciless - Chapter two

07:39 Jul 20 2009
Times Read: 595

I take a step into my room, same black metal frame bed with the same matching bed side table and dresser, it takes me a minute to fully absorb who or what else is in the room with me. Standing right in front of me is what if most people saw would assume to be an angel of some sort, but I know better. Standing in front of me is a tall blonde figure wearing nothing but a robe around his shoulders, covering his waist but showing his chest and stomach, white feathery wings sticking out from his back.

“Satan?” I ask hesitantly.

“Syriac, I have been meaning to speak to you”

He replies in clear and quite harmonious voice.

“You, the almighty Satan want to speak to me, a mere mortal?” I say shocked that such a being would want to speak to me.

“Now that is exactly what I wish to speak to you about, your mortality, we both know that you have always wanted to be more than mortal” Satan says in the same voice, so pleasant.

“My mortality?” Yet again shocked.

“You seem shocked by this”

“Well yes, I always wanted to be more than what I am, I just didn’t think you would come down and answer my prayers” I reply.

“Ahh, you thought yourself as just like any other gothic teenager, wanting to be something more than what you are now”

“Well... yes”

“I’ll let you know that I have had my eye on you for quite some time Syriac, I’ve wanted you for this position since the day your parents first got married, I needed someone who was introduced to this religion from birth and when your parents got married it was quite the perfect opportunity” He explains with much enthusiasm.

“What... you’ve wanted me all this time... what position do you mean exactly?”

“Oh yes, I have forgotten to explain why I want you haven’t I, I tend to do that, babble on I mean”

“I want you to be my Lieutenant, serve me here on Earth, you would become... not quite a demon like my brethren, you would be... more powerful than the average demon but you would not actually be one, that is the genius of it all, you will have the powers of a demon without the drawbacks, you will be able to stay on Earth for as long as you want but you will also be able to walk among those in hell with me” He explains, rather pleased with himself.

“Whoa!” I say, wide-eyed, I had never even dreamed of something like this happening!

He laughs at my expression, amused at how excited I am.

“So... do you want the job?” He asks, already knowing that I’m so excited about this I could burst!

“Well first of all I want to know what my job would entitle, what would I need to do?” I ask, serious now.

“Well... you would mainly just keep a check on how things are going here, sometimes I would give you a job, like visiting a follower of mine or something like that and if a person discovers some amount of power or something and starts doing miracles and saying its some other Gods doing and that he is the new messiah. But you won’t really have to worry about that at the moment, not for a couple of years first you will have to adjust to this life and all that kind of stuff”.

“So you in?”He asks.

“Hell yeah!” I shout happily.

“Well then, just take my hand and off to paradise we go” He says smiling.

I take his hand and off we go. A vortex erupts around us and sucks us in all sorts of colours surrounding us, blue, red, orange, green, black and in no time we arrive in a grassy field surrounded be green grass and in the distance a forest.

“This is hell?” I say.

“What were you expecting, fire brimstone and all that nonsense?” He asks.

“Well no, my parents always said hell was a paradise and it would be a blessing to go there, but this is... let’s just say it’s not what I expected” I reply.

“Hell isn’t what it is portrayed to be in movies, hell is just another world, a sort of perfect world, there is violence and things like that but it never ends in death, they fight because they want to fight, the only time people are killed here is when a foreign race attacks” He explains seriously.

“A foreign race, I thought you guys were the almighty ones, all high and god like?” I say.

“We are, we are the only race we know of who have reached their full potential, we are what your people would call aliens, we have been around for millennia, never dying because we have reached ultimate power so for millennia we have been looking over your race, trying to help you reach your full potential as well and that is how legends of gods and devils began people thought of us as gods because of our superiority and because we are more advanced.”

He motions for me to walk and we walk across the field to some unknown destination.

“Couldn’t you just fly us to where we are going?” I ask.

“Well yes, but I want some time to explain about our race to you so that you may understand us more” He replies.

“Ahh right, please continue I find this... fascinating” I say.

He smiles and continues what he was saying.

