The other night I dreamt that a demon was after my soul. He befriended me and he gave me a gift. The gift was a stand that I could sit on. In my dream the gift stand was in my bedroom. I went in there to sit on the stand and when I got up off the stand and looked back my soul was still there perched on he stand but my soul had horns. It was truly interesting. Not to sure what that means but it felt very real. It's like he tricked me wIth the stand in order to get in the house and take my soul. I've dreamt and demOns a lot as a child and they always want something from me. Oh well , I'll write more later.
Would love to meet new people. My interests are herbs , holistice medicine, gardening, natural healing, the unusually, and anything gothic. Truly love LOTR. It's my all time favorites. Steam punk is cool. I have such a wide range of likes I just can't write them all. Looking forward to all my new friends and their interests. Peace
New Year, new journal. I'm very excited to start my new journey in this society. Looking forward to meeting new friends and making wonderful moments.