My mom battled cancer for a whole year, things progressed quickly. She was diagnosed in January of this year, started chemo the next month in February, stopped her chemo three months ago and dead on Sunday December 05, 2014.
What's stupid is that I know she would of been better off not going for the chemo, it didn't work and caused more damage than good. It might work for some but others it's a death sentence. If I ever get cancer I will find other ways to fight, and I will not believe the stupid Doctors if they tell me the only way to fight cancer is with chemo, because that's a full blown lie. Also do you know that the Doctors get more money from the treatments than they get from finding other ways to help their patients? Because the fact is natural remedies cost less than New Age Remedies. Hey plus your insurance companies won't get paid if you don't use them same with Doctors. I myself have Medi-cal and good luck on getting medical help with pain or most anything when you can't pay out of pocket for good Doctors and insurance. I'm lucky to be connected to people who work with the county and the Government. That's because my mom set everything up when I was younger to make my life easier.
Sometimes I think that our Government is so corrupted that they don't care for their county anymore instead our taxes go to fighting war, and to building weapons. Even our streets are falling apart, and people are dieing from simple illness that should be easy to kill or treat. It's sad and inhuman. I hate being aware of it.
Hey do you know what happens to a vamp when she breaks her sunglasses?