“So in the beginning we went across from different countries and continents and helping out civilizations evolve and become closer to the ultimate goal of reaching ascension but centuries passed and people gave up on us, creating their own religion to enslave people to their service and to the service of their false gods. We were very angry with this but when we tried to stop them we found that we could do nothing to them, they discovered power in themselves and used it to banish us from there world, however they were not powerful enough to banish us but they stopped us from being able to come to Earth with our full power, and we could not do anything about what happened there. People tried to call upon us and call for help but we could do nothing, wars raged and even more religions were created, one of the first was Christianity which was the religion the people most believed in, some of the high priests new the truth but did nothing, they had power and called it a gift from Jesus”. He looks angry towards the end, like he could burst with rage.

“Over the centuries however their spell faded and we were able to influence people again but we chose to only help those who embrace us so that we would not overly influence the world until we were able to do more in the world so if those who embraced us came into danger we could help them”.

“And now you have more capability in the world” I guess.

“Well, no not really, that is why I have decided to get you to become my lieutenant, I am getting sick of the stupid religions and the stupid people who have power but use it to enslave people” He says.

We come across the outskirts of a city, it’s very medieval and it has a sort of gothic sense to it. There are many buildings and all have the same gothic feel to them.

“We are here” Says Satan.

“Whoa!” I reply in awe.

He guides me into the city through the main gates (the city is surrounded by a huge wall and the only entrance I can see is through a huge gate), we walk through the city until we reach a house that’s larger than all the others but not by much.

“Here we are, this is my house” Satan says.

“This is your house, I was expecting a palace or something like that” I muse.

“I prefer to live like the rest of my people, as an equal.”

“Okay then, well what do we have to do?”

“First of all let’s go inside, we can talk about it in a little more detail over a cup of tea or something like that”.

We go inside the house, I notice on the door as we go in that it has some enochian symbols on it. Once inside I immediately decide that this is the way I would want my house, it’s got all stone walls but with all sorts of paintings on the walls and rugs that look hundreds of years old. There are some windows but they look like the windows from churches and places like that although they don’t let much light in. We enter what looks to be the living room and it is massive! There is a chandelier overlooking the table with couches on each side of the table, there is a bookshelf covering one wall and there are heaps of books, I thought my parents had a big book collection but there are hundreds of books on the shelf.

We take a seat on one of the couches and he waves a hand and two mugs of tea appear on the table.

“Okay then, comfortable?” He asks smiling.

“Yes, this place is incredible!”

He laughs at the comment.

“Well, now to get to business, the transformation will be quite painful I must warn you” He says seriously.

“Really, don’t you just need to click your fingers and I get some kick ass powers?”

“No, it is much more complicated than that, I give you the powers but with so much power your body is going to try and use the power to transform into a demon but I am going to try and make sure you don’t transform, it’ll be painful and you will have to fight the transformation but with my help you should pull through” He says enthusiastically.

“So I might not make it?” I ask worried.

“No, there is no possibility of you dying, you might just transform into a demon, nothing to bad” He says happily.

“Well then, let’s get to it” I say excitedly.

“Eager aren’t we” He says laughing.

“Just a bit” I say smiling.

“Well let’s get to it then” He says smiling.

“When I do it you are going to get a feeling in your stomach that will feel good at first but then it will get painful, it will start to spread through your body. I need you to fight this pain it might not make sense now but once you feel it you will understand, you’re going to fight it with magic” He says

“How can I fight something inside of me?” I ask.

“Trust me, you will understand when it happens and I will help you every step of the way” He answers.

With that he puts one hand over my heart and I immediately feel energy surge through me, it feels good but I know this is not the energy I will need to fight.

“Okay now I’m going to give you the energy you will need to fight its demonic energy but you will need it for all the power so fight it once it becomes painful” He says.

I feel the energy he was talking about, he was right it does feel good, it feels... soothing and calm. With a sudden burst I feel the energy inside of me expand and it feels so painful, I can’t help let out a scream.

“It’s okay Syriac, fight it!”

I barely hear his words over the pain and my screaming but I try to do what he says but it’s so painful, I don’t know what to do, I can’t do it!



17:37 Aug 07 2009

WOAH! this whole thing is really really great. I love it and i cant wait to read more


Syriac the merciless - Chapter one

08:50 Jul 13 2009
Times Read: 599

I wake up covered in sweat, ugh another bad dream. I have nightmares on a daily basis, and not just some stupid completely unreal dream, mine are far worse than that, they are... indescribable they are just so horrific that they do not have words to describe them. Just another day in the life of Syriac.

I get out of bed and get ready for school, regular crimson red uniform, well at least it’s better than my old bright green uniform from primary school. Half an hour later I’m walking down to the bus stop, cold wind freezing my hands, my long hair blowing in the wind, my hair isn’t too long, it goes down just past my ears and comes down to my collar at the back of my neck. I get to the bus stop and stand in waiting, hoping that he will not come today, the instrument of my torture, as far as he knows we are good friends but I despise him completely, the grass is wet from the rain last night, it soaks through my shoes as though they were not there. The bus slowly drives up to where it picks us up, it is not a real bus stop in traditional sense, just the side of a road where the bus drives pass everyday and every afternoon, as the bus pulls up hope swells inside of me, might he not be coming to school today, if only I could be so lucky, as I walk up to the bus, bus ticket in hand a shadow behind me appears, it grows bigger and bigger until it is immense in size, could this be the creature of my dreams? I turn my head in fright but alas it is he, the person I hate so much.

“Hey Syriac” he says.

“Hey Aaron” I reply.

“Had to run for the bus, I still haven’t fixed my alarm clock, I thought I was going to miss the bus” Aaron says.

“If only I should be so lucky” I mutter.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing” I reply.

After a ridiculously long bus trip we get to school, meeting up with our other friends.

“You guys wanna go to the shop?” Says Crackers, his real name is John Crackerson but we all call him Crackers.

“Don’t we always?” I reply.

“Good point Syriac” Aaron says.

My name is Syriac but most people call me Syri or some abbreviation and yes I know it is a really weird name but I come from a weird family, my parents are Satanists and not the Christian type devil worshippers, they believe in demons as being the true angels and Christianity being a lie and Satan being the one and only god and that stuff, that’s why I was named Syriac, it means Satan it is also a language but as far as my parents know the language was named after Satan.

We walk down to the shop, it is just across from our school, casual conversation, nothing important once we get there we do the usual, Aaron buys a Redbull or some such energy drink , Crackers buys some lollies or an energy drink and we walk the long way back to school, we walk down the road from the shop and then cut across a park and across a bridge and were back at school, well the school oval but it is a short walk down to the proper school grounds and minutes later the siren goes and we head to class.

My first class is English, I have it with two of my other three of my good friends and plus the girl I like, her name is Rose and trust me if you were around her for just ten minutes you would probably end up having a crush on her too. Problem is two of my other friends have a crush on her as well so it kinda sucks especially since one of them is really close to her and she likes him, but my friends reckon that if I ask her out she’ll say yes but that is not the same, it would make me feel... wrong, like she is just going out with me because she didn’t want to say no.

My teacher slams a rolled up newspaper on my desk and I realise that I was doing all that thinking during class.

“Stop day dreaming and get to work Syriac” My teacher says.

“Sorry sir I got caught up thinking how gay you are” I reply without thinking.

“That’s it Syriac, go to the principal’s office now!”

I leave while hearing laughter in the classroom and can’t help smirking when my teacher yells at them to stop laughing.

I walk down the lonely corridor to the office, I dread speaking to the principal, she really is evil I swear! She’s short, fat and butt ugly!

I walk into the office and wave at the girl at the front desk, I come in here quite often and the girl at the front desk is really hot! She’s only about twenty so I have no idea why she’s here, I’m pretty sure she’s hot on me but she would never do anything about it seeming as I’m a student at the school she works at and stuff.

“Hey Natalie” I say as I walk by.

“Hey Syriac, what is it this time, a fight or just back-chatting the teacher?” She replies.

“Well I called Mr Fletcher gay so I’d say back-chatting”.

She giggles and tells me to go right through to the principal’s office.

I walk straight into the principal’s office, not bothering to knock, as is my custom.

“Hey Mrs Robin.” I say as I enter her office, as I shut the door she replies.

“What did you do this time Syriac?”

“I was just back-chatting this time” I reply.

“Who was it?”

“What do you mean Mrs Robin?”

“Who did you get in a fight with this time?”

“I was just back-chatting”.

“Whatever, you know the drill, don’t do it again and you’ve got detention at recess”.

I walk out the office thinking that was rather easy. I say goodbye to Natalie before I go and head back to class, that was the quickest time I’ve been to the Principal’s office ever and I mean it, usually I get a thirty minute lecture about why I did it and that I shouldn’t do it again.

The next couple of classes go really fast and now recess, I head to detention, walking down the corridor again this time it is filled with people and I have to fight my way through, hmm fighting my way to detention that is definitely weird, something is odd today.

I was almost out of the corridor when someone punches me in the stomach, I lean over and cough a bit and look up to see what idiot hit me. I see the guy right in front of me. He’s about a head taller than me, but I can probably take him, I mean when your parents are Satanists and witch and warlock type things they teach you stuff so I don’t only have brute strength and speed on my side, I’ve got magic. I take a swing at him but he dodges it with incredible speed and punches me back in the face, I growl at him and punch at him with all my strength and speed, he dodges it again with the same incredible speed but this time he kicks me in the stomach and sends me flying.

I fly back about three metres and knock back lots of people as I fall, when I hit the ground I start choking and look back up, this is the first time I’ve ever been smashed so much. I stand back up and this time I’m aiming to really hurt this prick, I summon some of my magical energy and send an energy ball flying right at his face. As the ball of energy is about to hit him he disappears! Right into thin air and everyone around me is staring at me.

“Where the hell did he go?” I yell.

The person nearest to me answers.

“Where did who go?”

“The guy I was just fighting!”

“You weren’t fighting anyone, you were just being really weird” He says.

“There was a guy just there!” I yell.

“No there wasn’t, it was just you and all these people in the corridor”.

“Okay something is really weird today” I murmur.

As I walk back down the corridor everyone gives me a wide berth and a puzzled look on their face. When I get out of the corridor a teacher is waiting for me, he signals me to come over to him.

“Want to tell me what that was all about” he says.

“I’m sorry sir, I thought there was someone there” I reply.

“Well you better go to the principal’s office” he says as he walks away.

I skip the principal’s office, don’t wanna go there again, might get even weirder so I go straight to detention.

I’ve got to tell my parents about what happened, they’ll probably know something about this kinda stuff. The rest of the day breezes by, getting teased a bit by Aaron and one of his other friends although they are very afraid of me, every time they do a really good burn they run away as fast as they can so that I won’t get them.

Soon enough I’m walking back home from the bus stop, I have to wait one more hour till my parents get home from work so I usually just work on the sword me and my Dad are working on together, My Dad and I love swords, so one day we decided to start making them, he took some internet courses and then taught me. I’ve gotten pretty far on mine, I’ve finished the hilt, it’s made of wood and bits of metal, and now I’m working on the hard part, the blade. The blade we are making entirely of metal, making it sharp and everything, but my Dad and I wanted to make special swords so it has to be a real sword. Mine is awesome, the handle is pretty long and slightly curved, the blade is only a couple inches bigger than the hilt and that’s the way I wanted it. Dad’s sword is more medieval with a small handle and big hilt, the blade is huge, about three feet long.

Suddenly my parents arrive home, that was quick I think to myself, must of lost myself in the sword. My Dad walks in first in one of his business suits, Mum walks in after him wearing a tight black skirt and black and white long sleeved shirt.

“Hey Syriac” Dad says when he sees me.

“Hey Dad, hey Mum” I reply.

“Okay what’s up, you have that look on your face” Mum says when she sees me.

“What do you mean ‘that look’?” I ask.

“Whenever something is bothering you, you have that look on your face” She replies.

“Well something happened at school” I reply.

“Okay, did you hit someone?” Dad asks.

“No Dad, well sort of” I reply.

“What do you mean sort of?” Mum says.

“Well I was walking down the corridor at school when someone hit me. I fought him but he was incredibly strong and fast, he kicked me back three metres into the air! I got annoyed at him and sent an energy ball flying at him but before it hit him he disappeared!”

“Well I’m going to get back to you on the energy ball cause that would of been awesome! But did anyone else see him?” Dad asks.

“No, nobody but I swear he was there, he gave me a bruise on my stomach” I reply.

“Okay then, I trust you, I just had to be sure. You never know what it might of been” He says.

“Was he overly tall?” Mum asks.

“Well, yes, he was about a head taller than me! And I’m tall myself.”

“Well then, that narrows it down, I’ll check some of the books to see if I come up with anything.”

“Thanks Mum, Dad” I say.

I wake up the next morning, same routine, covered in sweat. I get ready for school same as always, as I come back to my room to put my shoes on I hear something, sounds like someone panting or heavy breathing. I hesitantly open the door opening my life into a whole different existence.



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